Protestantism as the enemy

Author: Dr.Franklin


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The more I explore sociology and politics it has now become abundantly clear that Calvinism has won against the old Catholic order. Even among Catholic countries and The Church today, Calvinism and its ideas has been so so thoroughly cemented that genuine Catholicism is hard to find. The main idea behind Calvinism that drives all of its theology is the Elected-the idea that ONLY certain people are allowed life after death and there is nothing you can do about the fact that you are condemned. Extend this exclusionary nature out to other ideas in life-wealth, sex, self-esteem, etc and the idea is that in Calvinist world, only the "elected" are allowed to actually live whereas the rest are perpetually unsatisfied and told that that a regular life us actually bad for you while being brazenly hypocritical.

Take sex for example, The Scarlet Letter is a perfect example in showing the Calvinist idea that sex is something inherently scandalous but the "elected" are still allowed to do so. Arthur Dimmesdale may preach about Puritan purity but fathers an illegitimate child anyway. The idea is that Arthur is the "elected" one allowed to have sex whereas the rest of populace are stuck in a gloomy hell completely devoid of good sexuality and merriment. (Christmas was banned by Cromwell ffs) This is the rationale behind pornography as stated by the Jewish Dane Jens Theander:

"Making porn is about being sexually repressive. What we do is not entertainment, it is sexual control-and-repression politics. We are a Lutheran country, with the legalization of pornography we follow the Puritan agenda, why? because with pornographic material we do not liberate sex, but thanks to pornographic material we can repress it more effectively. Pornography is about sex by inciting desires that can never be fulfilled. That's the idea of being a pornographer. We do not offer or facilitate sexual contact, we do not help or will help anyone have real sex with anyone, but we incite cravings that have no chance of ever being consummated. This is how we suppress...The idea is to create an elite of actors with the exclusive right to sexual performance so that viewers that are not part of it give up and, in the long run, become dependent on our merchandise, shocking them"

It's all right there-scandalizing/repressing sex into the hands of the "elected" and associating shock to it.

Another aspect of this is alcohol. Alcohol was long scandalized/suppressed by Calvinism and its offshoots in America. Prohibition comes, and now normal people do not have access to alcohol and social cornerstones of the Western world such as pubs are destroyed. However all Prohibition ACTUALLY did was put the hands of alcohol production, selling, and usage into the hands of an "elected" who ran underground bars and criminal syndicates. In this way alcohol no longer was the domain of regular people and tavern owners but now criminals and bootleggers who still enjoyed it, all while Puritan moralizers yelled at the normal people. One of the most treasured and liked commodity in Western Civilization was completely scandalized and shocked by Calvinists, rendering consumption of it into the hands of the "elected". It's like those parents who never give their kids a beer at a Christmas party so now their first exposure to alcohol is at a college rave and they don't know their limit and get alcohol poisoning. Prohibition was that but on a national scale thanks to Protestantism. One of the reasons why I drink actually is to pay homage to my Catholic culture as a triumph against Protestant prohibitionists. 

The exact same idea can be seen in the Northern Irish Conflict and is actually a great indication of Catholic VS Protestant culture. Actually look at the details between violent incidents committed by the IRA and Protestant paramilitaries and you will see that protestants added much more shock to their violent campaigns. The end goal of this was to scandalize/suppress(a common theme) violence itself and make it outside the realm of normal people, but rather reserve it for sadistic criminals. It is no wonder that Republican prisoners spent their time reading books on Irish history and political thought while Loyalist prisoners did nothing but weightlift. Because for Republicans, smart and educated and otherwise normal people were still allowed to participate in violence because under Catholic countries these things are not suppressed and reserved for the "elected". But that wasn't the case for Northern Irish Protestants. Normal/Smart Protestants were not seen in paramilitaries because it had become outside their domain. It's the same reason why America is uniquely obsessed with serial killers or why bar fights are not "lower-class coded", because the entire idea of violence is now scandalized/shocking.

