People create their own prosperity when they're allowed to. There are only two root policies that would help the economy:
1.) Reduce the amount of government theft
2.) Reduce the red tape, or at least make it transparent. Quickly understood, quickly appealed, quickly resolved. i.e. deregulation
Trump has huge power to do (2) and very little for (1).
The two main mechanisms for theft are:
1.) inflation, caused by the fed, and primarily government bonds issued to pay for government budge.
2.) taxes
Only congress can spend less money or reduce taxes
Tariffs will reduce the trade deficit which will allow us to hold on and perhaps rebuild US manufacturing. This is a long term benefit but the only reason it was ever cheaper to ship things from China was because of the economic depression of the aforementioned mass theft and red tape.
The migration is a similar issue, they're here because USD mean a hell of a lot in their home countries; it's just the best job they can hope for. If the deep state wasn't propping up the US dollar to manage the ever increasing trade deficit that wouldn't be so pronounced.
Deporting people and tariffs are bandaid solutions, treating the symptoms and not the root cause, but as I said Trump can only treat one half of the root cause.
In case I'm not being clear, a truly free market country doesn't need tariffs because they would make all the products they can internally and only trade for things that genuinely can't be easily produced at home.... like say rare earths or oil (for some countries).
For the USA there is very little foreign resources we actually need. If we would just drill we would have our own oil. If we would just mine we would have our own rare earths.
The only thing we should be importing from China (in a rational economy) would be silk, tea, and fine Chinese crafts. You know like it used to be before the insanity of fiat currency.