Diary characters thread

Author: WyIted


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2 Reasons to Become Tranny by Owen

(discuss and add thoughts about the negative impact on society due to this degeneracy)

There is 3 reasons people become trannies. 


1. They hate themselves. Maybe they were abused or mistreated as children, maybe not but they learned to hate themselves, so they think becoming a woman will erase the them that they hate.  


This is why the suicide rate among trannies is so high. Once they transition, they still realize that they are who they are and fail to escape themselves. This is all subconscious of course so they don't realize it.   


This by far is the majority of trannies. I suggest seeking psychological help, so you can learn to love yourself. Mutilating yourself is not going to help you love yourself. Seek help with your gender dysphagia 


2. The second type is the sicko who are attracted to the ideal of being the opposite gender. They really aren't much different than those people who cut off their own limbs because they fantasize about being handicapped. This requires more than just loving yourself.  


You probably fall under category one. I want you to know you are loved. If nobody in your life has shown you, you are loved than allow Jesus to. Jesus loves you. He's okay with you being a homosexual or fantasizing about being a girl. He wants to just show you that you are worthy of love. Come to Jesus

3. I just learned about a new category of Tranny, but it still falls under group 1, but is worth discussing separately. In category 3 we have incels. [[Are Incels right]] These are genetically inferior males who cannot get sex from women. They may realize that because of hypergamy and the epidemic of lonely males, they can become women and get desperate men to love them. It's still self hatred to an extent to think they need to self mutilate to get love, but to a certain extent they are also correct.


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How People Handle Evil by Earth

This can be very traumatic for the enlightened person  who knows that you cannot live in the world without committing some form of evil. [[Hylics pneumatics and psychics]]  . The NPC, rarely realizes the harm he causes. Perhaps they become vegetarians, and yet they have no ideal the animals that must die just to keep crops safe from rodents, insects and moles. The normie can be unaware of the harm caused to the world with no issues, but also may realize the harm and easily accept it. Among these groups of people the psychopath stands out. These are NPCs who lack the ability to feel empathy for the most part, but will often pretend to have deep empathy to climb to the top of a type of sick social game. Being a conservative does not really lend itself well to climbing social hierarchies and so the easy thing to do is to just fake concern for some social cause. We know it is fake concern because often these individuals will promote solutions that make the problem worse, while the solution from the right side of the political aisle will actually be effective. Or sometimes they just invent problems whole cloth and pretend they are real to have a never ending war on some stupid shit.
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Activism is Easy by Casey

The activist is in an easy position that is unfair to the average policy maker. The activist gets to propose stupid policy positions that sound good but never has to take responsibility for the results. [[Israel vs Hamas Debate]]

These activists the ones leading the charge and also the most easily influenced, also seem to have no problem promoting policies that harm people in higher crime areas by pushing to keep prison sentences short. They get to virtue signal while harming the social safety of others. [[Social avoidance of death]]  Meanwhile their own safety remains virtually the same, in their gated community with armed security guards.

#liberalism #leftism #democrat #politics

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Are Incels Right by Vader

Genetic superiority is a  thing. It's real, and a lot of traits can be a mixed bag, but some genetic superiority or inferiority cannot be argued with. For example a child with progeria who dies of old age at 12 years old, clearly is genetically inferior. He might be smarter, more honorable and have better work ethic than other 12 year old's, but he is unfortunately genetically inferior in the ways that matter most. It sucks that this is true as he may be the best person for those superior genetics, but the world is not fair.

Incels of the philosophical variety are generally just saying that their genetics make them extremely undesirable to women and that they need to "look max" to make up for it and if look maxxing does not work, than they should take the black pill to accept their fate so they aren't bitter about it. However there are those who take the black pill and them being down on themselves have consequences, such as not meeting their full potential, for example like Nebula in the early portion of the New Olympus story. [[Theme]]

The fact is, it wasn't always this much of a struggle for ugly guys to get laid. There used to be laws to prevent female hypergamy from causing so many lonely men and used up lonely women. Society was structured to prevent the ill effects of hypergamy. When these structures to prevent hypergamy were in place, men just needed to work hard, be a decent person and take care of a female of similar appearance and be happy for life, but the removal of these societal structures sometimes referred to as "The Patriarchy" have caused men to be lonely, a rise in single mother hood and increased poverty amongst ugly and genetically inferior people.

Not to mention the increase of males considered dead ends can have them lash out and commit crimes against society, for example, they may become terrorists. [[Israel vs Hamas Debate]] . More than likely they find other ways to lash out at society.
  On the surface we may,so what? They can't get laid, you can still be happy and not have sex or have a significant other. I agree with this, but the fact is when we have a bunch of young men, with a very bleak picture of the future, we usually get a lot of crime and social disorder. It would be a similar result as to what happens in heavily polygamous societies.  

