God( ess )-ence as gravity ( ) and dark energy )( ergo geometrically diametric opposites.
( ) = positive shaped geodesic curvature of gravity ( ) ---half of the cosmic womb---- that is attractive/contractive IN-ward
...........the womb contracts with a resultant pushing-OUTward of the fetus/baby.......;.
)( = negative shaped geodesic curvature as dark energy )( --diametric opposite half of a torus---- that is repulsive OUT-ward
..................dark energy )( is resultant of pulling-INward gravity ( ).....................
( )( ) = vertical bisection of a torus exhibits both outer positive shape ( ) and inner negative shape )(.
....square closes as tube{ S1 } and the curves{ S1 } to meet itself ergo S1 * S1 = Torus 2circles.....
....these two primitive{ metaphysical/conceptual } circles are operational at 90 degrees to each other.........
....torus has abstract total primary set as 5 horizontal great circles and a primary quasi-set of two vertical great circles......
What goes OUT must come back around and what goes IN must come back around.
IN, OUT and AROUND are the three cosmic directions.
At peak of outer curvature gravity INverts (> and then outs this creates the top half of internal-to-torus, sine-wave /\/\/\/ topology and is associated most primitive, cosmic line/level set of the following numbers,
0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36{ 36 kinds of quark }
At peak of inner curvature dark energy INverts <) and then outs and this creates the bottom half of and internal-to-torus, sine-wave /\/\/\/ topology and is associated with the most primitive{ metaphysical/conceptual }, cosmic line/level set of the following numbers,
3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39
inside 0.........................................................6...........................................................12................................................................18.............
( )( ) = God{ ess }-ence associate with female Xx
/\/\/\/\/ or as ^v^v = God{ IS }-im as associated male Xy
Euclidean as follows:
/\/\/\/\/\/ = icosahedron{ 20 triangles } aka maximal, regular/symmetrical{ and convex } integrated 3D set and also associated with non-pregnant{ 12-around-none } female ---stable structure and system and protein shell{ capsid } for many viruses/viri
[/\][\/][/\][\/] = cubo-octahedron { 8 triangles 6 squares } aka Operating System{ jitterbug } of Universe, and associated with pregnant female ---( O ) aka one-in-the-oven as defined by 12-around-1{ nucleated } sphericals ---unstable structural system----
/[\]/[\[/]\ = regular/symmetrical pentagonal{ 12 pentagons } unstable structural system associated with male Xy
[/\/\/\/\/] = regular/symmetrical octahedron { 8 triangles } aka medio, stable structural system associated with less-complex-than-human, biologicals
\Y/ = birds=eye-view of regular/symmetrical tetrahedron{ 4 triangles }, minimal, stable structural system less-complex-than-human molecules, if nto also atomic and subatomic quanta