You don't know the half of Briggs' test... Have you ever studied it in a psychological sense? I urge you to research it bc it is much deeper than you're making it out to be. Especially now, that there are sites that allow you to agree or disagree with a scale. The original test is different bc it's only yes / no questions... but it has grown as we have grown. The blueprint is however genius. One would have to know the test really well to be able to manipulate it (i recommend taking a few times before you learn it). But, the results aren't a simple your this or that... you're a combination of the results (which is why it gives percentages). Plus, what that test does brilliantly is describe the more rare people in the world. It's actually more detailed on the rare people than the majority. It's just a test, so it's not perfect... but as it comes to tests, it's one of the best bc it has professional psychologist and the like working on it. These picture test aren't even close to that.. not trying to undermine something that works for you bc if it did, great. But, i've studied this test in 3 different pysch classes in it's pretty deep once you understand what's going on.
As to this test, my major issue is that it doesn't account for people like me. On the Briggs test, i'm mainly an INFJ (also a bit of INTJ and INFP) if you'd like to check that out (the most rare sign and less than 1% of the population). The test is probably made by marketing people so they aren't interested in the fringes. A lot of the questions didn't have my interests and other questions forced me to pick what i didn't want to. Like there was a basketball question i had to pick... but i had no idea what any of the brands were. That probably didn't count, but it's an example of what i ran into.
As to me seeming extrovert.... you will notice that is the only introverted sign (INFJ) that comes off as an extrovert, interestingly. Actually, it is said when you meet my type... you'll think i'm an extrovert, but that's far from the truth. Plus, you can't tell over the internet which i am. Extroversion and introversion are not something you can see... the main difference is internal. Think of it like a fighting game and the power bar. Extroverts increase their power bar when they are around people and decrease when alone, and introverts decease their power bar when they are around people, and increase when they are alone. That is distinction bw the two. Of course, bc of that... some other things come with it... like being by yourself translates to things like reading books and staying home and the opposite for extroverts (but that isn't always true). Of course you can be in the middle two, or a varying degree of percentages. I'm around 15-20% extrovert. This means every two weeks to a month i get an urge to be around people. I can fake it if i have to, but if it was up to me... those are the time frames. However, i can't stay out long and i can't do things like party and sleep at the persons house... i always have to get away. That's how i know i'm introvert and to what percent.