  What about the other side of the coin. Some women are genetically inferior because they put on weight easier than others. Perhaps they have a genetic disorder that makes weight gain easy, perhaps their genetics mean they have a huge appetite. I am a bit overweight myself. I can emphasize, but we see a push back by these women where they demand to be seen as attractive and demand others ignore their genetic inferiority. What will be the result of a society where a bunch of women are treated merely as "slump busters" and a bunch of men cannot have sex at all?  

  Perhaps the HAES advocates are right. Society was more stable when the government and social standards intervened to get these incel's from the 50s laid. (I acknowledge that the stability came at the cost of equality). Perhaps we should also as a society push to change beauty standards as well, so that way we can encourage some social stability.  

  Just my thoughts on the results of ignoring that genetic superiority is a real thing. Should society save other genetically inferior people to avoid social decay such as HAES advocates and INCELs?


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Israel vs Hamas debate by anabanana

**The war between civilized people and Barbarians at the Gates**

Just like we have those who we can divide into NPCs, normies and the enlightened [[Hylics pneumatics and psychics]]. We also have the mind of those who we can divide into savages and civilized peoples.

The war between Hamas and Israel currently happening (10-15-2023), is an example of the savage vs civilized mind, either of which could be classified as NPC, normie or enlightened. A savage NPC for example would be like your typical blood thirsty savage as seen by the terrorists who invaded Israel and targeted civilians for murder, torture and rape.

A normie can also give into his base instincts as well, though the NPCs far outnumber them and make up almost all if not all of the entirety of Hamas. The normies would more than likely be the many everyday Palestinian in the Gaza strip who celebrated the slaughter of everyday civilians, brainwashing themselves into believing the victim narrative to excuse giving into their animalistic instincts. A cowardly approach to this as well, because it also allows them to be shielded from responsibility. [[activism is easy]]

As I write this here now, I have just discovered new photos of Hamas recruiting child soldiers and using them. Israel is warning civilians to leave targeted areas, but Hamas has blocked the exit for these people and sent messages telling them to ignore the warnings, because they want these people as meat shields and see their deaths as valuable propaganda, even more valuable than their individual lives. 


The people here saying #freepalestine or claiming to support Palestinians are actually supporting Hamas and criticizing attempts of Israel at self defense. A necessary self defense because their existence is at stake. 


Anyone who wants to read the Hamas charter and it's goal to oppose all peace deals and settle for nothing less than the eradication of every Jew on the planet.  [https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/9984-the-hamas-charter](https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/9984-the-hamas-charter) 


**The Jewish People and Israel** 


This planet is worse off without the industriousness, and intelligence of the Jewish people. They make up the majority of nobel prizes, were the biggest force behind the Covid19 vaccines that saved us from years of isolation and saved countless lives. The Germans in fact would have probably won WW2 if they were nicer to the Jews, as they also saved the Western world with their creation of the Atomic bomb. Israel is so rich and prosperous because of how great the Jewish people are. They have created a tech hub even greater than Silicon valley and have had financial success despite being in a desert essentially. 

  Israel is surrounded by enemies and attacked constantly, and yet despite the constant outside threats that would turn  most nations into a police state, they have a Democracy and a great deal of freedom. They are not perfect, far from it. A lot of people use their imperfections on this site to justify the slaughter of civilians by Hamas. For example the civilians at the music festival. I will add that these festivals are not a big thing for conservative people. So they targeted the most likely civilians in Israel to support more rights and freedoms for the people in the Gaza strip and the west bank. 


As much as it pains me to say this. Jews are the salt of this Earth, and I am deeply regretful of all the fun I had in the past pushing antisemitic conspiracy theories that recently have been adopted by ideologues on  the left. I guess horse shoe theory is correct. 


**Hamas is willing for every Palestinian to die if it means Israel loses** 


 If Hamas cared about the Palestinians they wouldn't have attacked Israel or they at least would have waited. Hamas immediately after targeting Israel with terrorist attacks proceeded to ask for a peace deal. Their strategy prior to this attack as proven by Israeli spies was to feign like they wanted peace and was merely concerned with improving the economy of Gaza. You see, Hamas just uses peace to prepare for the next attack, it isn't their main goal. We can just perform a mental exercise to see which side wants peace. We all know that tomorrow if every nation hostile to Israel threw every weapon it had in the trash, they would still be safe from an attack from Israel. However if Israel were to lay down it's weapons, every single Jew and loyal Palestinian in Israel would be dead the next day. 


