Debate Voting Thread (FORMER)
2.5 days remaining. 0 votes
2 short rounds.
So a great debate from others which could do with at least one more vote to break the tie (in either direction... I dislike that mine moved it back to the tied range): Firing Squad is the best form of capital punishment.
3 hours left to vote, it is very concise debate to vote on. Pro never meets BoP in my opinion.
12 days later
2 days left. good engagement. close vote.
Only 1 week voting window :( please help!
You should post more forums
Uh. Here's my first debate. Would like votes. Thanks!
Uh. Here's my first debate. Would like votes. Thanks!
Voting period ends in 2 days and still zero votes.
Bunch of short unvoted debates < 3 days left.
Hi, just finished this debate so if people could vote on it I'd love you
Excellent debate, shouldn't be too hard to comprehend.
Hello! Here are some of my lesser viewed debates in desperate need of some votes...
This one just finished, has two weeks left. You can vote if you want.
My first debate, and my opponent concedes at the end. Easy vote.
Can I only vote after I finish two debates without a full forfeit, or can I not even forfeit a single round (Presuming I don't create 100 forum posts)?
May I get some votes? []
This is a pretty straight forward, but educational in a fun way, and only 5,000 characters per argument!