The last element I want to discuss is music. The 70's and 80's in rock music was dominated by hair metal bands. KISS, motley crue, Poison, etc who exercised this Protestant idea of scandalizing life and putting into the hands of disgusting and shocking people and outfits. Then the 90s came with grunge and Oasis and can be seen as a counter-revolutionary Catholic revolt-it put music BACK into the domain of normal people. Is it any wonder why the 5 Oasis boys were all second generation Irish Catholics and Kurt and Chris were ex-Protestants? Gene Simmons and Nikki Sixx were pagans and jews alike, much more in tuned with the calvinism than Catholicism.

Unfortunately those rockers are either dead(thanks to the CIA operation to keep the calvinist operation in good form and give grunge rockers heroin, Courtney Love's dad was in the CIA) or remnants of an England that doesn't exist anymore (Oasis). Ok that last sentence may be a bit of a conspiracy theory but the reality is that there needs to be a bulwark against this Calvinist philosophy again, because it is America today and it needs to be combatted.

There's literally dozens of more examples ranging from economics to holiday celebrations but the gist is there.

Let me know what you think.

Savant's avatar
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I doubt most Christians or even Protestants could even describe what double predestination is, much less believe in it. One source estimated that only 2% of Protestants believe in the main tenets of Calvinism, and I can't find anything that contradicts that.

The 70's and 80's in rock music was dominated by hair metal bands. KISS, motley crue, Poison, etc who exercised this Protestant idea of scandalizing life and putting into the hands of disgusting and shocking people and outfits. Then the 90s came with grunge and Oasis and can be seen as a counter-revolutionary Catholic revolt-it put music BACK into the domain of normal people.
None of this is Calvinism. The members of KISS are Jewish, and I'd be surprised if they could even articulate the doctrines of double predestination, total depravity, or limited atonement.
Swagnarok's avatar
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Swagnarok's avatar
The more I explore sociology and politics it has now become abundantly clear that Calvinism has won against the old Catholic order. 
Calvinism is relatively fringe even within Protestantism. The idea that some people were literally created to go to hell was never going to be popular, and it never will be. On top of that, Reformed churches are predominantly old and white; fast growing churches that successfully reach a young audience tend to be non-denominational, which tends to de-emphasize adherence to elaborate theologies, the very thing Reformed Churches define themselves by. I'd speculate also that from a psychological standpoint, the idea that only a small elect is heaven-bound would leave the impression that missions and evangelization aren't important and can be neglected, letting their opponents decide the makeup of the next generation of Christians.

Extend this exclusionary nature out to other ideas in life-wealth, sex, self-esteem, etc and the idea is that in Calvinist world, only the "elected" are allowed to actually live whereas the rest are perpetually unsatisfied and told that that a regular life us actually bad for you while being brazenly hypocritical.
You do realize that for the overwhelming bulk of Catholicism's existence, the surrounding cultural milieu was feudalism, right? The firstborn son inherited the land, married the princess, and probably had a few mistresses over the years, while the secondborn son was sent to live in a monastery and ordered to be celibate for life. The RCC had extremely large holdings in land, and untold millions of serfs paid rent to an abbot or bishop as opposed to a secular lord. Those who didn't still paid tithes to the church, whose bishops lived in opulence and whose monks often had beer bellies because they collected so much grain from the common people that they made it into beer as a means of storing it.

Protestantism reflects a capitalist society? That's still a massive improvement.

Take sex for example, The Scarlet Letter is a perfect example in showing the Calvinist idea that sex is something inherently scandalous but the "elected" are still allowed to do so.
In Protestantism, anyone is allowed to marry, and then have sex after marrying. And marriage is strictly monogamous, so you don't get a Middle East style situation. The Puritans in The Scarlet Letter (a fictional story by a man who was critical of religion, and who might've been inclined to strawman it at times) were having sex with their spouses all the time, and Dimmesdale was clearly written as having been in the wrong for having premarital sex one time in his life.

