206.7572826 ismuon-electron mass
206.7572826 minus 0.511{ electron mass } = 206.2462826
Electron { 0.511 } repeats itself { 0.511 } plus 206.2462826
Feynmans question to self, was, why does the mass of the electron repeat itself at approximately at 206.7572826?
Pi = 3.14 and 66 is value of the number of relationships between 12 vertexes in 3D { \Y/ } or 12 nodal points in 2D { V }.
Pi { 3.133 approximation } * 66 = 206.778 is approximate to mass of the muon-electron
Pi { 3.125 approximation } * 66 = 206.514 approximate to the increased mass value of electron
0.008 is differrence between two Pi approximates and 0.016 59 26 53 58 97 932384626433832795 is differrence between Pi { 3.14 } and 3.125
Related considerations
Pi^3{ XYZ } = 31.00 62 7 66 802998
Pi^4{ XYZ + time }, minus 31 = 66.4 { Pi-Time }
Pi^4/4{ re-normalization } = 24.35 22 7 27 585 00 60 9309110083172176
Relationship to great circles ---ergo Pi-- of torus and specifically the four level/line, numerically sequential, spiral helix with inversion-outversion at from peaks of outer an inner surface of curvature. (><)(><) LINK