What are they?
When did they start?
How does the west share those values?
Evidence supporting your claim with an explanation would be appreciated.
Do you think they tell those lies bc it helps people ... or do you think they tell those lies for a more selfish reason?people tell lies in order for the harsh realities of the world to not impact them as much.
Individualism rather than personhood. While personhood has much to do with someone and how they relate to others, individualism takes the self distinct from others as being the focus. Personhood implies relationship. A husband implies a wife. A mother implies a child. An individual is by themselves.
A lawyer like engineer type view of things rather than an experiential view of things. You know a tree by chopping it down, counting its rings, examining its bark, etc. Contrast this with knowing a tree by planting it, taking care of it, watching it grow, living in round it, passing it to your children
Truth is looked at as something that is seen through proper education and logical reasoning. Believing the right things. Compare this with the idea that Truth is seen through purifying the intellect of influences and intentions that pervert it.
The west is mostly influenced by the Latin speaking church that eventually broke away from Orthodox Christianity and became Roman Catholicism. Scholasticism developed in the west, and when the protestant reformation caused many in the west to ditch the corrupt Roman church, it kept many of these western values that hhad a great to do with corrupting the latin church. No longer having the latin church limiting it, the protestant world became increasingly secular until the logical conclusion of its pride and over reliance on reason led to the outright denail of God, an embrace of nihilism and its less obvious forms. Having abandoned absolute truth, and embracing relativism, the individualism of the west gave birth to materialism and anarchy. The legalistic and engineering aspect gave rise to state enforced anarchy(Communism!), fascism, and consumerism. Truth being relativistic and individualistic and based on ones own reasoning became whatever one can get away with.
Western Christianity, being over a thousand years seperated from Orthodoxy has devolved into an anarchistic and unenlightened mess. Having failed to deliever what only true Orthodox Christianity can, the west has ditched God, whored after false gods even under the pretense of atheism, and has become thoroughly pagan.
We are fastly approaching a time, and indeed may already be there in some places in the west, where someone who maintains their sanity in this mad world will be seen as crazy for not joining everyone else in their insanity.
I think the phrase "Western Values" is typically associated with classic liberalism. Freedom, autonomy, and individualism are typically central.
Trying to offer a definitive definition of any of these terms is an entirely fruitless task, as any such effort would need to be not only exhaustive but unambiguous.
I think the phrase "Western Values" is typically associated with classic liberalism. Freedom, autonomy, and individualism are typically central.
"Oriental Values" ...family.....
and "Indigenous Values." latter typically implicates spirituality, reciprocity, and oneness (with nature).....karma....
Would it still be a western values if every single person in the west does not hold the same values?