The Senate is taking action by directly calling out anti-Semitism, following the House’s inability to do so in March.
Senate passes Anti-semitism bill
Your link doesn't state what is in the bill so for all I know it can be a reverse antisemitism bill.
Do you have a link to the bill itself?
No,look it up
No evidence andy. That is what I thought and that is what you are. Not shocking.No,look it up
Im just saying they passed it, if you want the hill look it up
Surely you think knowing what is in the bill is important to the discussion at hand right?Im just saying they passed it, if you want the hill look it up
If so why did you miss out relevant information?
I do know the bill I watched the video
Does the video show the entire bill or is it someone talking about it?I do know the bill I watched the video
I'll wait.
Someone talking about it, I have said this before, look up the bill
190 days later
The left- Support BLM unconditionally or else your a racist.
The right- Support Israel unconditionally or else your an anti- Semite.
Me- If your destroying other people's stuff, you don't deserve my support. BLM destroys stores during their protests and Israel screws Palestine during occupation.
Forgot to tag you.