A lot of people on this site came here seeking an alternative to DDO for multiple reasons, including trolls, inactive moderators, and site bugs. But every now and then, DDO can still have a meaningful debate. Should I leave it behind or no? I'm especially interested in what other DDO veterans did/do.
Should I abandon DDO altogether?
This site still has only a few members but it's growing. Although, that growth is slow. You'll likely end a conversation with someone you enjoy talking to. It will always get to some kind of resolution eventually. When that happens, you may not have anyone else to talk to. But, slowly a new member comes on worth talking and debating your ideas. If you still have meaningful debates and haven't reached that limit of.. i said everything i need to say.. on DDO.. then just use both sites. You'll likely find someone here you haven't reached that point with too however.
Seeing that you're Christian... i already know i have a question for you =)
If you want to use a pigsty then use a pigsty as you please.
If you are having withdrawal problems gradually use DDO less and less. When you realise DDO is really problematic with no moderation then you will realise there is no point going back. It is like sh*t with gold with in it. You would to have to sieve through so much sh*t just to find a piece of gold.