A core of my philosophy is consciousness extension, which is addressed here [[2. 1 3 personal level paths to radical life extension]] (this link will be dead on DART)
Just to go over consciousness extension and this is somewhat related to [[Hylics pneumatics and psychics]]
And the obligation for radical life extension is that it's part of God's design as can be found here [[Carcinization]]
To fill in on some of this. The Core of my philosophy is that we have an ethical obligation to extend consciousness. I guess this has always been a part of the philosophy given my fears of death or my fears of losing my consciousness.
If we have an ethical obligation to extend consciousness, by contrast it is unethical to create NPC's (see Hylics). It would also by extension be unethical to behave as an NPC, and behaving as one would also be a threat to your consciousness and risks turning you into an NPC.
This is not to be gotten to here but the world has two forces essentially. One force is the the #yaldabaoth or #demiurge . This force seeks to create NPC's (hylics) through their #archons as well as through a type of matrix.
The force that opposes the archons and demiurge attempt to enslave man and the world is known as #sophia . Art often picks up on these concepts and you can gather more understanding from things like movies. Sophia is often found in art and that's why you will see attempts to silence her voice by ruining art, so as how #woke is a tool of the archons and the demiurge to destroy the presence of Sophia.
Woke isn't the only tool. The #Quran is a tool #fundamentalism and #fundamentalist s are a tool. So is watching TV 8 hours a day or doing a job that makes you shut off your brain. Anything that turns you into an #automaton is cutting off your #conscious mind and your connection to Sophia who brings knowledge.
Here is where I want to talk about the most insidious tool of the demiurge. Human #greed . It doesn't necessarily turn us into NPC's to engage with it, but we turn whole groups of people into NPC's or further trap them for our own benefit.
Giving #Plasma is essentially using humans as cattle. We feed off of them and give them some money for crack in return for feeding off of them. Going to a #prostitute is using the girl as cattle. So is buying #chinese made clothes, because you know damn well the people that work in those facilities are just barely a step above #slave . Using a woman's womb as a #suurogate for your own is using her as cattle.
Most recently I have been hearing calls to stop the #deportations of #Mexicans because #farmers can use them almost as #slave-labor .
#uncle-ted #Kaczynsky covers some of this in his book Industrial Society and it's future. He talks about how we are shaped more by the technological advances of our societies than we are by the form of government. Speaking of #government , what we are seeing now is a type of competition between #spirit and #machine . #Trump is embodying the spirit and the #deep-state is under the influence of the archons. It's this move away from the robotic pull of experts using #algorithms to control us and the move towards spirit we should all celebrate. However nearly all of us benefit off of the poor becoming cattle, and whether this means you exclusively make your own clothes, or get your coffee only if it is fair trade certified, whether it means you make a conscious decision to do what's hard and stay away from porn, or mindless consumption of media than you have an ethical obligation to stop benefitting off of human cattle and to avoid being human cattle yourself.
May you be blessed by Sophia and the #Monad .
See following thread for most of the cited links https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/12399-diary-characters-thread?page=1&post_number=12