Making porn is about being sexually repressive. What we do is not entertainment, it is sexual control-and-repression politics.
Porn doesn't exist to placate people who are legally or culturally barred from having sex, since no such restrictions exist in the West and insofar as premarital sex is still taboo in some circles so is porn. Lack of sexual prospects does spur demand for porn, but in a free sexual marketplace there's always going to be winners, losers, and demand for some alternative product for those who can't win. Protestantism isn't the cause of this. It's a general human thing.

Also, Catholicism doesn't allow premarital sex either.

We do not offer or facilitate sexual contact, we do not help or will help anyone have real sex with anyone, but we incite cravings that have no chance of ever being consummated. 
Doesn't this contradict your position, since to "incite cravings" is the polar opposite of placation?

Another aspect of this is alcohol. Alcohol was long scandalized/suppressed by Calvinism and its offshoots in America. Prohibition comes, and now normal people do not have access to alcohol and social cornerstones of the Western world such as pubs are destroyed.
There are other "social cornerstones" besides bars, such as coffee shops, libraries, church, and home gatherings, and in reality a lot of people go to pubs to drink alone. Per Robert Putnam's research, the primary cause of the 20th century's collapse in social engagement was the rise of television, which let people enjoy the effortless semblance of a social life by following along with their favorite characters on a show. Which, of course, had nothing to do with Protestantism.

Prohibition comes, and now normal people do not have access to alcohol and social cornerstones of the Western world such as pubs are destroyed. However all Prohibition ACTUALLY did was put the hands of alcohol production, selling, and usage into the hands of an "elected" who ran underground bars and criminal syndicates.
The rate of alcohol consumption per capita actually did decline during Prohibition, contrary to popular myth. And we might've kicked the habit for good if it'd proven longer than a 10-year experiment.

One of the most treasured and liked commodity in Western Civilization was completely scandalized and shocked by Calvinists, rendering consumption of it into the hands of the "elected". 
Between 1/3rd and 3/4th of all rapes involve a drunken perpetrator. Same with at least half of all violent crimes. In 2022, 13,500+ Americans died from drunk driving. In an age of limitless outlets for self-amusement, it's really not a big sacrifice to dump alcohol. People are more than capable of living happy lives without it.

Also, it's blatantly not a taboo in Western countries when you consider how many beer commercials play on TV. Maybe it was a century ago.
Shila's avatar
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Let me know what you think.

Now, Calvinism (Presbyterian + Reformed in the denominational categories) is 7% of all Protestants, or 70 million: a small minority of the larger minority group. But one must realize their percentage of the whole (all Christians), which is what I was talking about. That comes out to 2.7%, or 1 out of every 37 Christians in the world.

And one must also figure (to be even more accurate), that many Presbyterians and Reformed (very likely half or more) are theologically liberal, and detest the Calvinism that used to dominate their denomination (as well as many other traditional Protestant / Reformed beliefs). So that would (if true, and it almost certainly is) bring it down to 1.35% of Christians in the world, or 1 out of every 74 Christians.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
The reality is that culture and the behavior of people is top-down. The vast majority of American founding fathers were either of Calvinist or Deist stock. Deism is essentially Calvinism without relation to the historical OT since both philosophies regard God as an non-interventionist, the creator for whom we are acting out his static, not dynamic(as Catholicism would have it) script. That reality set the tone for American culture. That was the founding generation of America and its principles we still subscribe to, even if most can't cite the particular theological dogma, it is clear that the efforts of Protestant reformers set in motion the ending of the Catholic order. It described a base-the "elected" in theological terms and slowly incorporated that into every facet of society.

The quote by the pornographer shows that it is still very much a cultural conception. I mean how else do those ideas even come from??? Most people think pornographers are in the business because they're pervs or something but that shows there was a higher reason for it. 
Shila's avatar
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What percentage of the U.S. is Catholic?

Roughly 48.9% of Americans are Protestants, 23.0% are Catholics, 1.8% are Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). Christianity was introduced during the period of European colonization. The United States has the world's largest Christian population.

What percentage of Protestant in America are Calvinist?

