i had assumed that trump was a big proponent of E verify. but then i realized, that if he was, it was undermine the reason why we need a wall and to deport illegals. so i googled it, and see that trump is hesitant to enforce e verifty, basically because it works too well!
think about it. if e verifty stop illegals from stealing jobs, and illegals only commit as much crime as a native born american, why is the wall such a big deal? don't get me wrong, i would support a wall, but it's over blown and he's exploiting the issue without being effective or consistent on dealing with it.
to be sure, trump is right that farmers would be hit too hard if e verifty was required. but we can make an exception for agriculture. but otherwise, we should strictly enforce e verify. we can dedicate a reasonable amount to deporting illegals, but we don't need to go crazy, cause unless they start committing crimes because they can't find jobs, it's not the end of the world to live around illegals. i would propose gradually phasing in strict e verify, to give immigrants a chance to leave voluntarily.