Who won in Ukraine? North Korea! Total victory of North Korea and Songun military first policy!

Author: Best.Korea


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When I was saying years ago that Kim Jong Un is one of the most skilled leaders ever, people thought I was joking.

For decades, South Korea and USA talked shit about North Korea.

"North Korea cannot sustain a war."

"North Korea cannot fight outside its borders."

"North Korea's technology is weak."

"North Korean soldiers are uncapable in a fight."

The story went on for years, until North Korea started shooting ICBMs every week.

Then it became clear that North Korea is one of only 4 countries in the world which have ICBM.

It was expected that North Korea wont achieve significant development, but North Korea produced hundreds of ICBMs in a very short period of time, which was previously considered impossible because all other countries who have ICBMs are much larger countries with much larger GDP.

But South Korea was still bragging how its technology is better, even tho South Korea has no ICBM.

South Korea was bragging until five North Korean drones crossed South Korean border and entered South Korean capital.

South Korea used airforce and anti-air to try to destroy the drones. The pursuit lasted for 5 hours, but South Korea failed to shoot down any of the drones. All five drones returned to North Korea.

South Korea was embarrased and humiliated, and one thing became very clear. In case of war, if USA doesnt come to help, South Korea will be obliterated by much stronger North Korea.

So the main problem for North Korea was the possibility of US attacking North Korea. However, that too has also completely changed now.

With war in Ukraine, Putin was running out of ammo and artillery shells. Thus, he requested North Korean help with that, and soon millions of North Korean shells came to Russia. With this, North Korea completely solved its food problem, since it now gains food from Russia.

But it doesnt stop there.

President of Ukraine thought it was a good idea to attack Russian soil and capture some of Russian territory.

Putin was losing, and was forced to sign a defense alliance with North Korea.

The alliance basically says that any attack on Russia or North Korea is an attack on both Russia and North Korea.

With this, it means that if USA was to ever attack North Korea, USA would automatically be at war with Russia.

This drastically improved North Korean position, basically making North Korea untouchable.

When president of Ukraine decided to make attacks on Russian soil, it triggered the defense alliance between North Korea and Russia.

Soon, tens of thousands of North Korean soldiers, hundreds of North Korean tanks, millions of artillery shells, advanced North Korean missiles all started coming to Russia, and Ukraine started having major losses after it was faced with combined strength of Russia and North Korea.

North Korea in return also gets Russian technology regarding ICBM, which improves North Korean position to the greatest possible level. 

Now North Korea is part of the strongest alliance in the world, while Germany is in crisis, USA is in crisis.

North Korean and Russian military production is simply greater than that of Ukraine's allies, because North Korea has millions of artillery shells and one of the largest artillery forces in the world.

Ukraine's allies cant afford to increase their military production, because their economies are already suffering greatly.

The Ukraine is lost.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Ukraine has plenty of weapons. They just lost too many people to artillery.