Now, Calvinism (Presbyterian + Reformed in the denominational categories) is 7% of all Protestants, or 70 million: a small minority of the larger minority group. But one must realize their percentage of the whole (all Christians), which is what I was talking about. That comes out to 2.7%, or 1 out of every 37 Christians in the world.

And one must also figure (to be even more accurate), that many Presbyterians and Reformed (very likely half or more) are theologically liberal, and detest the Calvinism that used to dominate their denomination (as well as many other traditional Protestant / Reformed beliefs). So that would (if true, and it almost certainly is) bring it down to 1.35% of Christians in the world, or 1 out of every 74 Christians.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
Calvinism is relatively fringe even within Protestantism. The idea that some people were literally created to go to hell was never going to be popular, and it never will be. On top of that, Reformed churches are predominantly old and white; fast growing churches that successfully reach a young audience tend to be non-denominational, which tends to de-emphasize adherence to elaborate theologies, the very thing Reformed Churches define themselves by. I'd speculate also that from a psychological standpoint, the idea that only a small elect is heaven-bound would leave the impression that missions and evangelization aren't important and can be neglected, letting their opponents decide the makeup of the next generation of Christians.
Calvinism is not fringe-it's offshoots dominated large parts of the European populace that were in elite positions, even in Catholic France the Huguenots dominated its commercial trade. 

You do realize that for the overwhelming bulk of Catholicism's existence, the surrounding cultural milieu was feudalism, right? The firstborn son inherited the land, married the princess, and probably had a few mistresses over the years, while the secondborn son was sent to live in a monastery and ordered to be celibate for life. The RCC had extremely large holdings in land, and untold millions of serfs paid rent to an abbot or bishop as opposed to a secular lord. Those who didn't still paid tithes to the church, whose bishops lived in opulence and whose monks often had beer bellies because they collected so much grain from the common people that they made it into beer as a means of storing it.

Protestantism reflects a capitalist society? That's still a massive improvement.
The English Peasant lived way worse off than their Continental Catholic counterparts because the landowners were of the mercantilist class and engineered enclosure to drive them off in cities to become laborers which ALSO grossly enriched the mercantilist class. The only reason that so many more Brits moved to the New World is because the rural English population had nowhere else to go-they were deeply impoverished. King Charles, a royalist aristocrat, began enacting fines on landlords who evicted tenants based on enclosure and got his head chopped off partly for that reason. Oh, and how about the scores of Saint holidays that authorities got rid of? Point is, peasants lived better under Catholicism.

In Protestantism, anyone is allowed to marry, and then have sex after marrying. And marriage is strictly monogamous, so you don't get a Middle East style situation. The Puritans in The Scarlet Letter (a fictional story by a man who was critical of religion, and who might've been inclined to strawman it at times) were having sex with their spouses all the time, and Dimmesdale was clearly written as having been in the wrong for having premarital sex one time in his life.
But the conceptions around sex in general is different. In Catholicism sex is considered as something inherently good but can be corrupted. Total Depravity doctrine means that Protestants view sex as inherently bad. Even today with the Sexual Revolution complete across the West, Catholic countries don't really care, whereas in America there is still a stuck-up "we think its bad but still know its happening". It really does cloud youth shows and movies here in the US whereas European ones are much more upfront and honest.

Porn doesn't exist to placate people who are legally or culturally barred from having sex, since no such restrictions exist in the West and insofar as premarital sex is still taboo in some circles so is porn. Lack of sexual prospects does spur demand for porn, but in a free sexual marketplace there's always going to be winners, losers, and demand for some alternative product for those who can't win. Protestantism isn't the cause of this. It's a general human thing.

Also, Catholicism doesn't allow premarital sex either.