Think about this. Hamas attacked an enemy that had control of their water supply, that has control of their electric grid and who ensures they have food and who has vastly superior fire power. That doesn't sound like an attack by Hamas would be good for residents of Gaza. It's because they actually don't give a shit about their people. This is pretty common with radical Islam. The leader of Iran once said that if the destruction of Iran lead to the annihilation of Jews and the success of an Islamic state than it would have been worth it. Thank God that Stuxnet destroyed their nuclear capabilities. 


Its terrible that the Stalingrad approach to attacking Hamas is the most humane. It's a terrible option, but it leaves less civilians dead than by eradicating Hamas in any other way. They are dug in and are using their own people as hostages, hopefully a safe zone can be created soon and ways to funnel civilians out of dangerous territories can be improved, but currently hamas is asking residents to stay and closing down exit routes. This isn't an organization that cares about the well being of Gaza residents. 


**The #FreePalestine people** 


The free Palestine movement is more successful now than it should be. The reason is simple. There is a massive propaganda campaign on the west that is very successful. If any of you are on tiktok, X or youtube a lot. Al jazeera now AJ+ has been there targeting leftists to support Palestine. They are creating stories criticizing the west for being anti immigration for example but also they are pretending to be woke on topics like homosexuality, transgenderism etc.  Meanwhile they are the propaganda arm of radical Islam who would stone a homosexual to death for being in love with a person of the same sex. Billions are funneled from state actors to AJ+ to propagandize Americans because they know we do have influence over what our elected leaders do. 


**Why Leftists are Vulnerable to this type of Propaganda** 


There is a simple reason leftists are vulnerable to this type of propaganda. There has been this mindset in the left that is often exposed once you can see contradictions within it that shouldn't exist unless the mindset was the main engine behind their beliefs. 

The left mostly thinks that anything big and powerful is an oppressor by default.  Anybody weak is oppressed by default. Just examine the following things 

Black people have a weaker position in society and are therefore oppressed, which makes white people their oppressors. Even when a black person is committing huge crimes they are only doing so because they are oppressed and a product of their environment. Meanwhile the police, a powerful institution is always the bad guy in any interaction where any incident where a black person gets shot. Yes police shoot more white people, even unarmed white people than black people, but this is never brought up because it is oppressor on oppressor violence so justified. 


The mostly peaceful BLM riots. Looting was excused because the people looting were oppressed. This is how complicated their underlying thought process is. If a group is weaker they are oppressed, and if they are oppressed it justifies any action they want to take. Loot a store, no big deal you are oppressed. Kill 250 people at a music festival, that is okay because you are oppressed. 


This is what first shocked me about the antisemitism of the left. I realize now they moved from being pro Israel to anti Israel because their view of Israel changed from seeing them as weak to seeing them as strong, thus they automatically become an oppressor. Ignore the fact that Palestinians are actually over represented in fields like medicine in Israel. 


**What Trump Republicans Get wrong about Israel** 


There is honestly less antisemitism on the right than the less now, despite the further right you get the more you see. Trump isn't so much a right winger as he is a populist though. Here is something a lot of liberals get wrong about Trump voters though. They don't agree with Trump on a lot of things. Trump is pro mask and very pro vaccine though he pushed against federal mandates around these issues, meanwhile his voters are antagonistic towards masks and vaccines. Trump is also very pro Israel and likely would support American military intervention in Israel, meanwhile his voters would prefer isolationism in this instance. Even Ukraine there is a split where his voters want to stop supporting the Ukraine, this is why Trump's messaging is meant to appeal to them. Trump when he mentions negotiating with Russia and Ukraine to end that war, he really means threatening Putin but being willing to make some concessions to get a favorable negotiation outcome. So keep that in mind while I criticize the average Trump voter who wants the U.S. out of foreign entanglements. 


This is not like the Ukraine where the benefits to the U.S. are harder to see because of a complicated foreign policy and bad advertisement of how important the lands in Ukraine are to the global order due to trade routes, oil etc.  Israel is being targeted because it is the most Jewish country on the planet. The United States has the second biggest Jewish population on the planet. If Israel is ever defeated, there will be more 9-11 type events and they will occur with regular frequency. The success of Israel is of utmost importance to the United States. 


If Israel ever falls than the United States is next. Israel will also use the Samson option if they are destroyed. That is their right and it means nukes will overwhelm Moscow and likely set off a chain reaction where Russia fires nukes in every direction because they won't just assume it came from Israel. A nuke heading towards the United States is very much a national security concern. 


