Sup guys. How you is?
Fairly good m8, hbu?
I'm great. Finally decided to join you all here.
It's great to see you around, DK.
It's great to be around. I missed all the memories so I waddled on over.
Welcome someone I didn't know from DDO
I was kind of a big deal in my time..............
Lol no, I'm kidding. I was pretty active though.
Are you The-Voice-of-Truth? If so, please let bsh1 know that you made another account here.
You don't know who Donald Keller is?
Yes, he was TVoT to my knowledge.
And no, I barely know the guy.
I'm Donald.Keller, not VOT XD
I want to say you were also JMK, but I don't recall. I know he changed his name.
Lol nice. Welcome to DART
yoooooo welcome back
Glad to be back :D
You are not 'back'. I am big dog up in here. This is all new, bigger and badder. Airmax has a new face though, he's a Serbian Oompa-Loompa named Mike.
@D.J.K is Russian man named Mike.
Welcome aboard.