No go areas in the UK

Author: keithprosser


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Stephen wrote:
There are what people are calling no go zones here in the UK, but mention this to an apologist for islam and they will call you an outright liar.
  Apparently he is not alone in that view.

Almost a third of British people now believe the myth that there are “no-go zones” where non-Muslims cannot enter, according to a report warning of mounting intolerance.
(The Independent newspaper, oct 2018)

But no one seems to know where these no-go areas are, depite 'great swaths of the UK that have been taken over by Muslims' (stephen's words).

I have to correct Stephen on one point - I am not an apologist for islam. Yassine is, I am not.  The last thing I want is an Islamic Republic of Britain.

What I am is 'anti-xenophobic'.  Stephen calls  me an apologist because I have tried to counter some of the more egregious fibs told about Islam and Muslims because - due to the unstinting efforts of Stephen and his like minded friends - anti-Muslim feeling is ratcheting up.  I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state, but I do fear it becoming an un-liberal and intolerant one.

The prospect of an Islamic Britain is a bogey man - it isn't on the most distant horizon.  But a Britain that has abandoned its traditions of tolerance to appease baseless fears peddled by xenophobes in the near future is very much on the cards.     

Stephen's avatar
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 I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state, but I do fear it becoming an un-liberal and intolerant one.

Coming to a town near you.

Cafe in Bradford receives hate mail for calling itself Greedy Pigs

 I have told you many times now prosser , once muslims become a large community, it is then they start demanding that YOU change YOUR ways. I noticed this letter is signed of "the community"  and not the Islamic Community, I wonder why that is?
But no one seems to know where these no-go areas are,

 And if you had read what I wrote properly, you would have seen that I wrote:  >>>>>maybe they should be called - Zones or areas where white non muslims prefer not to go for a day out with their daughters.<<<<<  So fk you again prosser.

How Sharia Law is Coming to a  Neighborhood Near You

"They are not just physical localities in the suburbs of major…cities. They’re also a mindset.” The consequences for blasphemy in Islam are severe, as the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre tragically learned. But the use of Islamophobia as a cudgel to beat the rest of society into compliance takes on less fatal yet still disturbing guises".

An image full of claims about Muslims in the UK has gone viral on social media. A lot of them are incorrect, and we’ve looked at the facts.

keithprosser's avatar
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Cafe in Bradford receives hate mail for calling itself Greedy Pigs
Does this letter seem to you to have been written by a Muslim?

disgusted's avatar
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So you have no idea where these misnamed no go zones are but white supremacists claim they exist so you believe them. A big wow.
Muslims comprise a pathetic 5% of the English population, you should fear the Badger more.
To prevent your hissy fit and to save the rest of us from your crying here

The vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom live in England: 2,660,116 (5.02% of the population).

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That said, Musims are not evenly distributed - for example Savile Town is over 90% Muslim.  Clearly 'ghettoisation' is a major obstacle to  peaceful integration, and a very dificult problem to solve,  In a totalitarian state people can be forcibly relocated, but Britain is not a totaliitarian state!

I certainly don't have any magic solution.   But I do know the attitude of 'certain people' only makes a bad situation worse.

Stephen's avatar
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I will tell you what this letter seems to me prosser. It seems to me that this 'letter' has been dictated by some illiterate Bangladeshi or Pakistani who cannot speak a word of English but is no doubt a prominent member of the muslim community and it has been translated verbatim into English. What's your point? 

I wonder what this 'community' means by - customers will be discouraged from buying and consuming even the fish & chips" ?  I wonder how they will be  "discouraged" considering that this lady has been trading for 16 months without any problems? 

 The late great atheist himself- Christopher Hitchens -  had this to say many years ago now;

" I beseech you. Resist it while you still can and before the right to complain is taken away from you, which will be the next thing. You will be told you can't complain, because you are " islamophobic". The term is already being introduced in the culture as if it were an example of race hatred or bigotry. Watch out for these symptoms,they are symptoms of surrender" He goes on to say words to the effect that the ones who will open the gates for these "barbarians" will be your own.

 And here we have you, apologizing for Islam at every fkn chance you get. 

The last thing I want is an Islamic Republic of Britain.

I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state, but I do fear it becoming an un-liberal and intolerant one.
You mean like the Islamic State of Iran?

