Intelligence Restoration Program - Improving people's intelligence

Author: Best.Korea


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It seems that most people in the world are very close to being practically retarded. The combination of overwork and entertainment industry made sure that people have no time to develop logical skills.

I think that person can significantly improve his brain with this program which I created. Yes, the program is long, but it needs to be long because each step improves intelligence by small amount over time, and when they add up, they form great amount.

So these are steps for improving brain.

1. Light therapy

It seems that there are some apps which use phone's flash to produce effects on your eyes and brain, which improve sleep and brain function. I am not going to say name of apps, but they are easy to find on google play store.

2. Binaural beats

These sounds, which are to be listened to through headphones, produce effect on your brain. I recommend sounds which improve focus, intelligence...ect.

3. Isochronic sounds

These work similar to binaural beats in effect. However, they dont require headphones, even tho they probably work better with headphones.

4. Story motivation therapy

Another thing person must work on is motivation. Thus, motivation stories, apps where you listen those stories...ect. should help.

5. Memorization

This one is probably the most important one on this list. It is useless to learn if you will forget. Thus, only learn and absorb what you will remember forever. The more you memorize, the more your brain gets improved and active. You can even memorize songs, which shouldnt be hard.

6. Prayer, tarot, predictions, magic, divination, answers from crystal ball, magic readings, answers from magic.

I know you guys dont believe in magic and prayers. However, it is necessary to give motivation to advance forward, reduce stress, and give hope.

7. Debate and exposing to opposite views

Only a stupid person doesnt want to hear opposite view. Listening to opposite views makes your brain consider more options, which means your brain's logical thinking extends.

8. Creating logical structures, equations and non-equations, premises and conclusion, logical connections,

This is the basis of all thinking. A person who doesnt think in "premises and conclusion" form is a person who doesnt think at all.

Logical structures, which are made from things and logical connections between things, are the basis of logical thinking.

Thus, person must learn logical connections (also known as "logical connectives") in order to be able to think.

I have made a list of logical connections before, so I wont be presenting it here, but they are available on google too, and are also taught in computer programming.

Its also necessary to learn all forms of premises and conclusion type of thinking. Well, there are only 4 basic forms such as "if, then",  "includes", "equals", "or".

You can use AI to give you better explanation of premises and conclusion, and of logical connectives.

9. Learning observable facts and logical axioms

This one is important because reasoning needs to be based on observable facts and axioms.

Thus, you need to have great knowledge about many things in order to make a logical structure from them.

The more information you know, the better your reasoning is.

10. Puzzle games, logical obstacles games, block moving games, games where logical solution is necessary

It has been scientifically proven that games increase intelligence. However, puzzle games increase it even more since they do require extra thinking.

Any game which requires logical solutions to logical problems can increase intelligence.

11. Pleasing games, action games, driving games

While puzzle games are beneficial, other types of games, even casual games, were proven to increase intelligence.

12. Many types of games played

It is important that your brain isnt just thinking about one thing, or focuses just on one thing. Brain which focuses on many things, even many games, improves more.

13. Questioning all premises in logical structures, questioning opposite premises as well

All thinking is made from premises and conclusion. Thus, questioning all premises and opposite premises allows the brain to extend itself to a greater area, and master the greater area, which enables better thinking.

14. Learning different logical structures

It is important to know all kinds of logical structures, all kinds of arguments, even arguments you personally disagree with.
You must understand certain logic, if you are to use it more effectively.

15. Learning false claims and false logic

While learning correct logic is a good start, it is also necessary to learn false logic. This way, you know which logic is wrong, so you can avoid using it in your logical structures.

16. Learning about different goals, know which goal to set, setting goals and achieving them

This is the basic of all plans. All plans have goals which are set and which are supposed to be achieved. Setting correct goals enables better plans to achieve them. Not all goals are easy to achieve, and not all goals are equal. Some goals, if achieved, improve intelligence much better. Sometimes path to goal also carries benefits.

