we can have universal care that is cheaper than it is now, with better quality and shorter wait times.
but if we did medicare for all, how would our tax system transition?
i'm coming at this from more of a conservative angle, and would like to debate or discuss with a medicare for all proponent.
take someone who makes 50k. they are average. one would think we would take obamacare's basic structure of taxing businesses that are large enough. but wouldn't that person making fifty k also get taxed? what if they in the current system make fifty k and get free healthcare from their boss? wouldn't the transition make that person end up getting a tax they otherwise wouldn't if things stayed the same?
i mean, if we were starting from scratch, this is a no brainer that medicare for all is best. i'm just worried about the winners and losers in trying to get to that point now. kinda makes me think some sort of public option would be better, for practical purposes, or at least political purposes