I have reviewed a number of “debates” in which the instigator issues a subject challenge, then proceeds with a fluff R1 that makes no effort to argue any point in support of, or against the Resolution, and then the opponent either forfeits the round, or makes an equally off-topic statement that neither argues for or against the Resolution.
The debate proceeds through the argument rounds as in R1: nothing for or against the Resolution through the last round.
Voters are not given an option to offer a no-win vote; I.e., both opponents lose. As it is, because one or the other opponent is awarded even 1 point, that participant effectively wins the debate without actually offering a single argument for or against the Resolution. I believe this is a cheap win. I favor voters being given a no-win option to voting because this condition as described above ought to be classed a dual forfeit. Example: debate #5735.