George Bush was not wrong that a war in Iraq would create a lightning rod for radical Islam and keep attacks from happening elsewhere. Israel is also that lightning rod. If we can keep the terrorists occupied by Israel, by ensuring the security of Israel, than the United States can continue to have a lightning rod for Jihadis not situated in it's vulnerable areas. 


**What is this about** 


I quit. This site is a cesspool of filth and idiots. It's just not a good use of my time to be here. I can debate people who are more intelligent elsewhere. People who can actually challenge my beliefs well enough to change them. I can go elsewhere and see less support for terrorist organizations. It's where I draw the line. Make an argument for whatever controversial position you want, but it goes beyond that here. You guys are literally apologists for Hamas. If you guys want to straighten out and be blessed by my presence again, maybe elect me to the HOF or presidency and I will try again for like 3 months to see where we are. Other than that I am most likely done with the site. I do see space for a new debate site which can maybe give an IQ test to people before they are allowed to join or something like that, but I am most likely done with DART permanently. You can all go fuck yourselves TBH.

#leftism #liberalism #terrorism

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Israel's suspicious activity during 9/11 by Savant

The dancing Israeli’s refers to an incident that happened on 9/11, just prior to and after the attack on the twin towers. Here is a summary of how these men were discovered after the attacks.   


> _A Mossad "surveillance team" made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11._ 
> _The men set up cameras by the Hudson River and trained them on the twin towers._ 
> _Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming "middle-eastern" men with a white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery. (HA'ARETZ 9/17/01)_ 
> _"They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" said a witness._ 
> _[T]hey were seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Center ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage. (_[_AP and GI_](http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/dancing4.htm)_)_ 
> _Witnesses saw them jumping for joy in Liberty State Park after the initial impact. Later on, other witnesses saw them celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still more witnesses later saw them celebrating with high fives in a Jersey City parking lot. (Yediot America 11/2/01)_ 
> _The FBI sent out an alert to area cops, reading: "Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack . . . Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion." (_[_New York Post_](http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/dancing6.htm)_)_ 
> _"It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park." (_[_The Record N.J. News_](http://www.todayscatholicworld.com/dancing5.htm)_)_ 



These men were arrested and held for about 6 months. At least 2 of them were discovered to be Mossad agents (Israeli spies). They originally just claimed to be tourists, until Israel begged for their release. [http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44477.htm](http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44477.htm) 


Later on an Israeli talkshow, when they were asked why they came to the United States, they said they came to document 9/11, which means they must have had knowledge it was going to happen. [http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/02/06/Israel/spies7.html](http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/02/06/Israel/spies7.html) 


Pictures of the dancing Israelis can be found here after a foia release. Conveniently their faces are erased from the photos, so we can’t see the happy expressions witnesses mentioned. [https://dancingisraelis.com/](https://dancingisraelis.com/) 


Why would Mossad agents be parked close by watching the twin towers and celebrating after the attack. Why would they tell reporters that they were there to document 9/11? Why did they refuse to say if they were on a mission from Mossad and what it was, after asked by American interviewers?  




Employees of the Israeli owned instant messaging company [Odigo received texts](https://www.haaretz.com/1.5410231) warning of an imminent attack on the Twin Towers two hours before the attacks happened. A secure service used by Mossad. Who in Israel knew of the attacks 2 hours prior? 








Israel literally warned the U.S. of imminent attacks. It’s true. The biggest reason we know they had foreknowledge is because they quite literally warned the United States government about an impending attack on the twin towers.  


Early in August Israel warns the United States 


> “50 to 200 al-Qaeda terrorists are inside the US and planning an imminent "major assault on the US" aimed at a "large scale target" 

Later the same month they send another warning saying the following  


> “Israel gives the US a list of 19 terrorists inside the US planning an imminent attack, the list names at least four of the hijackers, including Mohamed Atta, Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi” 




It is likely that Israel was very vulnerable to terrorism, so they had extremely good intelligence prior to 9/11. The recent attack by Hamas among many other attacks are evidence of why Israeli intelligence would need to be so aggressive about tracking and monitoring radical Islamic elements. [[Israel vs Hamas Debate]]

#Israel #9-11
#terrorism #jews

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Death Copes by JoeBob

There is a common misconception I run into, where people seem to think those afraid of death or dying, are scared because they believe it to be painful. I find this odd.

I don't think these people are saying this because they lack a fear of death. They say it because they are coping, and have repressed their own fears. I say they are coping because I don't want to believe they are so stupid that they just don't grasp the concept of death.

