Paradise _ Then what?

Author: Stephen


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The Word -  Paradise appears in the New Testament surprisingly only three times. Nothing in the New Testament explains what it is and the only thing we can say about " Paradise" is that it is somewhere one can exist after death so it is synonymous with that other unexplainable 'place' called heaven and yet again,not a single Christian on this forum has been able to explain what "heaven" is, yet this word  appears in the the King James version of the Bible 327 times in the Old Testament and 255 times in the New Testament.

 So , the question then is then:  for those that manage to get to Paradise, then what? What happens then? What's the point of paradise? 

keithprosser's avatar
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for those that manage to get to Paradise, then what?
According to Church Father Tertullian you can pass time enjoying watching sinners suffering in the flames of hell.
"I shall have a better opportunity then of hearing the tragedians, louder-voiced in their own calamity; of viewing the play-actors, much more "dissolute" in the dissolving flame; of looking upon the charioteer, all glowing in his chariot of fire; of beholding the wrestlers, not in their gymnasia, but tossing in the fiery billows"

De Speculatis, ch XXX

secularmerlin's avatar
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The point of paradise is to act as the carrot and eternal torment is the stick .
disgusted's avatar
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It pacifies their ridiculous fear of death and supports the hubris of being the most special thing in the universe. It's basically the coward's retreat.
Stephen's avatar
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According to Church Father Tertullian you can pass time enjoying watching sinners suffering in the flames of hell.

Yes, well, the thread is about the biblical "P_A_R_A_D_I_S_E". I don't think just simply staring down from "paradise" at suffeing sinners for the rest of eternity is what Jesus had in mind when he said to his fellow rebel,  "Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise".

Funny how you accept these ancient words of Turtillian but not a single word from the ancient scriptures.
Stephen's avatar
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The point of paradise is to act as the carrot and eternal torment is the stick .

No, what you say appears to be the promised reward and/or consequences. You must have misunderstood the question. 

This is what I asked:  So for those that manage to get to Paradise, then what? What happens then? What's the point of paradise? 
Stephen's avatar
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It pacifies their ridiculous fear of death and supports the hubris of being the most special thing in the universe.
I agree, but this doesn't answer the question:

 So for those that manage to get to Paradise, then what? What happens then? 

The silence here from the Christian faithful is quite deafening. This is exactly the same response I got from them when I questioned "heaven": a grand total of zero answers. This is quite extraordinary seeing that "heaven" is mentioned 582 times in the KJ Bible..

When researching the word paradise, one will discover it simply means  "garden"  a "walled garden" to be precise.. This is interesting because when one reads the story of the crucifixion - of which there appears to be two versions in the NT - one version has the women peering over a wall into a private garden owned by a secret rich disciple and watching it all play out. 
secularmerlin's avatar
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I have no reason to believe amyone does get to paradise. The point therefore must be derived from the (possibly empty) promise itself.
Stephen's avatar
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I have no reason to believe amyone does get to paradise.

 Neither have I.  That is why I am asking the question of the Christian faithful. I think I know why Christians believe in paradise, I  just want to know What happens for those that manage to get to Paradise? ,

You don't know because for you it doesn't exist. This is why you, responding with your opinions are irrelevant as are prosser's and disgusted's.
keithprosser's avatar
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keithprosser's avatar
For those that manage to get to Paradise, then what? What happens then?
6:00AM-9:00 - praise God
9:00-9:45 - breakfast (ambrosia)
9:45-12:00 - praise God
12:00-13:00 - lunch (manna, more bloody ambrosia)
13:00-15:00 - watching sinners burn in hell.  Other distractions are available by arrangement.
15:00-18:00 - harp and trumpet practice (compulsory)
18:00-21:00 - praise God.
21:00-22:00 - supper (guess what - it's ambrosia)
22:00-24:00 - answering spiritualist mediums (optional, can watch sinners burn in hell instead)
24:00 - bed.

Repeat for the next 1000000000000000 million years.   it's not great, but better than the alternative...

secularmerlin's avatar
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secularmerlin's avatar
Let us assume paradise does exist. I would still possit that the purpose is to act a carrot for the faithful. What happens once your there may still be immaterial.
disgusted's avatar
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I agree but if you're waiting for a godist to reply, you'll have a long wait.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
if you're waiting for a godist to reply, you'll have a long wait.