Make your fkn mind up you apologetic clown. You do realise that Islam doesn't do democracy and liberalism is right out of the window.

Oh and listen to these lovely, well integrated and peaceful "moderate muslims" chasing police out of 'their area".

 Your an absolute joke prosser. I hope you never wake up until this nightmare is  literally  on your own doorstep and it is all far too late for you to do something about it. 

Author warns against 'No Go' Zones

keithprosser's avatar
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I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state, but I do fear it becoming an un-liberal and intolerant one.
You mean like the Islamic State of Iran?
Make your fkn mind up you apologetic clown. You do realise that Islam doesn't do democracy and liberalism is right out of the window.
Of course I realise it!  I say why I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state in the next sentence - I don't see it happening in the foreseeable future.  Be assured that if I did think Islam was becoming over-influential I would do whatever I could to roll it back.   However I think the prospect of major social strife is far greater and more immediate.   Populist politicians and demgagogues thrive on creating scapegoats,and the Muslims are being set up for it.   That is why I do fear Britain becoming un-liberal and intolerant.

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I spoke with a recent immigrant to the United States while out running errands, somehow pulled off an American style camouflage top with a red and white striped skirt and a textured olive head covering.  It looked great, impressive.
Stephen's avatar
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I don't see it happening in the foreseeable future. 

And therein lies the sad and sorry problem with all appeasing apologist for Islam like yourself. They refuse to see it and don't care as long as it is not affecting them directly and only care about themselves.  

Be assured that if I did think Islam was becoming over-influential I would do whatever I could to roll it back. 

No you wouldn't, What are you doing to roll back  the takeover of Savile Town now known colloquially as the Islamic State of Dewsbury. Oh I forgot, this isn't happening to you in your neck of the woods is it.

However I think the prospect of major social strife is far greater and more immediate.  

Typical liberal left wing approach to a problem where it is believed can be solved by throwing money at it, is what I believe you are getting at here. You mentioned the 70's earlier. Do you remember the Handsworth riots? Do you remember the excuses that were being given , it was the usual bollocks about poverty and lack of education and there being nowhere for the yooooof to go after school and at night. government threw millions at this problem and fkall changed. Government are giving billions to islam causes here in the UK , what are the results,more fk rights and demands from islam are the results.


So you suggesting that it is the fault government's that large communities of muslims prefer to live amongst their own kind; other non English speaking muslims and prefer to vote in their own muslim representatives.
At least two 'homegrown'  MUSLIM terrorists came from the town you mentioned Savile Town yes these lovely pleasant "normal Yorkshire lads”  Talha Asmal  and his muslim friend Hassan Munshi were being openly mourned in Dewsbury after blowing themselves up in suicide attacks. Do you believe that it was the last remaining 10% white English that were mourning these animals doing their Islamic duty? 

Populist politicians and demagogues thrive on creating scapegoats,and the Muslims are being set up for it.  

Oh ffs stop it! that is a perfect example of you apologising for fkn islam AGAIN.  it was all governments since Blair that invited these people to come here to out breed the indigenous population by billions to 1, and now we, the working and middle class are reaping what these elite bastards and apologists have sown.

That is why I do fear Britain becoming un-liberal and intolerant.

Which is exactly what you are going to get.

Europe’s Growing Muslim Population
Muslims are projected to increase as a share of Europe’s population – even with no future migration

I can see you abandoning this thread that you have started before long. Along with these two threads your started and deserted.

So much for "bridge building " and "fitting in" eh prosser.

keithprosser's avatar
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And therein lies the sad and sorry problem with all appeasing apologist for Islam like yourself
There you go again! I have never 'apologised' for Islam nor advocated appeasement.  I get the impression that unless I am forthing at the mouth with righteous indignation and patriotic fervour  I accept - or even desire - an Islamic take over!

The line between toleration and appeasement is a difficult one to navigate.   I want peace, but not peace at any price.  I worry that you want a war now, while 'we' are strong and 'the enemy' weak.

Whatever problems there are in Savile Town or Bradford, Britain is not Kosovo or Rwanda  - yet.  i hope it stays that way.

Stephen's avatar
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And therein lies the sad and sorry problem with all appeasing apologist for Islam like yourself
There you go again!