But that isn't the point. The point is to create a psychological barrier between the winners and losers and create immense stress among the losers. "Incels" are an anglosphere and Scandinavian problem for this very reason, because otherwise these people would just be considered loveshy but still relatively normal. I met someone from Portugal once who described that yes sex happened and there were womanizers and those who weren't, but overall it just wasn't considered a big deal. The only reason why incel ideology exists is because there are systems in place to create immense barriers between the winners and losers, with porn being part of that process. That barrier is only there because American culture is obsessed with the idea of the elected, a natural barrier.

There are other "social cornerstones" besides bars, such as coffee shops, libraries, church, and home gatherings, and in reality a lot of people go to pubs to drink alone. Per Robert Putnam's research, the primary cause of the 20th century's collapse in social engagement was the rise of television, which let people enjoy the effortless semblance of a social life by following along with their favorite characters on a show. Which, of course, had nothing to do with Protestantism.
That's not really the point, but Robert Putnam misdiagnoses the reason which is that male organizations went on a relentless decline.

The rate of alcohol consumption per capita actually did decline during Prohibition, contrary to popular myth. And we might've kicked the habit for good if it'd proven longer than a 10-year experiment.
Yes it did decline because normal people were denied access to it and it became scandalized and into the hands of criminals and bootleggers. That was my entire point.

Between 1/3rd and 3/4th of all rapes involve a drunken perpetrator. Same with at least half of all violent crimes. In 2022, 13,500+ Americans died from drunk driving. In an age of limitless outlets for self-amusement, it's really not a big sacrifice to dump alcohol. People are more than capable of living happy lives without it.

Also, it's blatantly not a taboo in Western countries when you consider how many beer commercials play on TV. Maybe it was a century ago.
The only reason why those rapes are associated with alcohol is because its part of the party/nightclub experience. Drunk driving is massively overstated and a bit of a nothing-burger. And you're right that it's no longer taboo and that that aspect of the Protestant social justice is done for, but Prohibition did so much damage to the habits of drinking Americans. It killed the idea of the tavern, alcohol was now for bars/nightlife or "relaxing" at home. The idea of a male-only space where rowdy men with alcohol could engage in was the main enemy of the Calvinist imperative that ruled America, once it had succeeded in that goal it ended Prohibition. 
RemyBrown's avatar
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All religion is the enemy.
zedvictor4's avatar
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Hypothetical gobbledegook is what it is.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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IlDiavolo's avatar
What I understand from your post is that religions leave deep marks in people's psyche which can determine to a great extent how they build their environment and satisfy their needs. I agree with that. Besides, it's not necessary that you become a believer to be influenced by a specific religion but only suffice to have religious ancestors to grasp their attitudes, behaviour, virtues and vices. It's a matter of biological inheritance, some people call it cell memory.

By the same token, we can say that protestantism and judaism were important for the birth and development of capitalism and that's been pretty good for the world but religions are not perfect. These religions have a dark side as I said it in another thread. So, what you said is somewhat coherent but I need to check it more carefully. It would be helpful if you give your source.
Shila's avatar
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By the same token, we can say that protestantism and judaism were important for the birth and development of capitalism and that's been pretty good for the world but religions are not perfect. These religions have a dark side as I said it in another thread. So, what you said is somewhat coherent but I need to check it more carefully. It would be helpful if you give your source.
Religion is anti capitalism.
Swagnarok's avatar
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The English Peasant lived way worse off than their Continental Catholic counterparts because the landowners were of the mercantilist class and engineered enclosure to drive them off in cities to become laborers which ALSO grossly enriched the mercantilist class. 
The British peasants were the first, or among the first, in Europe to escape pre-industrial mass poverty.
I suppose the British economic model was an abject failure for centuries and centuries, and then one day poof it succeeded out of nowhere? Nah, I don't buy it. I think that person for person, late Medieval Britain was more productive than most of Europe, and this translated to more job opportunities and upward mobility for the average person.
Case in point, England's heavy involvement in the lucrative wool trade, which was a heavy driver of enclosure (so that the land could be used for raising sheep instead of farming). That wool could be sold abroad for a profit, so instead of toiling in the sun all day and throwing out your back at 26 for a pithance you could find work as a dockhand or in a factory, and find the best deal. Granted, this is assuming you were legally allowed to leave the fields long enough to hold down work, but by 1574 (by act of the Protestant Queen Elizabeth) the last serf had been freed.
By the late 1700s, Napoleon commented that England was a "nation of shopkeepers", suggesting a large chunk of the population was employed in non-agricultural professions.