Best response so far. 10/10. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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I've done similar threads, and disgusted is indeed correct: confronted with the idea of what happens in paradise EXCLUSIVE of the fact that you're not being tormented eternally, believers have an exceptionally difficult time answering this one. And none of them, even the ones that do answer, are even remotely the same. Some make it sound like the greatest vacation ever, others say you're a disembodied spirit who sings all day and doesn't remember their family. 
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
How the fuck would anyone know what anything in the Bible is like unless it's explained in detail or they have died. If you atheists are so smart tell the monotheists all about it. 
ludofl3x's avatar
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ludofl3x's avatar
New best response, 10/10. Another classic threadfart, welcome back from the dead, PW. 
Outplayz's avatar
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So , the question then is then:  for those that manage to get to Paradise, then what? What happens then? What's the point of paradise?
The point of paradise is to live and die... which is clearly what makes the Bible's version fallible for i am willing to generalize no human can be eternal and stay sane. Maybe that is what paradise is, insanity... that would make sense in regards to an insane god creating this world. 

Stephen's avatar
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How the fuck would anyone know what anything in the Bible is like unless it's explained in detail or they have died.

Unless they have died? What do you mean?

If you atheists are so smart tell the monotheists all about it. 

 Ask your own questions on your own thread. .
Stephen's avatar
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The point of paradise is to live and die.. [etc etc].

This is still failing to explain what happens when the faithful actually get to paradise, what then? is the question. 

Take Islam. Islam for instance doesn't disguise it goals and what it will do and how far it will go to achieve its aims,  it also  actually explains to their martyrs ( those that die killing infidels for Allah) that they will have seventy billion virgin women to abuse. Strangely though, it doesn't' mention what the martyred women will receive.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
Fuck you. 
Outplayz's avatar
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Strangely though, it doesn't' mention what the martyred women will receive.
It's not very strange once you realize horny men are who wrote these religious text. All of the Abrahamic religions are clearly made by man the way they treat women. Take Mormonism for example... the guys get to have their own Earth that they get to create (be gods over). And from what i remember, i could be wrong, the women don't get anything unless they are married to a Mormon man. Plus, imagine the implications... you think the Mormon man is going to create a earth with other guys the wife could have fun with... naw, each city will be named by sex positions with a earth filled with girls. Man wrote these texts... it's clear. 

In regards to the then what? I don't know... i find the idea of Heaven by all Abrahamic faiths to be flawed. I personally think living eternally would be hell. If death was not a part of this life, i'd probably go mad... well, actually i'm sure i would go insane. It's the prospect of that i will die one day that makes this life fun and bearable. That is why i say paradise would be living and dying. Spiritually, i would hope whatever the platform is has this concept incorporated... otherwise, i hope there is nothing spiritually and just death.  

One thing i heard from a Christian in answering this is that you will go around eternally meeting everyone. And then i asked, "what then after i met everyone." He replied, "then you'll go around and meet everyone again since they'll have new experiences." As an introvert, that sound terrifying to me and quite frankly, a good script for a horror movie. 
EtrnlVw's avatar
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Ever thought about addressing Theists and not just Christians? there is more to the afterlife than just what Christianity posits.....the reason I ask is because fundamental Christianity can't answer that question because of the limited knowledge available in the texts, so we have many other sources and as well we have good ol common sense. If you include all Theists then the answers could be more dynamic because it won't be limited to just the Bibles descriptions. However, from communicating with you in the past you get pissy if anyone answers in a way where its not found in the Bible. I understand that's what you intended, but perhaps expand your horizons a bit for the sake of understanding something.

