Haven't been in one for centuries. Let's have an actually active one like the good ol days. Show of hands?
Who's up for a bigass hangout this Friday
There is a concept people have; more the merrier.
This is total, utter bullshit. The best sex ever had was 2 or 3 people together. The best debates and deep discussions that changed your life happened one-on-one or in a group of no bigger than, say, 3 yes?
Intimacy is paramount.
Sure thing
Shut up RM
Supa, you have threatened me with mod action, bullied me and told me to not feel welcome posting on the site, multiple times. Eventually you are going to realise just who the hell you are intimidating and realise it is you should fear me.
Eventually you are going to realise just who the hell you are intimidating and realise it is you who should fear me.
We're all eagerly waiting for your big scary revenge plot to actualize.
And you're the guy with the disgusting-sounding laugh then? Are you ugly too or is that just an error in the depiction?
So.....anyone got a hangout link?
Aight gimme a minute
Y'all get in here rn
Having another one this Friday would be cool if people are up for one.
i second this
7 days later
190 days later
Haven't been in one for centuries