Words are consisted of only 2 parts:
1. Things
Yes, words are consisted of things. Things like computer, forest, walking, sleeping, nice... these are all words which represent things. But this is not what reasoning is.
2. Logical links
Logical links are what reasoning is made of.
Logical links are words such as
-if, then, if, not then,
-only if, then, only if, not then
-means, doesnt mean
-cannot exist with, cannot exist without.
-can exist with, can exist without
-includes, excludes
-negation of logical link (opposite logical link)
-is, isnt
-contains, doesnt contain
-better, worse
-more important, less important
-equal, not equal
-same, different
-greater, smaller
-changes, doesnt change
-negates, doesnt negate
-outweighs, doesnt outweigh
Why am I telling you this? Its because people in schools learn a lot about things, but they dont learn much about logical links and how logical links specifically work.
Logical links are crucial for reasoning.
Without logical links and negations of logical links, proper thinking is impossible.
Logical links are all about relations of things.
What relationship is between A and B?
Does A only exist if B exists?
Just learning that A exists and that B exists tells you nothing about their relationship.
Thus, schools should probably teach about logical links, because it seems to me that most people are clueless about what logical links are, and those who arent clueless didnt learn about them in school but on their own research.
Logical links are what reasoning is all about.
All reasoning is made only of logical links.
Its not possible to reason without using logical links.
Thus, the more logical links person learns, the more person's reasoning ability improves.
Thus, logic can indeed be learned. Its not just owned by smart people.
Logic can be easily learned if person learns logical links and learns their meanings.
When you learn a new language, learning logical links is a priority for being able to speak it.