Having said that I certainly could answer from a Christian point of view in many ways. But, just because something is not mentioned in the Bible does not discount the knowledge or the reality of what is being discussed. First of all the soul is eternal, all this talk about "paradise then what?" or one would go mad is irrelevant, once the soul is created its eternal just like the Creator. Since non-existence is not an option we have to deal with what the circumstances are. This is why the Creator should never be limited to just one source of information available, God is much more dynamic than anyone could imagine. Heaven or paradise is simply a planet, no one claimed one has to stay there forever.
But one thing to consider is that paradise is exactly that, it's a fucking paradise and no one can claim what is to be experienced in a bad azz paradise until they get there. There could be endless things to do and experience, or the soul could get bored and request it be brought back to a temporal experience on earth or one of the many planets that God creates. There could be many dimensions in one afterlife, the spiritual reality is much different than the mundane physical could walk through a door and be in a whole different world or dimension, there could be many things the Creator could entertain the soul with just by being in a spiritual paradise. The Creator is not limited to a physical experience or what we are used to observing as humans on earth, also the soul will be mesmerized by the presence, knowledge and ability of God just communicating with a higher Entity. These Beings that govern the created worlds are far beyond what you could ever imagine, they know how to get a party started lol.
There are so many dynamics involved I could go on forever, but not all souls just go to paradise when they die not even close. If they don't deserve paradise they simply reincarnate, they will have to endure another lifetime on a planet. If they do make it to paradise or a heaven they have entered a planet and experiences like you've never seen before, the spirit body and the world that correlates with that experience is unimaginable, it's not like the physical world in which we know. The afterlife is so dynamic most souls who experience this through NDE's are mesmerized simply by the observation of what is happening. So when evaluating the afterlife it's important to remember that what we can experience is much more than the material world has to offer.
But again, nowhere is it written in stone that a soul has to abide in some heaven forever, it can simply choose to experience something else. This is all about experiences because the soul has no other options, it does this over and over again, becoming unconscious to limit the effects of being eternal. God and the soul has no other choice but to exist, God makes sure that this reality is something to be interested in. At the same time, being trapped in the lower worlds is not much to be desired when there is so much more to be had. That is why there is a progression and a long journey the soul has to encounter. When that process is done the whole thing starts over, God creates again and again endlessly while the soul remains unconscious to an eternal reality.
Now, speaking from a non Christian point of view, there are many levels to creation, there are many universes and planets and embodiments for the soul to inhabit . We know for a fact that our universe alone produces virtually endless galaxies with endless planets. This happens on multiple levels not just the physical level. So the soul has room to play for a long, long time before any boredom or insanity arises.

Outplayz's avatar
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becoming unconscious to limit the effects of being eternal.
See, now that sounds more like a paradise to me. But, it's surely not found in the Bible... and i think you're right that he needs to think more on an Omnist type platform to get an idea of what paradise can be or it's potential to be. But, if you dig deep, which i know you've realized, paradise is very subjective to the observer. It's not just one thing... which by what it is, "paradise," that is the only logical conclusion since everyone has their own vision of what paradise would be.   

God makes sure that this reality is something to be interested in.
I really have no arguments if a god created this reality. I like how you think there are creator gods. To me, it sounds almost like there are artists here that create realities for us to get lost in, like movies. I also look at this world like a movie. It's a C rate movie, there are things i love and things i hate. It's kinda like Donnie Darko. I don't know if you seen that movie, so i'll try not to spoil too much. Most of the movie i'm bored, but the ending... leaves me weeping. It's the most beautiful ending i have seen in a movie so far which puts this C rate movie in my top ten. I look at this life the same. I would create myself / manifest here a million times over for those moments i love... however, i also don't think i would play this reality often which would make sense of why i feel out of place and like an old soul. I don't know... the many realities and infinite mind (gods) hypothesis is very interesting in its implications.  

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
See, now that sounds more like a paradise to me. But, it's surely not found in the Bible... and i think you're right that he needs to think more on an Omnist type platform to get an idea of what paradise can be or it's potential to be. But, if you dig deep, which i know you've realized, paradise is very subjective to the observer. It's not just one thing... which by what it is, "paradise," that is the only logical conclusion since everyone has their own vision of what paradise would be.  
Agree, paradise is a subjective term in many ways although a very creative Being can create a paradise almost any human would find fascinating objectively, so many variables exist and so do the dynamics of spirituality which is what so many people are blind to, and when you add into the equation that our universe alone has unlimited galaxies one could only imagine what actually exists for the soul, which is eternal. Add into the equation of an eternal creative consciousness you get more than you could ever imagine. The fun part, is that when a soul gains the right of passage, they too can create worlds and realities. This is the very creative energy of God, that every soul gets to become a creative dreamer.

