Not sure if anyone here watches SNL, but I heard on my local morning news yesterday that Pete Davidson made a joke that basically drew a comparison between R Kelly (the singer recently in a heap of legal trouble for sexually abusing girls under age) and the Catholic Church (Which...well., it's the Catholic church, you know what they're up to). I don't want to repeat the joke because it doesn't translate on a retelling, but the truism that made it work was that if you continue to support the Catholic Church, how can you not support R Kelly? This got the Catholic Church, I believe specifcally the Brooklyn diocese, all up in arms and demanding an apology. Clutching their pearls, as if HOW DARE YOU say that about the Catholic church! Where do you get the nerve! We're a religion!
My thoughts: the Catholic Church better pipe the F down. First of all, it's a satire program and second of all, you can't look MORE clueless than saying "The Catholic Church has done more for sexual assault victims than any other organization" in your demand for an apology. If you're the Catholic church and you don't like getting constantly connected to anything regarding sexual assualt against minors, maybe you ought to actually do something about the real problem, which is RAMPANT ABUSE OF MINORS in the Catholic church, and not worry about something said on late night television pointing out that behavior. I thought it was a real mistake from a PR perspective for the Catholic church, even as I don't think the joke was SUPER funny. This is a classic example of "respect religion only because it's a religion," when in fact this organization which certainly has had some members do plenty of objectively decent things, doesn't deserve it. I don't care how many homeless people you give a meal to if as soon as you're done you go make a nine year old give you a blow job. You don't get to say "but I gave meals to homeless people," the two are not equivalent.