OH behave yourself. Telling us all this situation is government's fault and muslims being "scapegoats" is apologising for Islam. Whether you see it that way or not. Did the government train the Manchester bomber? Did they fund the London bus bombings. Did government force the population of Dewsbury to become 90% islamic!!!!? NO!! THEY FKN ALLOWED IT!!!!  YOU APOLOGETIC  BUFFOON!!!

The line between toleration and appeasement is a difficult one to navigate. 

No it isn't. We have laws that should be abided by ALL who choose to live here. But we have muslims demanding a different way of life that conflict with western society. I have said it before, they love our milk and honey but as soon as they gain a foothold in large numbers they begin to demand another way of living. Or have you forgotten this already ? 

Cafe in Bradford receives hate mail for calling itself Greedy Pigs

What about the Birmingham school where a Headmistress and her staff are being threatened with death and rape  if they don't stop teaching homsexual subjects? 

Of course you have forgotten them, you don't want to see and and neither do you believe it.You are an apologetic coward. 

  I want peace, but not peace at any price.

NIce to hear that. But I don't believe you. You will sign away all rights and privileges hard fought for and hard earned by previous indigenous generations as long as Islam doesn't come anywhere near where you live and it doesn't affect you. I believe you are a coward who would sell your granny to the zoo if it meant that you didn't have to live in an Islamifide area of YOUR OWN country. You have practically admitted above that you wouldn't mind Britain becoming Islamic. I can only assume that you mean you don't mind it becoming  one of the "types of islam" that you mention on this now abandoned thread of yours.  A "type" that you didn't stick around to explain, and a "type" that doesn't really  exist.  You are  joke prosser.

  I worry that you want a war now, while 'we' are strong and 'the enemy' weak.

 Oh stop . I don't want any war . That will be Islam that calls for war against the non believer, you absolute fool. I haven't asked anyone to fly a plane into a building.

Whatever problems there are in Savile Town or Bradford,

 Which starts with you already trying to play down the fact that the 90% take over by muslims doesn't contribute nothing in any way to   "Whatever problems there are in Savile Town or Bradford". 

Britain is not Kosovo or Rwanda  - yet.  i hope it stays that way.

As you so rightly have driven into me on a few occasions now " islam is here and it isn't going anywhere". What you didn't mention was that this same Islam destroys societies wherever it sets its foot and gains hold, that it poisons the minds of children, it threatens the freedom of expression and free speech and other freedoms too. That it is the religion that exhibits intolerance to ALL and any who are not muslim. That is stupefies and stultifies the young in its madrassas, trains its adherents in violence, continually calls for jihad making it a cult of death and suicide and murder and does this world wide. *And causes the indigenous population to cower and submit and bend the knee.....

.....forgive me if I have left anything out, *but that is YOU prosser.

i hope it stays that way.

 Hope? That too will be taken away from you sooner rather than later, and with your assistance and willingness to submit to this abhorrent ideology. You are a joke prosser, you really are.
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Hope? That too will be taken away from you sooner rather than later, and with your assistance and willingness to submit to this abhorrent ideology. You are a joke prosser, you really are.
You are a one!  I don't know how many times you have to be told that I am not going to submit to islam nor do I - nor will I - give it assistance.  I am a commited secularist and the prospect of an Islamicised Britain is abhorrent to me.

However IMO there is no realistic scenario that produces an Islamicised UK for generations.  But the prospect of severe inter-community strife is real and immediate. 

I am, however not in a position to influence events IRL.  All I can do is try to ameliorate the effect of your inflamatory postings on DA, negligible though that effect is, given that the same stuff is everywhere these days.

disgusted's avatar
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What are you doing to roll back  the takeover of Savile Town
Stephen's avatar
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You are a one!  I don't know how many times you have to be told that I am not going to submit to islam nor do I - nor will I - give it assistance.

But you have said yourself : "I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state, but I do fear it becoming an un-liberal and intolerant one". So tell me do you actually believe that an liberal and tolerant islam exists?  is islam being "liberal & tolerant at Parkside school and other schools.

  I am a committed secularist and the prospect of an Islamicised Britain is abhorrent to me.

Stop telling lies. You know the so called religion of Islam is not separate from state.  You come out all guns blazing and firing from the hip whenever islam is questioned , scrutinized and criticized.Yet you call it "backward", because it is!

