Part 1: My static conceptual primary cosmic field ---expressed as 2D matrix and 3D space-time torus lattice--- is not to be thought of single field of Universe, ergo, the title topic can be misleading. Rather, this cosmic field is the minimal frequency set of nodal events,--and higher cyclic nodal events-- that, overlaps and interferes with other field similar fields to create every particle of Universe, except of the graviton-darkEon i.e quantum Gravity { contractive space } and quantum Dark Energy { repulsive space }. The non-isolatable and exist/contained within the minimal 18/0 field as the nodal events 1 -- 13p.
The 2D pattern for this minimal, four line field is presented again below and then I go into why use four lines, or rows, that, each of which each loops around to meet itself as in pattern of an abstract circle. This creates four circles on approximately the same plane. ....( (( () )) )....... and is the birds-eye-view of planar cross-section of the to be imagined later on, more complex, 3D space-time torus. Its side-wise cross-section view looks like this....( )( )...or with the nodal invaginations from outer peak of curvature and inner peak of curvature as this...(> <)(> <)....
........1..........5p...7p.............11p....13p...............17p..........loops around and not cojoined as 17p/1
The 2D pattern for this minimal, four line field is presented again below and then I go into why use four lines, or rows, that, each of which each loops around to meet itself as in pattern of an abstract circle. This creates four circles on approximately the same plane. ....( (( () )) )....... and is the birds-eye-view of planar cross-section of the to be imagined later on, more complex, 3D space-time torus. Its side-wise cross-section view looks like this....( )( )...or with the nodal invaginations from outer peak of curvature and inner peak of curvature as this...(> <)(> <)....
........1..........5p...7p.............11p....13p...............17p..........loops around and not cojoined as 17p/1
18/0.................6........................12............................18/0.loops around cojoined as one nodal event 18/0.
...............3p.................9............................15.....................loops around and not cojoined as 15/3p
...........2p...4..............8....10..................14.....16................loops around and not cojoned as 16/2p
1} Why four Lines/Rows. Partly because it goes along with the four hexagonal --see nucleated hexagons in my cosmic field pattern ex 3p..5p...7p...9...8...4 and nucleus 6 -- planes of the 4-fold Vector Equlibrium,
...1a} the above VE as jitterbug contracts through a partial regular 5-fold icosahedron, on its way to the octahedron phase,
2} triangle { three-ness } = 2D structural integrity
..note: hexagons and triangles are two primary pattern identity's of my cosmic field pattern
....2a} four-ness = systemic integrity ex the four planes of the Vector Equlirbrium { VE } define six surface squares and squares are not triangulated structural integrity, ergo, they allow for systemic transformation of the VE, that result in a few varied exotic transformative patterns. I can list them for others upon request. Ex arriving at Euclidean double { 90 degrees to each other } sine-wave patterns, and this is done in two ways of transforming the VE,
3} thinking, tho believe there exist other reasons, tho the may have to do with the 2D matrix-lattice cosmic field pattern can be imagined --or drawn with graphic program--- as a 3D torus with two invaginations. One from outer peak of curvature and one from inner peak of curvature.
4} following along with the idea of 3D torus, we have a spiral trajectory via the numerical sequence as a direction if not also the cyclic frequency as the numerical advance from 0 - 6 --ergo hexagon-- or 1 - 7p, or 2p - 8 etc.
5} thinking again,