Education TODAY...with online resources, trade options, entrepreneur options...all are searchable online and
many options for learning from online degrees +++
The internet is FREE....mostly for now....information about anything can be searched...this is unprecedented
in human history to have this vast amount of information....
Why then is EDUCATION an ISSUE ? especially when several of the leading innovative minds and organizations
are drop outs of the HORRIFICALLY OBSOLETE education system here in AMERICA...
So who is on TOP and WHY ?
SURPRISE ! = South KOREA...from impoverished to world class tech and business leader ...
University costs about 4-7000 a year and rents are cheap ! try that in the US without a Community college transfer !
Education should be FREE to very affordable and truly WORLD CLASS...especially in these fast TECH INNOVATING
The STEM approach is a start but making access and physical environments (schools) AWESOME ...not some shitty
run down ugly building with equally shitty interior design...
Health care ? Many Americans are FAT LAZY BLOATED SLOBS.....they could care less about their health...screw all of them
Once again EDUCATION about nutrition and wellness is available online much of it no excuse AMERICA
to many of you are just BLOATED BOZOS...your body and mind are as worthless as the way you treat them.... to the point where everything is like a shitty school building...just plain functional..that = RUSSIA
people today want COOL...great design...great ambience...color..texture...sound...light...acoustics...all COOL !
Many schools can be rehabbed by the students...this will inspire them to become familiar with design thinking
cost of materials and process to create and install...and over time update with a new look !
will enable creative solutions that are also COST EFFECTIVE...
So a balance of minimal costs for HEALTH CARE ...EDUCATION..and basic comfortable living conditions is essential....
From the comfortable basics a society can create competition for innovation in every sector of products and services
China has several empty CITIES that can accomodate 2 to 5 million people ! 40 years ago Chinese were still walking
and using bikes to get around...
The Chinese do not BULL SHIT like AMERICA does...just look online at the remarkable growth across the country
they are not afraid to spend for the future...AMERICA is a JOKE...filled with OBSOLETE infrastructure and truly
idiotic POLITICS...
There are many solutions to elevating AMERICAN SOCIETY...the greatest threat to AMERICA are the retarded AMERICANS
themselves for hiring total FOOLS to run the Country into the abyss of going backwards or nowhere
health care...
WAKE UP AMERICA.....get and demand positive results for LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS from the clowns of CONGRESS
or GET RID OF ALL OF THEM and get people that DELIVER.....
21 trillion debt ...what a fckg idiotic...the worlds bank and toilet paper....