Yes, I am hostile to them since they are false idols that damage people who displace God with them.
How can you be hostile to things you believe are imaginary? Where's your forgiveness and love for everybody?
Hostile in the sense that I don't like deception of falsehood.
It is not the person who holds the belief I object to but the falsity of the belief itself.
I would reference the Ten Commandments. Is it wrong to murder, to steal, to lie, to covet, to worship things that are not God and displace Him with these things?
No, I do not follow the Levitical laws. They were set up for the purpose of leading people to Christ. It shows us that we cannot meet God's righteous standard nor meet His just and righteous requirements by our own effort.
If you think you can be justified by following the law then what happens when you don't meet God's perfect and just standard?
I thought you said something about grace. Doesn't grace fix everything?
Not necessarily. It depends on what the grace is based upon. God offers
His grace to us in His Son because the Son has paid the penalty for sin and also appeased God's justice for wrongdoing. So the perfectly righteous life Jesus lived as a human being meets the righteous standard of God and the sacrifice of Himself for those who will believe appeases the penalty God has set and we deserve for our sin. So
the grace of God in Jesus Christ fixes our
enmity and estrangement from God. In faith of what He [Jesus] has done, we are reborn [regenerated/
born again] to the love and
relationship with God.
What practical and actionable advice does this give you?
It teaches me to forgive others as I have been forgiven, to try not to hold a grudge, to offer mercy and grace to others as I have been shown grace and mercy, to be kind as I have received kindness, to put others first as Jesus put me before His own comfort and life, to invest in other as God has invested in me, and so on.
Why do you think that christians are often the most vocal opponents of immigrant rights and minority rights and homosexual rights and slow to forgive repentant terrorists?
Because we as Christians often do not practice what we preach or obey God and are too quick to judge others instead of giving them grace as we have been shown grace.
The way I see it:
Immigration rights - I do not oppose immigration but it should be legal immigration. Criminals bring problems and immorality to a country.
Jerusalem and many cities in ancient Israel had walls for a purpose, to protect those within the walls from evil for the times, just like ours, had lots of evil.
Minority rights - the minority should have the same rights as the majority, not special rights just because they are in the minority unless they have a disability and need additional care, IMO.
Homosexual rights - the Bible teaches some things are wrong because God created humanity with a union of a male with a female in mind as a reflection of a greater truth. This relationship also produces offspring and God command humanity to go out and multiply. A homosexual relationship does not allow such a natural family unit. I believe the best relationship for a family is one that supplies both a male and female influence and example.
Having said all that, I still recognize that it is not mine to judge whether a person is to be saved or not. My responsibility is to know what is right and wrong. If I meet a homosexual person I still recognize they are made in the image and likeness of God [although marred by the Fall] and deserve dignity and respect from me just like God has shown to me, but I do not see the sexual act between gay people as right per the biblical teaching.
Repentant terrorists - I am all for second chances, just like I have been given one. That does not mean that a society should leave wrongful acts unpunished. Where would the justice be in that? But it is not my job to dispense justice but to show the love of Christ to every person in treating them with love and respect, but also to act justly. Now, I shamefully fall short of these qualities often. That is why I am so thankful for what Jesus has done for me - unmerited grace, something I do not deserve yet God mercifully gave!