I really have no arguments if a god created this reality. I like how you think there are creator gods. To me, it sounds almost like there are artists here that create realities for us to get lost in, like movies. I also look at this world like a movie. It's a C rate movie, there are things i love and things i hate. It's kinda like Donnie Darko. I don't know if you seen that movie, so i'll try not to spoil too much. Most of the movie i'm bored, but the ending... leaves me weeping. It's the most beautiful ending i have seen in a movie so far which puts this C rate movie in my top ten. I look at this life the same. I would create myself / manifest here a million times over for those moments i love... however, i also don't think i would play this reality often which would make sense of why i feel out of place and like an old soul. I don't know... the many realities and infinite mind (gods) hypothesis is very interesting in its implications. 
That's exactly what it is, creation is formed through artists. Very cool, I would have never phrased it that way but that is exactly what's going on. This is the fun part of creation which many souls don't know about. When you have a conscious reality that is capable of creating anything It wants through varying states of conscious activity you can have endless experiences. You have endless galaxies in one world (our universe alone), now imagine endless galaxies within multi verses. People, even religious have no idea about these implications, it's fascinating to the creative mind and those who are interested in such.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
See, now that sounds more like a paradise to me. But, it's surely not found in the Bible... and i think you're right that he needs to think more on an Omnist type platform to get an idea of what paradise can be or it's potential to be. But, if you dig deep, which i know you've realized, paradise is very subjective to the observer. It's not just one thing... which by what it is, "paradise," that is the only logical conclusion since everyone has their own vision of what paradise would be.  
Agree, paradise is a subjective term in many ways although a very creative Being can create a paradise almost any human would find fascinating objectively, so many variables exist and so do the dynamics of spirituality which is what so many people are blind to, and when you add into the equation that our universe alone has unlimited galaxies one could only imagine what actually exists for the soul, which is eternal. Add into the equation of an eternal creative consciousness you get more than you could ever imagine. The fun part, is that when a soul gains the right of passage, they too can create worlds and realities. This is the very creative energy of God, that every soul gets to become a creative dreamer.

I really have no arguments if a god created this reality. I like how you think there are creator gods. To me, it sounds almost like there are artists here that create realities for us to get lost in, like movies. I also look at this world like a movie. It's a C rate movie, there are things i love and things i hate. It's kinda like Donnie Darko. I don't know if you seen that movie, so i'll try not to spoil too much. Most of the movie i'm bored, but the ending... leaves me weeping. It's the most beautiful ending i have seen in a movie so far which puts this C rate movie in my top ten. I look at this life the same. I would create myself / manifest here a million times over for those moments i love... however, i also don't think i would play this reality often which would make sense of why i feel out of place and like an old soul. I don't know... the many realities and infinite mind (gods) hypothesis is very interesting in its implications. 
That's exactly what it is, creation is formed through artists. Very cool, I would have never phrased it that way but that is exactly what's going on. This is the fun part of creation which many souls don't know about. When you have a conscious reality that is capable of creating anything It wants through varying states of conscious activity you can have endless experiences. You have endless galaxies in one world (our universe alone), now imagine endless galaxies within multi verses. People, even religious have no idea about these implications, it's fascinating to the creative mind and those who are interested in such.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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See, now that sounds more like a paradise to me. But, it's surely not found in the Bible... and i think you're right that he needs to think more on an Omnist type platform to get an idea of what paradise can be or it's potential to be. But, if you dig deep, which i know you've realized, paradise is very subjective to the observer. It's not just one thing... which by what it is, "paradise," that is the only logical conclusion since everyone has their own vision of what paradise would be.  
Agree, paradise is a subjective term in many ways although a very creative Being can create a paradise almost any human would find fascinating objectively, so many variables exist and so do the dynamics of spirituality which is what so many people are blind to, and when you add into the equation that our universe alone has unlimited galaxies one could only imagine what actually exists for the soul, which is eternal. Add into the equation of an eternal creative consciousness you get more than you could ever imagine. The fun part, is that when a soul gains the right of passage, they too can create worlds and realities. This is the very creative energy of God, that every soul gets to become a creative dreamer.

I really have no arguments if a god created this reality. I like how you think there are creator gods. To me, it sounds almost like there are artists here that create realities for us to get lost in, like movies. I also look at this world like a movie. It's a C rate movie, there are things i love and things i hate. It's kinda like Donnie Darko. I don't know if you seen that movie, so i'll try not to spoil too much. Most of the movie i'm bored, but the ending... leaves me weeping. It's the most beautiful ending i have seen in a movie so far which puts this C rate movie in my top ten. I look at this life the same. I would create myself / manifest here a million times over for those moments i love... however, i also don't think i would play this reality often which would make sense of why i feel out of place and like an old soul. I don't know... the many realities and infinite mind (gods) hypothesis is very interesting in its implications. 
That's exactly what it is, creation is formed through artists. Very cool, I would have never phrased it that way but that is exactly what's going on. This is the fun part of creation which many souls don't know about. When you have a conscious reality that is capable of creating anything It wants through varying states of conscious activity you can have endless experiences. You have endless galaxies in one world (our universe alone), now imagine endless galaxies within multi verses. People, even religious have no idea about these implications, it's fascinating to the creative mind and those who are interested in such.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
See, now that sounds more like a paradise to me. But, it's surely not found in the Bible... and i think you're right that he needs to think more on an Omnist type platform to get an idea of what paradise can be or it's potential to be. But, if you dig deep, which i know you've realized, paradise is very subjective to the observer. It's not just one thing... which by what it is, "paradise," that is the only logical conclusion since everyone has their own vision of what paradise would be.  
Agree, paradise is a subjective term in many ways although a very creative Being can create a paradise almost any human would find fascinating objectively, so many variables exist and so do the dynamics of spirituality which is what so many people are blind to, and when you add into the equation that our universe alone has unlimited galaxies one could only imagine what actually exists for the soul, which is eternal. Add into the equation of an eternal creative consciousness you get more than you could ever imagine. The fun part, is that when a soul gains the right of passage, they too can create worlds and realities. This is the very creative energy of God, that every soul gets to become a creative dreamer.

