Having said that, I've recently been wondering as to why a girl can get on Twitch, play a videogame rather poorly and receive a bucketload of money. I understand that the girls in question dress in certain ways to enhance attraction, but wow, why do guys give them so much money? Is there some kind of trick? Is it easy to do?
I highly doubt they are crap at whatever game they are playing. They are likely good to some extent. At least, the girls i know are pretty damn good at the game they play. People that play video games tend to watch videos online to get ideas and learn strategies they didn't think of. Or, as just a tutorial run. Lastly, it's just fun watching someone else play a game you like. It's like any sport. When you watch someone else play you want to play or get motivated in playing so it's more fun.
Why watch a girl? The majority a people playing games are guys... of course they'd rather watch a hot girl play the game instead of a guy. So... in theory, it is actually pretty easy. If your hot and play the game you can make money. However, you can't be crap at the game... so it isn't all that easy since games require a lot of strategy and practice to get good at. If you are just hot and crap at the game... well, you can still get lucky if you have a fun personality to listen to and watch. It requires a specific type of person to be able to be popular on Youtube and other similar platforms. Watch the videos and you'll see they all of the same thing in common... they are good at what they do, they are well spoken, bright, fun to listen too, witty and give off a positive vibe. Put all of that together, it isn't that easy unless you get lucky that you are the one only hot Youtuber that has views... but, if that's all it is you'll like be made fun of instead of actually have interested followers. In sum total... it's not easy.
And as to your why do people play games, why do people play sports, why do people read fiction, why do people watch movies, why do people go out... it's the same answer. At least with games you are stimulating your mind... unless you are playing slot machine games or something lol... that i don't get other than passing time.