The only reason that so many more Brits moved to the New World is because the rural English population had nowhere else to go-they were deeply impoverished.
Or, you know, because England was overcrowded and that would've been the case regardless of the island's religious creed.

But the conceptions around sex in general is different. In Catholicism sex is considered as something inherently good but can be corrupted. Total Depravity doctrine means that Protestants view sex as inherently bad.
Setting aside your blatant strawman of what Total Depravity means, I'll ask you this question: which group, Catholics or Protestants, allows their clergy to marry? Which group's priests wear fancy gilded robes as if to brag about their elite spiritual lifestyle, while in truth being sexually frustrated and having secret gay flings with each other or molesting adolescent boys as their only outlet?

And if you retort "some Protestant pastors are guilty of sexual misconduct", well sure, but that's in spite of them being married, obviously not because of it. They have a non-sinful outlet for their natural drives. Catholic priests do not.

Even today with the Sexual Revolution complete across the West, Catholic countries don't really care, whereas in America there is still a stuck-up "we think its bad but still know its happening". It really does cloud youth shows and movies here in the US whereas European ones are much more upfront and honest.
At best, you're describing an America-Europe divide...forgetting that the UK, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and Finland are all historically Protestant countries.

But that isn't the point. The point is to create a psychological barrier between the winners and losers and create immense stress among the losers. 
What stress are you talking about? The social stigma of being a virgin or otherwise sexually inactive? That's pagan culture, not Catholicism or Protestantism. Is it frustration from having no sexual outlet? Porn, or spanking off without porn if one's capable of it, is that outlet. For many people, choking the rubber chicken doesn't have the long-term effect of intensifying their desire to experience the real thing. Just the opposite, in fact. It makes them not that concerned with the women around them. But for those who feel otherwise, Protestantism obviously didn't invent porn.

The only reason why incel ideology exists is because there are systems in place to create immense barriers between the winners and losers
...Do you mean to say that, in general, Protestantism instills a general mindset of viewing everything in terms of winners and losers? Couldn't you just substitute "American-style capitalism" and leave Protestantism out of the discussion?

That's not really the point, but Robert Putnam misdiagnoses the reason which is that male organizations went on a relentless decline.
Yes, that's what I meant by "collapse in social engagement", and it's what Robert Putnam discusses in his book Bowling Alone.

Yes it did decline because normal people were denied access to it and it became scandalized and into the hands of criminals and bootleggers. That was my entire point.
Prohibition happened because alcohol was already scandalous, and it'd become scandalous because Americans saw firsthand the lives that it ruined. Booze was the same chemical, had the same effect on the human brain, and caused the same behavioral ills pre-1919 as after 1919.

The only reason why those rapes are associated with alcohol is because its part of the party/nightclub experience.
There's nothing about going to a party or nightclub that makes you want to rape someone. It is simply a gathering of people for the mutual aim of having fun, with each person free to decide the extent to which they want to participate. It's alcohol that puts people in a state of mind where they don't respect boundaries they otherwise would.

Drunk driving is massively overstated and a bit of a nothing-burger.
13,500+ deaths a year is a nothing burger?
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
The British peasants were the first, or among the first, in Europe to escape pre-industrial mass poverty.
I suppose the British economic model was an abject failure for centuries and centuries, and then one day poof it succeeded out of nowhere? Nah, I don't buy it. I think that person for person, late Medieval Britain was more productive than most of Europe, and this translated to more job opportunities and upward mobility for the average person.
Case in point, England's heavy involvement in the lucrative wool trade, which was a heavy driver of enclosure (so that the land could be used for raising sheep instead of farming). That wool could be sold abroad for a profit, so instead of toiling in the sun all day and throwing out your back at 26 for a pithance you could find work as a dockhand or in a factory, and find the best deal. Granted, this is assuming you were legally allowed to leave the fields long enough to hold down work, but by 1574 (by act of the Protestant Queen Elizabeth) the last serf had been freed.
By the late 1700s, Napoleon commented that England was a "nation of shopkeepers", suggesting a large chunk of the population was employed in non-agricultural professions.
This is really not debatable, Catholic countries industrialized later and slower because they didn't have a predatory mercantilist class that owned the land, they had a nobility that did so. Peasants lived much better compared to the mass homelessness that others faced thanks to enclosure. 

