Don’t you know… that belief is a doubt? It sounds paradoxical, yet it reminds us that to believe—whether in a deity, a cause, or even the reliability of science—requires an element of uncertainty. We embrace convictions based on evidence, experience, and intuition, but we cannot confirm every dimension of reality with absolute certainty. Even a commitment to not believing in a higher power rests on weighing available evidence and concluding that a deity is unlikely. This subtle admission of “I could be wrong” is what keeps us humble, curious, and open to growth.
Yet, uncertainty need not terrify us; in fact, it can unite us. Whether you define yourself as atheist, agnostic, or a believer, there’s a universal desire to seek the truth, understand our place in the world, and live meaningfully. It is through questioning—acknowledging the gap between what we know and what remains unknown—that we find common ground. Rather than set us apart, doubt can be the starting point for genuine conversations, encouraging cooperation, compassion, and a shared search for insight. In that search, we learn not only facts about the cosmos but also deeper truths about compassion, empathy, and the power of human connection. Faith communities sometimes speak of “faith seeking understanding,” but this concept isn’t exclusive to religion. In every sphere—science, philosophy, or daily life—our convictions emerge from a process of testing ideas, encountering challenges, and refining what we hold to be true. In that sense, the essence of belief, grounded in questioning, is something we all share. May this acknowledgment inspire us to reach across divides, learn from each other’s perspectives, and channel our uncertainties into building a more understanding, compassionate society.
Following from this guidance, I would like to dedicate today's post solely to answering questions. To all comfortable opening up, feel free to ask any questions about the Catholic faith. Though I may not be perfect, I will definitely try to answer your questions genuinely and wholeheartedly.