Pain sucks. Pain is bad. Some people will try to escape pain through death. However it isn't the pain that is feared, especially when we consider the positivity bias. Most people likely think their death will be painless and yet fear it anyway.

The real fear people have is of non existence. The seizing to exist is what gets us. We want to live and even though most of us realize that living is about pain management and that sometimes pain can be so unbearable that we seek death, Nobody wants to seize existing unless they have developed a cope where they believe death is like falling asleep or like being in darkness or unless they believe in an afterlife.

Now this isn't to say that death copes are inherently bad. They are bad if they cause us to forsake happiness in this life for an eternal bliss in the next. . I also believe that there are some people who take use death copes to do horrible crimes, for example how John List thought he was sparing his life pain and sending them to heaven. He allowed his death cope to be so believable that he actually thought he was helping his family. You can see this link to see why certain things many consider death copes are compatible with radical life extension. [[Christianity's compatability with radical life extension]]  . It can also be said that it is possible that there are two types of christians, those using it as a death cope, and those that are using it to grow closer to God.


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Theme by Mharman

This is a story about a broken man who doesn't realize he is a natural leader, and every time he rejects his own leadership obligations, people worse than him take over for him, or to his annoyance people take his lead but do so in the worst ways adapting his worst characteristics.

Nebula is that broken man. In the post apocalyptic city of New Olympus Nebula is given control of a brand new space prison, which takes Earth's most dangerous criminals and puts them in a new prison deep in space so they are not a harm to the planet. This allows the City's leaders to simultaneously keep the city safe from it's greatest enemies, and themselves safe from their most annoying ally.

This ally is similar to how the nation of Israel acts for the United States. It isn't necessarily well liked, but it does the ugly job of being a lightning rod for terrorists and a presence in the middle east to exert western influence. [[Israels suspicuos activity during 9-11]] [[Israel vs Hamas Debate]]

And like Israel, Nebula has allowed himself to become weak because of his empathy and allowed chaos because of his unwillingness to lead.

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Jesus Frozen in the Heart by lunatic

Plus I think that the bible mentions the being resurrected as knowing the word or something like that. It may be true that only a person who is frozen upon death with Jesus in their heart will be brought back to life at the end.

(research further)

#jesus #cryonic #resurrection #bible #frozen

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Social Avoidance of Death by Austin

What I mean by social issues with the goal of reaching physical immortality, is the likelihood of accidental deaths, murders and other issues that are out of your control, but can be mitigated by your actions. I may have to rename this section..

As far as death copes are concerned, having an effective death cope can actually cause a person to act more recklessly in this life, thus losing good years unnecessarily. [[Death copes]]

For example, many radical Muslims say they love death more than Christians or Jews love life, which in their messed up brain is an insult. They really believe valuing life is bad or weak. What's weak is subverting your own capabilities of logic to  join a death cult.


One of the biggest fatalities in the United States is automobile accidents (citation needed). So one way to mitigate death by automobile is to just not ride in a car any more than necessary.


Live close enough to hospitals so it is quick to get to them in emergencies.  Do not live in areas that are high crime areas or dangerous such as prone to natural disasters, if it can be avoided.

note, move to section called environmental

mind your business

I have noticed a pattern with 100 year olds when they give advice on living that long. One piece of advice is to mind your business. I see this being an effective way to avoid being murdered by random people.

It won't prevent people close to you from doing that, but it still mitigates your risk.

#mind-your-business #life-advice #lifestyle #radicallifeexetension #accidents

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Bibles 120 year cap myth by whiteflame

Genesis 6:3 NIV "Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not contend with  humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years."

This is most likely a prediction of when the flood comes. Noah lived more than 120 years after this and once God told Noah to work on the Ark the flood came 100 years later. Psalm 90:10 also mentions that Man will generally live to be between 70 and 90 years old.

Radical Life extension is not contradictory to God's word. We can achieve it and God will not stop it from happening unless he wants to, but he appears to not have anything against it.

#age-limit #Noah #The-flood #length-of-life #Genesis

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Carcinization by Greyparrot

Everything seems to keep evolving into crabs. Could there be a spiritual element to this. Like a final form we all evolve to. I guess Teilhard called it Omega Point. Or is it the result of it being the most favorable form?

Hamers, Laurel, and LiveScience. “Why Do Animals Keep Evolving into Crabs?” _Scientific American_, 20 Feb. 2024, www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-animals-keep-evolving-into-crabs/.

[[How People Handle Evil]] ///////   [[Jesus frozen in heart]]

#crabs #Teilhard #omega-point #evolution #change