I am going to compare the polls before the 2016 to what it was after the 2016 election. If you didn't know already if you clicked on "
Electoral Map Based on Polls" from the first link or this link here you would get the polling before the election. When you click here "
State Winners Map" or from the link at the top you see who won.
WA poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
OR poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
CA poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
ID poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
NV poll had it brown. Election finished it was blue.
ID poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
UT poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
AZ poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
MT poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
WY poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
CO poll had it brown. Election finished it was blue.
NM poll had it light blue. Election finished it was blue.
ND poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
SD poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
NE poll had it red and pink. Election finished it was red.
KS poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
OK poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
TX poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
MN poll had it light blue. Election finished it was blue.
IA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
MO poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
AR poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
LA poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
WI poll had it light blue. Election finished it was red.
IL poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
MS poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
OH poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
KY poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
TN poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
AL poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
FL poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
GA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
SC poll had it pink. Election finished it was red.
NC poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
VA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
PA poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
NY poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
VT poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
NH poll had it brown. Election finished it was blue.
ME poll had it brown and blue. Election finished it was blue and red.
AK poll had it brown. Election finished it was red.
HI poll had it blue. Election finished it was blue.
WV poll had it red. Election finished it was red.
After the Election
13/44 were blue
30/44 were red
1/44 were red and blue
Before the Election polls
6/44 were blue
5/44 were light blue
12/44 were brown
5/44 were pink
1/44 were red and pink
1/44 were blue and brown
14/44 were red
So basically the only place where you might have a case was in WI were the polls states it leaned democrat but went to the Republicans. Nowhere else do you have a case for the polls being wrong.
Brown is a tossup. Meaning it can go either way. I think that is more commonly associated as a swing state but in this context it would be called a swing vote.
Two colors I think meant half were one color and the rest were another color.
As I have clearly shown the polls are correct. They were wrong about 1 state if we say leaning democrat means they will vote for democrat but every single other state they said it was a swing state or were completely right if we go by the assumption that leaning republican or leaning democrat means they will vote for them.