balance/equality it's a stalemate
Yes, indeed. But i don't think the gang problems will be fixed until we fix ourselves. We need to realize freedom again. The two main contributions to these gangs are sex and drugs. I don't see why prostitution is illegal, i don't see why drugs are illegal. If we want to focus on evil, we can't muddy the waters by putting resources into punishing people that just want to live... have some sex and do some drugs. They're just being human and we are punishing them for that. I personally think we need to rewrite a lot of our laws. Our priorities are very off imho. Just imagine... in such a world where we allow people freedom, people would likely allow full invasion of privacy. Why not? If i'm not going to get punished for just doing things that doesn't hurt anyone... then there could be cameras everywhere. Then we can focus on the people that really have something to hide... murders, rapists, people harming us. I don't know... but i think we're headed that way, but only if we stop calling things evil and wrong that just aren't. I know i digressed, but ultimately, i think if we don't figure that out... gangs will war, kids will kill, insanity will create chaos. Being armed against that is the first step. It also would show the majority are good and we don't need daddy to tell us what's right or wrong. Idk, it's just a dream lol.
Though I would advocate for no cost training and practice. Tax payers pay for law enforcement training which should also be open to anyone else interested in relation to the topic.
That's a great idea. Yeah... i wouldn't want country wide carry without some kind of training and practice for those that want to carry. I'd go as far as making it tough and you can't carry until you pass the course. I think that would greatly minimize a lot of the potential harms.
Another school shooting in Colorado
Yeah i noticed. They're lucky on two fronts 1) getting rushed; and 2) this kid probably wasn't the best shot. What really bugs me about these school shootings is how little people understand the mindset of these kids. Blaming it on games, bad parenting, media, etc. They don't understand it's all of that... but most importantly, it's an absolute lack of fear of dying and an outward projection of chaos. That's what got me into trouble when i was young. I went the drug route bc i had an inward projection of chaos... But yet, i have a loving family, i had everything i needed, i didn't think anything of the games i played, or movies... they all played a factor in who i was, but it was society as a whole... life in general that i was battling. So i get where these kids are coming from... so, i know there is no law that will stop them. I'm not trying to say pity them, i just know there are no laws that will stop them. This will continue to happen bc people like them exist, and now they know how to create that chaos without opposition.