American Democracy, in its current state, is corrupted. The institution itself was fragile, and bound to collapse at some point. Various founding fathers such as John Adams believed that democracy would never last for a long time.
America is showing signs of structural weakness and poor governance. Candidates and politicians are corrupted and self-serving, lobbyism influences politics more than public opinion, there's a political gridlock, the two party system, and so forth.
This is quite analogous to the late Roman Republic. Eventually, the crumbling Republican system was replaced by despotism. But was it a bad thing? Julius Caesar introduced various reforms to improve Rome and its poorer classes, while the Senate was full of corrupt and greedy oligarchs, of whom were unwilling to do anything and keep a gridlock of instability.
Is this event in history analogous to America? Should we declare Democracy expired, or can it be saved? What are your opinions on a sort of neo-Caesarism that may eventually rise with growingly authoritarian-populist leaders in the western world?