I really have no arguments if a god created this reality. I like how you think there are creator gods. To me, it sounds almost like there are artists here that create realities for us to get lost in, like movies. I also look at this world like a movie. It's a C rate movie, there are things i love and things i hate. It's kinda like Donnie Darko. I don't know if you seen that movie, so i'll try not to spoil too much. Most of the movie i'm bored, but the ending... leaves me weeping. It's the most beautiful ending i have seen in a movie so far which puts this C rate movie in my top ten. I look at this life the same. I would create myself / manifest here a million times over for those moments i love... however, i also don't think i would play this reality often which would make sense of why i feel out of place and like an old soul. I don't know... the many realities and infinite mind (gods) hypothesis is very interesting in its implications. 
That's exactly what it is, creation is formed through artists. Very cool, I would have never phrased it that way but that is exactly what's going on. This is the fun part of creation which many souls don't know about. When you have a conscious reality that is capable of creating anything It wants through varying states of conscious activity you can have endless experiences. You have endless galaxies in one world (our universe alone), now imagine endless galaxies within multi verses. People, even religious have no idea about these implications, it's fascinating to the creative mind and those who are interested in such.

EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
See, now that sounds more like a paradise to me. But, it's surely not found in the Bible... and i think you're right that he needs to think more on an Omnist type platform to get an idea of what paradise can be or it's potential to be. But, if you dig deep, which i know you've realized, paradise is very subjective to the observer. It's not just one thing... which by what it is, "paradise," that is the only logical conclusion since everyone has their own vision of what paradise would be.  
Agree, paradise is a subjective term in many ways although a very creative Being can create a paradise almost any human would find fascinating objectively, so many variables exist and so do the dynamics of spirituality which is what so many people are blind to, and when you add into the equation that our universe alone has unlimited galaxies one could only imagine what actually exists for the soul, which is eternal. Add into the equation of an eternal creative consciousness you get more than you could ever imagine. The fun part, is that when a soul gains the right of passage, they too can create worlds and realities. This is the very creative energy of God, that every soul gets to become a creative dreamer.

I really have no arguments if a god created this reality. I like how you think there are creator gods. To me, it sounds almost like there are artists here that create realities for us to get lost in, like movies. I also look at this world like a movie. It's a C rate movie, there are things i love and things i hate. It's kinda like Donnie Darko. I don't know if you seen that movie, so i'll try not to spoil too much. Most of the movie i'm bored, but the ending... leaves me weeping. It's the most beautiful ending i have seen in a movie so far which puts this C rate movie in my top ten. I look at this life the same. I would create myself / manifest here a million times over for those moments i love... however, i also don't think i would play this reality often which would make sense of why i feel out of place and like an old soul. I don't know... the many realities and infinite mind (gods) hypothesis is very interesting in its implications. 
That's exactly what it is, creation is formed through artists. Very cool, I would have never phrased it that way but that is exactly what's going on. This is the fun part of creation which many souls don't know about. When you have a conscious reality that is capable of creating anything It wants through varying states of conscious activity you can have endless experiences. You have endless galaxies in one world (our universe alone), now imagine endless galaxies within multi verses. People, even religious have no idea about these implications, it's fascinating to the creative mind and those who are interested in such.

Outplayz's avatar
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You accidentally multi-posted lol ... hopefully this will catch you so you can delete them if it's not too late. I'll respond in the next post. 
EtrnlVw's avatar
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Lol oh well, my computer geeked out.