#Liberals may not even be aware of what they are doing. We are all guided by #philosophies . Many of which we operate by blissfully unaware. It's worth understanding the underlying #philosophy that would cause a #liberal to support #criminalism .
I also plan to examine an underlying philosophy that #conservatives operate with and I believe more conservatives are aware of this foundational #theory they operate by than their counterparts do. I may be wrong but I will explain both. The more philosophically inclined liberals of course have more self knowledge of their philosophies than conservatives do and this will come as no surprise to them.
# What is not the purpose of this writing
The purpose of this writing is not to prove that the underlying liberal belief is wrong and I will attempt to ignore arguments that I am insinuating the underlying philosophy is wrong. Obviously I think it's incorrect and that may leak through, but my intention is to present the underlying philosophy that causes them to support criminality and contrast it with the underlying conservative philosophy that contradicts it.
# Observations of support of criminals
Before I explain the underlying philosophy behind #liberalism that causes them to support criminality it's worth briefly demonstrating this is true, but you can actually go to the videos on any social media site of the #cops interacting with a #criminal and handling him roughly. The liberals are more inclined to focus on the #police in the video and second guess every decision they make. If a person is defending their home or business from a criminal and using #lethal-force the liberal will claim that the business or home owner should willingly endanger himself and assume the criminals only intent is #theft .
I am sure some more popular cases come to mind. Ahmad Arbury was caught stealing from homes under construction and a good Samaritan held him at gun point until police arrive. Of course Arbury having very little self preservation instincts went for a man's #gun who had him at #gun-point , which resulted in a very predictable outcome. Liberals who viewed the event thought that Arbury was going for a jog despite video evidence of him coming out of construction sites and the extremely restrictive clothing. They thought he was shot in cold blood, despite him obviously going after a gun that was trained on him when anybody with a lick of self preservation in that circumstance would have waited for the police to arrive, and that's whether they are innocent or guilty.
Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked by multiple people for putting out fires. He would be dead had he not had the means to protect himself and the liberal instinct was to defend those attacking him and claim he was acting as some sort of #vigilante, as if self defense qualifies as vigilantism.
This is not to say he isn't an idiot. Obviously he made the mistake of showing up to a riot with good intentions to both keep properties safe and to render medical aid to protestors when he saw one in trouble, which he did multiple times. He was only 17 though and not yet hardened enough by the world to know how evil a mob of people can be under pseudo anonymity and fueled by rage. However we don't blame rape victims even if they walked buck naked around a bad neighborhood.
There's more examples I can think of, but it would take all day. The point is that any time you see a news story of criminals, they will normally side with the criminal. The exception would be if a Republican politician is being charged with something, its at that point they say law and justice should prevail.
The reason I brought up the things I did is also to showcase that besides defending the criminals they have no empathy for law abiding citizens who are often the victims of criminals and we are about to find out why, but first let's look at conservative philosophy.
# Conservative political Philosophy
Just like not every liberal will adhere to the philosophies I assign them not every conservative will adhere to this though even the ones who think they don't have unintentionally intuited the following philosophy. I will also present this philosophy and it's antithesis as fact, even though both are just constructs.
In the beginning it was just man and #nature. Man should be able to do what he wants and so what he is allowed to do is only constrained by natural law. soon other men move close and maybe you don't want to build a house and farm and make your food and chop wood for fires etc. So you exchange your labor for your neighbors and he chops enough wood for both of you and you farm enough for both of you. These sorts of agreements grow exponentially and #societies form. Everyone benefits from these exchanges in #labor so certain unwritten rules start to be written. You have natural rights you do what you want so long as it doesn't hurt me. #Laws are created to maintain this voluntary and mutually beneficial participation in #society . If you harm another person you have violated natural law and deserve to be punished. Robbing your neighbor is bad and you failed society. I want you to remember this a violation of natural law is a a person who takes advantage of or has failed society.
# Liberal Political Philosophy
Same as for conservatives, there are exceptions, but if you are reading this and were offended by my examples earlier than it isn't you.
In the beginning was just man and nature. Eventually more and more people show up, because you are reproducing, your neighbors are reproducing and the area is getting crowded. These close living quarters and large groups need some rules and mutual agreements to function properly otherwise it's just unworkable chaos. So a society is essentially being built up to respond to the tribes growth and the bigger the tribe the more we have to think about what works for most people.However, there's a problem. The societal structure doesn't benefit everyone. In fact it hurts some people. For the good of society some people will fall through the cracks or be harmed just by the nature of rules not being individualistic. The people the rules and societal structure negatively impact didn't have a say in creating the rules. The rules are imposed on them and they may in fact thrive if society was not forced on them. SO while the conservative would say the individual failed society, the liberal would point out that society has failed the criminal who would not be a criminal if not for society being forced upon him with rules and structures that advantage others.
# Conclusion
Discuss if you want but maybe some people will understand each other better after reading the unconscious philosophies the other side has.