So Lamb --recall the the Lamb shift scientist-- another first coined this term term for the ' Axis of Evil ' in regards to the Milky Way's axis being in aligment with this cosmic Axis of Evil.
At about 11:00 or just before this ' Brillant ' sponsored astrophysicist gets into two camps of astrophysicists take on this strange coincidence{?} ---that is one camp-- and at 11:37 she mentions, that, perhaps shape of Universe being a torus { I dont think so } --she does this just in passing ideas around, as to why this Axis of Evil exists---.
Today was first time I had heard of this cosmic Axis of Evil. Time stamp 12:24 addresses a large cluster of galaxies causing graviational lensing might be why the Axis exists, and, there does just happen to be a ultra-large cluster of galaxies out there in the location that could be causing this, however, if that were the case, then creates a ton of other odd questions of our CMB data.