However IMO there is no realistic scenario that produces an Islamicised UK for generations. 

So you will simply ignore and reject the findings of the well respected Pew Research Group  Europe’s Growing Muslim Population
Muslims are projected to increase as a share of Europe’s population – even with no future migration ?  But no one should be supprised by your attitude, should they. You may well be dead and buried when shariah comes to your town. So you don't care do you, it won't affect you will it. 

 All I can do is try to ameliorate the effect of your inflamatory postings on DA,

"ameliorate" Now there's a word. You mean play down anything I say as not being as bad as it really is. You - are -  a - joke.
 inflammatory postings

Telling it like it is,  is what you mean. Have I caused muslim parents to go onto the street to threaten and intimidate parents teachers at a schools in Birmingham that now these teachers and schools have exclusion zones and need round the clock police protection ? Don't make me laugh!

 Have I threatened a woman with intimidation of herself and her  customers she refuses refuses to change the name of her business? Don't make me laugh!

 Have I made videos of muslims making threats specifically to people not to "come into our area" or they will be killed. 

"for years this has been our area, it is a no go area for black people white people, we are Paki and you are not coming into Birchills [ Wolverhampton] man. You come here and your dead" . Don't make me laugh!

Yes prosser, I can just see you walking the streets of Birchills with your daughters and grandchildren at night!

 Have I complained and caused the sacking of a disabled old man from his only job at Asda and FORCED!!! ( that's bend the fkn knee) him to apologise for simply re -tweeted a joke by Billy Connolly  about- Islam AND christianity   IN DEWSBURY!!! ?  Don't make me laugh!

Oh, and let clear this up, you say above:

Populist politicians and demgagogues thrive on creating scapegoats,and the Muslims are being set up for it.

so let us have a few examples of government/politicians setting up muslims as scapegoats?  And can you name any of these muslims that have been set up as scapegoats/?

disgusted's avatar
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Running away as usual.

What are you doing to roll back  the takeover of Savile Town
keithprosser's avatar
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But you have said yourself : "I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state, but I do fear it becoming an un-liberal and intolerant one". So tell me do you actually believe that an liberal and tolerant islam exists? 
Of course not.  What I fear - I thought this was clear but you might have the wrong end of the stick -  is that British society will become illiberal and intolerant as an over-reaction to a threat that is more preceived than real.

Now you will be dieing to charge me with complacency!   I am not complacent about the threat posed by radicl Islam but it's not my priority at this time nor in this place - that seems to be your job!

Stephen's avatar
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But you have said yourself : "I don't fear Britain becoming an Islamic state, but I do fear it becoming an un-liberal and intolerant one". So tell me do you actually believe that an liberal and tolerant islam exists? 
Of course not.  What I fear - I thought this was clear but you might have the wrong end of the stick -  is that British society will become illiberal and intolerant as an over-reaction to a threat that is more preceived than real.

That's right, there is not a "type of islam" that is liberal and tolerant, is there?  Yet you insist even in the face of your own example of Dewsbury which as suffered a 90% muslim takeover and along with it demands that the remaining  10% change their ways, and in the face of the respected Pew Research Groups findings, you say, that there is no reason to fear an islamic takeover.  Now who's being " a one". Your that much of "one" that you will soon be a two.

Now you will be dieing to charge me with complacency!   I am not complacent about the threat posed by radicl Islam

These are not radicals in this video..... are they? These are what you usually call "moderate muslims".

here watch it listen for yourself what they have to say. Listen to the person doing the voiceover, it is 10 minutes long.

"for years this has been our area, it is a no go area for black people white people, we are Paki and you are not coming into Birchills  man. You come here and you're dead"

This is just one of many videos were MUSLIMS are claiming areas of the UK as "their own".  I wouldn't call you complacent, because you do know what is going on here but won't/can't admit it to yourself because you have spent to long defending this barbaric death cult that is cloaked in religion, that you cannot change your mind at this late stage...  I would call you a man in total denial and of being purposefully ignorant of the facts.

but it's not my priority at this time nor in this place - that seems to be your job!

So you won't be having a day out with the family in Birchills , then. Why ever not?

you will be dieing to charge me with complacency! 

"A fervent minority will displace a complacent majority". I forget who said those words but whoever it was knew exactly what they were talking about. 

