Andrew Tate is running for PM of the UK and will win.
This will fix the UK. Thought?
I'm not sure UK Prime Ministers get into their position the same way American Presidents do.Different system and requirements, I think.
Yep.British voters know the difference between an intellectual and a dickhead.Of course, once elected everyone thinks that the Prime Minister is an intellectual dickhead.Thankless job.
Elon Musk.Another intellectual dickhead.
His existence is just a variation on a theme.Immortality and eternal youth would be an achievement.
The American system has me baffled.All that electoral college stuff.
If he can get us to Mars, he will have done good.But this is an assumption based upon a broad universal philosophy of material purpose.
China has the Moon now I suppose.And Trump will be dead soon.
Should do.Though not guaranteed.
I think that at the end of the day, just like the rest of us, it depends more upon diet, activity and genetics.