Peter Woits blog page entry..." There’s been some progress on better understanding the Euclidean twistor unification ideas I’ve been working on the past few years. In particular the relation between the twistor geometry and the “spacetime is right-handed” point of view on spinors is now much clearer to me.
I’ve also made progress on understand how to think of Wick rotation in terms of hyperfunctions, something I’d given up on a while back, but now see how it can work. In the coming weeks/months I hope to get some of this written up, both as some blog posts and as a new paper. "...
Again, On this above link/page, he early links to mathematician John Baez who've Ive mentioned around here over the years in various numerical ways. I'm always on the lookout for associations to B Fullers Synergetics ideas, and, this left and ' right-handed space-time ' and asymmetry scenarios of Peter Wolts, certainly do that.
Ergo, for simplicity sake, I fell in love with Fullers jitterbug contraption many years ago. 8 triangles, and 6 squares, that allows the 4-fold VE { Vector Equilibrium } to twist/torque left or right on four diferrrent axi. Fuller speaks of his VE jitterbug as the Operating System of Universe and the closet we will come to knowing God because it is the perfection balance of between its 24 surface chords { ><><>< } and 24 nucleus extended radii { ---> ---> ---> } etc
And the first phase it forms is that of a semi-partial 5-fold icosahedron, that, then can develop left and right-skew sets of subdivisions of its surface triangles.
VE = four options of left-right skew contraction, twist/torque ergo spin { spinor? Twistor? } within occupied space-time
1} 4 axi/diameters at 60 degrees to each other { | \ / --- } ergo a Cosmic Euclidean fourness of every field of occupied space-time---,
2} 6 square surface openings --24 edges--- 12 corners/vertexial points of interference,
3} 8 triangle surface openings ---24 edges--- 12 corner/vertexial points of interfernece,
4} 24 radii and 24 chords --ergo Vector Equilibrium---,
5} transition > 5-fold semi-icosahedron --24 coners/verte points of interference
Think of the following Isotropic Vector Matrix if we used Fullers Euclidean approach of equanimity/balance of all fields of occupied space-time
Then I came along and say that each of the Euclidean lines, when transformed in Fullers 87 minus the redundant 14 = 83 primarg great circles, that, I say each is a 3D volumetric torus, and that torus is mapped ----most simple version--- via sequential set of whole rational numbers as a a primary field of occupied space-time.
Within this context, the fields are in the same plane as if were looking from a birds-eye-viewpoint of for orbits around a central point ( (( () )) ) . If the geodesics between specific set of numbers are shown they we would see the curves of the torus. Once we have that torus, we have;
1} two outer peak of positive curvature, here--->( )<----
2} two inner peak of negative curvature ---->)(<----
3} two distinct peaks of neutral curvature also known a Gaussian flat curvature See graphic in this link, scroll half way on the page.
AI..." A torus, or donut shape, has a "flat" Gaussian curvature overall, meaning its total Gaussian curvature is zero, because while the outer part of the torus has positive curvature, the inner part has negative curvature, balancing each other out;therefore, at any given point on the torus, the curvature is not flat, but the total curvature across the whole surface is zero. "..
Recently in listenting Peter Woit, or someone, some one sparked and association to those two neutral flat spaces of Gaussian torus. Damn, that I cant recall that now. May have been a good lead. Anyway here below is the four line --ergo birds-eye-view of four circle plane ( (( () )) )-- view of the 3D, volumetric field of space-time, in simlpler format of a 2D lattice
..1...........5p.7p..........11p...13p...........17p.........loops around to meet itself ergo defines a 2D plane
0................6....................12.......................18...loops around to meet itself ergo 2D plane
........3p...............9.......................15.................loops around to meet itself ergo defines a 2D plane
.....2p...4............8..10...............14...16...............loops around to meet itself ergo defines a 2D plane
To be clear, the actual minimal set of numbers ---as frequency of nodal events--- may exist into the trillions. I dunno of course. However, I believe any such actuality could be mathematical reduced to be represented as the above set of to the minimal 19 - 18 nodal events. I say 18 because, once this minimal set loops to meet itself the 18 and 0 occupied the same position.
This set 18 nodal events had 153 mathematical lines-of-relationship.
36 has 630 lines-of-relationship
54 has 1431 lines-of-relationship
72 has 2556 and that is the 4th doubling of 18. Just testing a cosmic four-ness concept to see what number occurs.
I choose 18 as minimal set in regards to 13p as the minimal reduced frequency set for Gravities quantum particles the graviton, that I original equate to a truncated di-pyramd ergo, 3 triangle openings, ---9 nodal events total of outer and inner surface {1..2p..4, ..5p...7p...8, ...10...11p...13p} -- that expand and contract in respect to each other, to move forward the internal set of four nuclear nodal events { 3p..6..9..12 } totals
Number 9 acts as semi- free, oscillatory agent-- of the four, primary{ graavitonic nuclei } to the torus, nodal events in sine-wave of reality, as the ' monkey wrench ' called ' fluctuation ' of the quantum wave { sine-wave }, binging, banging, oscillating off the other nodal events inside-the-tube of quantum pulse.
So back in 70's when I first heard the scenarios of what caused Universe to exist --say out of stable quantum field--- was a fluctuation a sine-wave etc.
My above shows imbalance in the minimal gravitonic field to be three nuclear balanced with the three triangular opening sets, and that leaves number 9 as a nuclear nodal event, that is ousted because the three triangle nucleus has nodal event already there { 3p....6....and 12 }.
9 is the free agent, and is reminscent of 7p in other aspects of Universe, but here above 9 is cosmic free agent not 7p.