Populist politicians and demgagogues thrive on creating scapegoats,and the Muslims are being set up for it.

so let us have a few examples of government/politicians setting up muslims as scapegoats?  And can you name any of these muslims that have been set up as scapegoats/?

keithprosser's avatar
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"for years this has been our area, it is a no go area for black people white people, we are Paki and you are not coming into Birchills  man. You come here and you're dead"
That sounds racial, not religious.  Normally you are careful to distinguish them!

so let us have a few examples of government/politicians setting up muslims as scapegoats?  And can you name any of these muslims that have been set up as scapegoats/?
That isn't how it works and you know it.  There isn't a gallery to play to Steve here - there's only me, you and maybe 2-3 other people half following this thread.   You are part of a network sharing stories, videos and links that are useful for demonising Islam and Muslims.  Elements of mainstream media - such as the Mail and Express - are also on the anti-immigrant/anti-Islam bandwagon.   

The constant diet of anti-Muslim propaganda has had an profound effect.  A lot of people seem to have assumed that 'pig' letter was writtenby a Muslim, rather than, say, a passionate vegan!   The same for the attack on two girls on a London bus a couple ofdays ago - many people assumed it was 'Muslims', not yobs high on alcohol and hormones!   I am not saying it wasn't Muslims - I am saying the widely held assumption that it was muslims shows that the scapegoating of Muslims has already occurred. 

Snoopy's avatar
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Populist politicians and demgagogues thrive on creating scapegoats,and the Muslims are being set up for it.
You referred to politicians.

That isn't how it works and you know it.  There isn't a gallery to play to Steve here - there's only me, you and maybe 2-3 other people half following this thread.   You are part of a network sharing stories, videos and links that are useful for demonising Islam and Muslims.  Elements of mainstream media - such as the Mail and Express - are also on the anti-immigrant/anti-Islam bandwagon.   

The constant diet of anti-Muslim propaganda has had an profound effect.  A lot of people seem to have assumed that 'pig' letter was writtenby a Muslim, rather than, say, a passionate vegan!   The same for the attack on two girls on a London bus a couple ofdays ago - many people assumed it was 'Muslims', not yobs high on alcohol and hormones!   I am not saying it wasn't Muslims - I am saying the widely held assumption that it was muslims shows that the scapegoating of Muslims has already occurred. 

This looks like a societal matter.  
keithprosser's avatar
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You referred to politicians.
Fair point.  If I was able to revise it, I'd change it to

"Populist politicians and demgagogues thrive on exploiting scapegoats, and the Muslims are being set up for it."

This looks like a societal matter.  
As opposed to a religious one?   I think I agree, in that this is not a spat between rival theologians - it's about  group identity and hegemony; 

Stephen's avatar
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"for years this has been our area, it is a no go area for black people white people, we are Paki and you are not coming into Birchills  man. You come here and you're dead"
That sounds racial, not religious.  Normally you are careful to distinguish them!

You didn't listen to the vid did you. It is about   "everything that has gone wrong with Islam" and the " paki" goes on to say ,
"they" (black and white people) don't respect our religion"  so they hadn't better come into our area "

But you don't want to hear that at all do you. Why don't you want listen to what muslims themselves are saying. Like I have said I wouldn't call you complacent, because you do know what is going on here but won't/can't admit it to yourself because you have invested a far too much time defending this barbaric death cult that is cloaked in religion, that you cannot change your mind at this late stage...  I would call you a man in total denial and of being purposefully ignorant of the facts, among a few other things.

so let us have a few examples of government/politicians setting up muslims as scapegoats?  And can you name any of these muslims that have been set up as scapegoats/?

That isn't how it works and you know it.
 So that is   no examples then, beside the fact that muslims hold some of the highest offices in the FKN country.

The constant diet of anti-Muslim propaganda has had an profound effect.

many of those videos concerning places you wouldn't take your daughter are made and posted by MUSLIMS you absolute clown!!! I didn't make them. I don't use threatening words and behaviour towards black and whites. No, that was muslims. 