17. Learning what achieves goal, what doesnt achieve goal, what negates goal, what doesnt negate goal.

This too is crucial for plans.
Learning what achieves goal enables us to do that which achieves goal.
Learning what doesnt achieve goal enables us to avoid doing that which doesnt achieve goal.
Learning what negates goal enables us to remove the negation, so that goal can be achieved.
Learning what doesnt negate goal enables us to ignore that thing, because it is not an obstacle to the goal.

18. Seeking proof, exposing unproven assumptions in logical structure

Seeking proof, or seeking observable facts, is crucial for creation of thinking. Same way, asking for proof of claims which werent proven enables us to challenge logic of other people.

19. Drink plenty of water at once. Just dont drink more than 1 liter in an hour. Drink 3 to 5 liters of water per day.

Water is crucial for brain activity. Thus, getting enough water per day is crucial.

20. Practice period of thirst for 8 hours a day.

Water is good, but some thirst is good too. Thirst enables brain to focus more.

21. Practice period of hunger

Hunger is good too, in some amount. It makes the day seem longer, which creates more focus.

22. Masturbation

As much as religious people hate it, masturbation was proven to increase intelligence.

23. Do calculations

This is good for brain. Doing math equations, or just solving math problems, improves brain's reasoning ability.

24. Listen to good music

Now, it might seem like music is pointless, but I think it has potential to improve the brain.

25. Explore many topics and do research about many things

This enables brain to extend in all directions. Its important because proper research requires knowledge about many things, to be able to link them together.

26. Extend your thinking to many areas of life, think about many areas of life.

Areas of life are also important. You dont want to be learning "dry facts", but you want to know about interesting things, which can prove useful.

27. Create new truth

Creating new truth, creating information which wasnt known before, is the entire point of thinking. Doing something new is what makes humanity move forward. Besides, all new discoveries are special because they were previously unknown.

28. Write speeches

It might seem pointless, but speeches are necessary, so that your brain can extend in area of rhetoric.

29. Enjoy comedy

Comedy might seem like brain rot, but there is plenty of research showing that comedy has positive effects on the brain.

30. Learn about rhetoric

Rhetoric is all about your words sounding good. You want the truth, but you also want it to sound good to avoid being boring.

31. Read interesting books about topics such as debating or some topics you like. Dont force yourself to read.

Reading books is sometimes beneficial if a book is really interesting. Basically, you are supposed to give your brain interesting things to absorb, so it stays creative and happy.

32. Read scientific research, learn statistics, probabilities, observations and general truth. Extend your view.

These are very important. Statistics enable you to see the big picture. Research and observation made by others enables you to see different views, thus extending your view. General truth is important because general truth is the truth which can be applied in many areas of thinking.

33. Think of solutions to difficult problems. Think of many problems.

The main thing which separates smart from average is that smart person thinks of many problems and thinks of solutions to them.

34. Write down everything which is important and study it

Writing down is crucial. Your brain probably cannot remember all important things, so if you dont write them  down, you will lose them.

35. Write long arguments and research

Its important to have the effect of mass. Your brain must work on mass scale, learning and creating long logical structures, arguments and research.

36. Persistence, dedicating lots of time to become smarter

Time is necessary to improve. Thus, plenty of time must be dedicated to it. Persistence is crucial in everything.

37. Setting priorities, goals by importance

Your goals have their importance. Not all goals are equally important. Thus, priorities must be set in research and in life.

38. Rest and entertaining apps

I know that I have said how entertainment is brain rot, but I was talking about too much entertainment. However, it is sometimes necessary  to rest, step back from learning and return to learning later, after rest.

39. Changes

Change is necessary to learn and progress.

40. Arguing for opposite views

You should never stick to your views alone. Try arguing for opposite. It enables your brain to see the other side.

41. Use full power of AI to help you

AI can make mistakes and it isnt perfect, but it does a good job of making summary of information which would otherwise take much more research.

Yes, there are many steps necessary to become smarter. It is neither simple neither easy. Yet it is needed.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Bro, smart people's brains literally just fire faster. The shit you talk about is like trying to download Ram, the only way to make your brain fire faster is to take nootropics 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Yes, there are many steps necessary to become smarter. It is neither simple neither easy. Yet it is needed.
You forgot to mention good genetics. That way you are born smart with good genes.