ADOL & Tim Pool on Rape as Punishment

Author: ADreamOfLiberty


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This is a repost from another website (a naughty forum). I felt I should post it here because I quote someone from this site. When I say "this website" I'm not talking about debateart.

I thought this would be the ideal time to make a point, what with the normally impenetrable derision characteristic of the internet scum bag being subdued by recent events. At least the scum bags suffering from TDS.

Right about now a lot of you will be complaining about all the hateful rhetoric and how scared everyone should be, but this is the perfect time to remind you that you have some scary (and despicable) pieces of shit on your side too. Did you call them out when you were riding high and thought you were on the right side of history?

A most useful example is something that has been a trigger issue of mine for a long time. Rape as a form of hexing. Wishing rape upon your enemies or those you find despicable.

Why? Well before this website existed I was debating people about the morality of bestiality. The psychology of the normal person in regards to bestiality is a complicated subject but suffice to say a lot of normies are disgusted and a certain subset of those disgusted people seemed to find some sort of vent in wishing rape upon myself and all zoosexuals.

It happened with such frequency that I concluded it was more than merely a random insult (not that it would be tolerable as such). One's first guess would be that it was some kind of an 'eye for an eye' thing. They think zoosexuals are rapists, and rapists should be raped.

After all certainly the most common example of people cheering prison rape is the rape of supposed pedophiles and it's pretty clear that many of the people cheering see some kind of poetic justice in it.

That doesn't explain everything though. You see in the case of zoosexuals the rape fantasizers were often quite particular about the rapist being an animal.

I can't recall the people fantasizing about the rape of pedophiles ever specifying that the rapist ought to be a child. There is something to that difference in terms of a tacit admission that animals are not like children, they have no 'innocence' to protect.

Still there is a final piece of the puzzle. Sometimes people fantasize about the rape of people by non-humans with no context of zoosexuality.

This was posted by someone called Sidewalker April 28th 2024 (emphasis bold added).
Key Takeaways:

  1. Recent legal processes say Donald Trump has 91 Felony charges

  2. Despite some improvements in prison security, Trump will soon be putting on a dress and dancing for his cell mate "Rocky".

  3. The halls will be filled with the sound of "The Donald" squealing like a pig.
  4. Rocky's new nickname for Trump will be "My Bitch".
  5. Trump also squeals like a pig for Rocky's friends, relatives, and some large mammals.

  6. Trump learns to enjoy squealing like a pig for Rocky and his friends.
Here the prison rape fantasy is combined with animal rape, as if to emphasize... what?

Dehumanization, that's the answer. Defilement, shame, defeat, etc...

The common denominator of all rape fantasizers is that they think its shameful to be raped. That there is some kind of cosmic justice which causes only those who deserve it to be raped, or at least those who deserved it to be raped more than others.

We don't have to look very hard at the history and diversity of human cultures to see this idea expressed. When I connected it to the honor killing of raped women I knew I had figured it out.

Now these people are not necessarily consciously aware of it, but in my opinion it is the only plausible reason these rape fantasizers could get an ounce of catharsis out of their fantasy; and they clearly do and they get more when they make it public and sneer and laugh at the victim.

From the time I realized this on it has always infuriated me. To give an analogy: It's OK to hate Hissene Habre, but when you throw the hard R in your insults you're saying something about yourself too.


Isn't this all just people talking on the internet? Who cares?

Well the assertion that the internet is a fake world where no words matter was always stupid and it's getting stupider every year.

We're real people talking to real people, and worse we're often more honest than we are in person. If you want to know why politeness exists just imagine how quickly the punching would start if people acted in real life as they do online.

Prison rape is not just an abstract idea, it happens; and given that it's been a long time since the invention of the security camera one can only conclude that it's being allowed to happen.

The only reason it would be allowed to happen is these sick rape fantasizers. It truly is a slippery slope for the victims are not all zoosexuals and pedophiles (not that anyone deserves it).

The rape fantasizer will slide down the slope and start to imagine more and more enemies and those they find beneath them as valid targets for punishment by rape. There is perhaps nothing more corrosive to society than to imagine political disagreement to be a valid basis for torture and yet rape fantasizers have already and will continue to publicly interject the image of their political opponents being raped, not as some well intentioned warning or worse case prediction but as a implicit wish.

Some shitstains on this website have done this and some have done it to me, and they know who they are. I have given an example of someone doing it about a former president and presidential candidate.

These people are enabling a most inexcusable torture, they are doing it over reasons that would be insufficient to slap someone, and it is more than just talk:

Jason Galanis claims to have been sexually abused in prison. There is a strong implication that it was done in political retribution. I'm not a human lie detector but his acting is good enough to convince me.

A commentator I regularly follow commented on that story and I'd like to amplify what he said:

Welcome to the brave new world. It's not surprising. These things have happened forever. It appears that his story is... I don't know if he's trying to make that direct connection, but it appears so, that he's basically saying: When he decided to speak out and alert people to what was going on, providing evidence. The corrupt individuals in government, the "Biden crime family", whatever you want to call it, set out to retaliate against him to the point where he was sexually abused.

Because they know that's a form of torture, and it's colloquially... I mean it's a joke in the United States.

How horrifying is that?

That we live in a world where... in this country the left, they gloat, they laugh about it! That... these people will be raped in prison.

That's torture, but that's what communists do, they don't care about enlightenment values, they don't care about truth or honesty, they don't care about a functioning system. They care about power.

Unfortunately that's the world we're in. That's it. All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

I know that it isn't only the left-tribe that does this. I stopped listening to Stephen Crowder entirely because their "jokes" about prison rape were transparently wishful fantasies. The left, or more accurately the trump deranged are the only ones I have seen fantasize about it for random citizens and candidates for high office (accused of sexual crimes or not).

The Trump deranged are trying to normalize it in new contexts when it was abhorrent in the original one (of dehumanizing sexual deviants).

Tim Pool went on to say:
All I can say is: you better hope and pray and beg that people actually get out register people to vote, knock on doors, and come November create a red wave that eclipses all other elections and Trump wins.
That is more or less what happened. So Trump won't be getting raped in prison by animals as Sidewalker hoped. Nor will I be raped in prison for exercising my 1st amendment rights. But there are people who have already suffered assault and still rapists and those who delight in the idea of their enemies being raped.

Justice demands the villains pay dearly and the victimization stops. That requires more than prison reform. It requires that the scum who dare to openly fantasize about their enemies being raped are ostracized.

FYI I don't have the slightest interest of associating with anyone who is interested in permitting any rapes even to his or her worst enemy, similarly I have no interest in the advise or friendship of anyone who thinks playing dumb or letting it slide is in any way noble or appropriate. Obviously say your piece of that is how you feel but I will almost certainly ignore it.
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A call out thread?

This is what happens when MAGA wins. MAGA loses its mind.
FLRW's avatar
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Don't worry, our plan to wipe out the Republican Party has worked.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
our plan to wipe out the Republican Party has worked