With the recent meeting between Trump and Zelensky it has become clear that the primacy of Protestant Liberalism has been sideswiped for a broad, lower-class populism that is simply and entirely anti-woke.
According to traditional Protestant liberal sensibilities, the Ukraine war is a no-brainer. Take an old-school WASP and he will identify that Russia is a despotic country run by a corrupt church and dictator, with traditions rooted not in Western Europe, but in Asia. Sending North Korean troops into Ukraine is akin to Atilla the Hut and Genghis Khan. It's populace is fraught with earthly ails like alcoholism and prostitution. On the other hand, Ukraine is western-aligned, ran by a jew, and against the state-supported Church. The anglo-protestant would 100% support Ukraine over Russia and there would be no spat on TV. Or, AT THE VERY LEAST, they would vote to condemn the Russian invasion.
However with Trump and MAGA all old sensibilities are thrown out the window in favor of a broad anti-woke ideology that is only concerned with broad social issues. Basically, social issues are now the only politics that matters. Previously, politics used to be about grand ideas, fought between male-dominated hierarchical groups. But now, politics is about transgenders in woman's sports or abortion. This process began with Protestant moralism, continued with middle-class Victorians, and was fully complete by 1980 with the Conservative revolution as social tendencies bled into politics. Abortion was not a party issue until Reagan, the gender divide starts in the 80's. When I see trump spit at Zelensky but defends woman's sports all I see is the end of metanarratives and traditional political structures which used to dominate and the rise of increasingly feminized politics which is only concerned with the social functions of people.
During the Civil War, one side saw themselves as the continuation of the defense of anglo-saxon liberty and the other as norman aristocrats. There was a clear historical continuation, a HUGE rift between the two sides, and grand narratives. Last election one side called others creeps and weirdos...