It's pretty close. RM got ahead of me as of the time of this comment, but he has a loss coming in. It's going to be close.
Who do you think will be 1st by June 1, RM or me(or anyone else)
He only has 5 debates and 3 of them are from type1. As you rank up, you get less points for victories and more points for losses.
I know more than you do about the thing you're 'teaching me'.
July 1st in my bday lol
How old are you:?
I don't know why, but I cared about getting ahead of MagicAintReal. Beyond that, I seems even more frivolous.
I want to stay #1 on this site.
suggest a topic :PI want to stay #1 on this site.
Clearly, far more important than offering intellectual discussions.I want to stay #1 on this site.
It's like saying you want to be #1 in Darwin Awards.
suggest a topic :P
Are you challenging me?
Of course
Since it's the school year, I don't want to do hard debates right now. How about sometime this summer when I have more time?
I want to stay #1 on this site.
I don't want to do hard debates right now
I'm hoping blamonkey will be #1. His debates are high-quality, educational, enjoyable to read and as far as I can tell he's one of the best if not the best debaters on this site.
You should challenge blamonkey to a debate, I'd love reading that once I'm done with exams.
I enjoy my #1 position and I have school to do.
I'm thinking of that, or actually a decent quality debate. My main issue is the time constraints. I could debate the hind legs of an actuary mega donkey, but researching a topic I’m not already familiar with is quite time consuming. That’s why I save most of my debates on topics that I’m very familiar with.
Aside from a few Type1 debates (which I accepted just so RM didn’t snap them all up), I try and engage in debates where I’m forced to explain or convey details and intricacies of science or policy. Plus blahmonkey is far too formal for my liking. I find it can get in the way of my style
That's fair. I did debate in high school when we were forced to write like that or risk losing a round, so it's kind of hardwired into me whenever I debate. I am trying to be more concise though, so voters like you don't have to spend 4 hours on my arms alone.
its actually good from the point of view of a voter imo, its much easier to disentangle everything. I’m much more public style, creation/God/Philsophy style debate than formal.
so voters like you don't have to spend 4 hours on my arms alone.
What are arms in this context?
collective for weapons.
I'm willing to debate anyone once June roles around. Given that everyone seems to be throwing down gauntlets, just thought I'd toss my hat into the ring too (mixing metaphors ftw).
if you can mix your metaphors when everyone else is losing theirs - you’ll be a man, my son.
I mean "args" as in arguments. I typed it on my phone.
I'm getting up there (kind of)
I second Psycho's admiration for blamo's bates. I'd also place Psycho & Ragnar with blamo in the ranks of "most deserving". Still, I think RatMan's theory of quantity before quality is proving out. My money's on Ratman for Jun 1 and I'm thinking some kind of debate is in order along the the lines of "Noob snipe is the optimal tactic to achieve DART's "King of the Hill" Gold Medal."
I'm rooting for ya, Speed.
Thanks! :)