Many people keep their money in banks thinking its safe. Well, thats actually a scam.
Inflation almost always beats whatever bank gives you, so you are actually constantly losing money by keeping it in a bank.
Since money constantly loses value, it is pointless to save money. You are actually just losing money over time if you dont spend it.
So the best things to invest in are things which gain value over time.
Money loses value constantly, but things like gold and land tend to gain value over time.
The basic principle is to buy things which gain value over time and sell them later after they have gained value.
If you buy a land and build a house on it, you can gain money by both renting the house for decades, and then finally selling both land and house for a higher price than you paid to get them.
You can also rent land itself in case building a house on it is too big of a deal.
Its important to buy good and desirable land.
The only problem with land is that some countries have taxes you must pay if you own land. This can affect profit.
Gold gains value over time, which is why its also a good investment and works well against inflation.
I dont know what else would be a good investment.
If you are good at predicting which currency will rise in value, you can buy that currency, but thats just a huge gamble since no currency is a finite resource.
Finite resources are those which are usually guaranteed to increase in value if they are desirable.