Plus living conditions were not particularly better for the new overworked urban poor. But city life made up for it, maybe? Humans are weird, we don't know why we switched to farming?

Setting aside your blatant strawman of what Total Depravity means, I'll ask you this question: which group, Catholics or Protestants, allows their clergy to marry? Which group's priests wear fancy gilded robes as if to brag about their elite spiritual lifestyle, while in truth being sexually frustrated and having secret gay flings with each other or molesting adolescent boys as their only outlet?

And if you retort "some Protestant pastors are guilty of sexual misconduct", well sure, but that's in spite of them being married, obviously not because of it. They have a non-sinful outlet for their natural drives. Catholic priests do not.
Clergy members are only celibate so as to imitate Christ, or be above worldly pleasures and be in line with the divine. It has nothing to do with their conception of sexuality itself.

What stress are you talking about? The social stigma of being a virgin or otherwise sexually inactive? That's pagan culture, not Catholicism or Protestantism. Is it frustration from having no sexual outlet? Porn, or spanking off without porn if one's capable of it, is that outlet. For many people, choking the rubber chicken doesn't have the long-term effect of intensifying their desire to experience the real thing. Just the opposite, in fact. It makes them not that concerned with the women around them. But for those who feel otherwise, Protestantism obviously didn't invent porn.
Very incorrect. It makes one obsessed with getting poon. People who aren't in a shortage of it just live.

...Do you mean to say that, in general, Protestantism instills a general mindset of viewing everything in terms of winners and losers? Couldn't you just substitute "American-style capitalism" and leave Protestantism out of the discussion?
Where do you think "American-style capitalism" comes from?

There's nothing about going to a party or nightclub that makes you want to rape someone. It is simply a gathering of people for the mutual aim of having fun, with each person free to decide the extent to which they want to participate. It's alcohol that puts people in a state of mind where they don't respect boundaries they otherwise would.

LOL stop thinking like a child. Guys go to nightclub TO FUCK GIRLS. 
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
All religion is the enemy.

What was the fight between Protestants and Catholics?

The European wars of religionwere a series of wars waged in Europe during the 16th, 17th and early 18th centuries.[1][2] Fought after the Protestant Reformationbegan in 1517, the wars disrupted the religious and political order in the Catholic countries of Europe, or Christendom

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Yep, as I always say.

Teach a kid nonsense, and they will grow up believing in nonsense.

Mall's avatar
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There's nothing you can do because you can do nothing of yourselves. I don't know about Calvinism but that is scripture.
Mall's avatar
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All religion is the enemy of every other one.
Mall's avatar
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The religion of socialism is . 
RemyBrown's avatar
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All religion is the enemy of mankind.

They are all bigoted and violate the 8th amendment.  Catholisism; Protestantism; Islam; Hinduism; Judaism; Buddhism; Trumpism.  They all suck.
Savant's avatar
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The 8th Amendment doesn't apply to Hell. It's outside US jurisdiction, just like Guantanamo Bay.
Mall's avatar
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Mall's avatar
All the religion your thinking about.
RemyBrown's avatar
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It doesn't matter; the US constitution should be the law everywhere, including the afterlife.  Man makes better laws than God.
Shila's avatar
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The religion of socialism is . 
Christian socialism is a religious and political philosophy that blends Christianity and socialism, endorsing socialist economics on the basis of the Bible ...