On a potato scale. One potato being ( crap ) ten tators being awesome.
I give it eight potatoes. I liked it a lot . ' So many activities '.
I did a year of it . But that was 30 years ago. this means. I did twenty sessions of Sunday school.
Ok ok. I went to Sunday school at least 10 times.
Arts and crafts. Macaroni jewelry, pantings, storytelling time, group sing song. Loveddddddd it.
Never got touched and to dumb to be docked. I'd make a pretty shlty religious group member. I'm not worth keeping around.
Hey I bet* there isn't a Atheist on this site that never went to Sunday school at least five times.
33, 36 years ago i remember Sunday school finished and the adults were in the MASSIVE pointy roofed building still , i thought yeah ,
One day.
One day I'll be in that building there with all the ADULTS.
I was curious as to what the adults were doing in there, and i was at that age when you have your first quidji board experience.
You know?
That age when you first see 5 people lift a person to the ceiling with two fingers. As sick as a ghost , As light as a feather.
I was thinking the adults were doing stuff like this, so i sneaked up to the church entrance looked in and seen the whole assembly in group song.
Ha, see i thought they were doing freaky crazy shlt.
But i was happy to see they weren't doing crazy stuff, all they were doing was singing songs to a invisible lord.
So thats cool.
I'm still a little puzzled as to why my parents took me there. I mean It's not like they would of wanted to spend 3 hours every Sunday without me.
Hang on. Ouch.
I liked Sunday school up until i got my first BMX bike.
God's pretty cool but he ain't no BMX.