You are part of a network sharing stories, videos and links that are useful for demonising Islam and Muslims

Posting the mean. Are you saying I should shut up and go away?  I posted those links and videos as evidence of my claim, YOU added to that by letting the world (or at least 3 or 4 other people)  that I was correct as you posted the muslim takeover of Savile Town  AND   You don't fkn like it BECAUSE IT IS ALL fkn TRUE. 
keithprosser's avatar
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I was correct as you posted the muslim takeover of Savile Town.
'Takeover' is a loaded term, don't you think?  Savile Town is clearly a hot-spot in a demographic map, but it's not very big.  I have no idea of the numbers but there must be hundreds of similar sized hot spots that are 90%+ 'white british'!   Far from taking over' a town, it is more like they are being forced by circumstances into run down and dead-end ghettos. 

Demonising or telling the truth?  

It's possible to do a lot of damage 'telling the truth' by being selective and using loaded language.  If I listed only your bad points I'd be telling the truth, but it wouldn't be a fair picture of you.  You can't claim your aim is to present in a fair or rounded picture of Islam and Muslims when you post. 

You're unlikely to link to this video!

Why not tell me what it is you want to happen?

TheRealNihilist's avatar
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Why not tell me what it is you want to happen?
From what I am gathering is that he doesn't like Muslims therefore they should leave. 

He is afraid of demographic changes and thinks of it like a takeover since his picture of a British citizen is going to be a lot different if this carries on. Probably he is white and since he has biases that he doesn't like brown people due to some reasonable criticism not specifically about brown people and some exaggeration of what is going on. It is not a takeover more so what happens. Declining birth rates of whites leads to less whites. Increasing birth rates results in more browns lead to more brown people. Done. Takeover implies it is done without the consent of people even though I haven't heard of how mosques are created without the government knowing or when other Religious institutions are built they are done without the approval of the government laws. 

My take-away from the reactionary Stephen. 
keithprosser's avatar
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From what I am gathering is that he doesn't like Muslims...
I'm glad it's not just me that gets that impression! 

Mopac's avatar
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If I was a Muslim who did not want to be a Muslim but I knew I couldn't tell anybody I know that I do not want to be a Muslim....

...I would go to The United States or something!

disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
Running away as usual.

What are you doing to roll back  the takeover of Savile Town

disgusted's avatar
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From what I am gathering is that he doesn't like Muslims therefore they should leave. 
Nail head meet hammer.

Stephen's avatar
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I was correct as you posted the muslim takeover of Savile Town.
'Takeover' is a loaded term, don't you think? 

No I don't. If there are 90% muslims in a town of a christian country then it is no exaggeration to say that the town had been overtaken by Islam and muslims. Or would you prefer me to use the term ' ethnically cleansed ' of non muslims and replaced by muslims.

Savile Town is clearly a hot-spot in a demographic map, but it's not very big. 

It is not the only "hot spot" and its size has no bearing on the matter. It has been overtaken by muslims. Muslims have replaced the indigenous non muslims.

I have no idea of the numbers but there must be hundreds of similar sized hot spots that are 90%+ 'white british'!  

I hope so. This is country did start off a white british country after all. And don't you fkn dare call me a white supremist

 it is more like they are being forced by circumstances into run down and dead-end ghettos. 

forced by whom? How are they being forced. Did anyone force the muslim Home secretaries father to buy property in a dead -end ghetto in Bristol

Demonising or telling the truth?   

You can't claim your aim is to present in a fair or rounded picture of Islam and Muslims when you post.  

Aside from the fact that YOU started this thread, let me tell you; you have every chance to present islam in a good light. I have asked you many times to do this, but you haven't. You side step all of my points simply because you cannot argue against them.

You're unlikely to link to this video!

 I don't see your point. It is two cricketers playing an electronic game and having fun. What  are you trying to prove. If this thread was about the brilliant England Cricket Teams performance against India the other day I may well have posted that link. But it isn't is you buffoon. 
And I have to remind you that YOU started this thread as a direct attack on me as a result of what I have said on another thread. And now you don't seem to be able to cope. 

There is absolutely nothing in this thread that you have posted that shows Islam in a good light. You have countered nothing I have said, in fact you have supported exactly what I have said. 

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
From what I am gathering is that he doesn't like Muslims

Islam. I don't like Islam.
disgusted's avatar
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disgusted's avatar
Running away as usual.

What are you doing to roll back  the takeover of Savile Town
Can you recognise an Islam in a class photo?