Gravity Exists { L. Susskind }

Author: ebuc


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Time Stamp 32:58 approx, L Susskind states that we know gravity exists.

The key points of this interview with Sussking --think LIGO String Theory etc--- and Ive only watched some of it:

1} Capitial S string theory has failed to offer a known mathematical theory  that describes/agrees with our known space-time reality ---small s string theory--,

2} the vid is failure of string theory and the two primary issues that are in the way, are,

....2a} string theory unifies quantum mechanics and gravity { as a quantum }, however, it is supersymmetrical and our space-time Universe is not,

....2b} is that, any small s { generalised } theories that may exist, can only be found within the ' landscape ' of 10^500 or greater possible small s theories. 

3} that proton has no known decay rate is something I learned about some 40 years ago, and Susskind when asked in vid, states, that is interesting problem, that, is addressed most approximately accurately in  Theory of Everything called SU5, however, that theory is not complete with our reality so it is now a subset of or a greater theories called 010 and 016 etc, and tho they predict the when a proton will decay ---10^33 years---  there is no known way to prove it with any experiments.

Time stamp of this begins at 22:30 or so.  I love it. 

4} string theory has not failed in solving any issues with understand black holes, and that is big win for string theory, according to Susskind.  Roy Kerr of rotating black holes would be interesting person I would like to here Susskind address.  I say this, because Roy Kerr likes to point out, that, most of the black hole maths stem from a static --not dynamically rotating--- black hole and that he believes all black holes are rotating.

Duhh, there is no celestial object that is not rotating, in relation to some other celestial objects of Universe. Logical, common sense critical thinking conclusion.
Sidewalker's avatar
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Time Stamp 32:58 approx, L Susskind states that we know gravity exists.

The key points of this interview with Sussking --think LIGO String Theory etc--- and Ive only watched some of it:

1} Capitial S string theory has failed to offer a known mathematical theory  that describes/agrees with our known space-time reality ---small s string theory--,
There isn’t a single string theory, there are five differentgroupings of theories, none of which make any contact whatsoever with our knownspace-time reality. Just to make the mathematics work, they had to invent tenor 11 new dimensions of reality, so the reality that they are attempting toconnect to is imaginary.

2} the vid is failure of string theory and the two primary issues that are in the way, are,

....2a} string theory unifies quantum mechanics and gravity { as a quantum }, however, it is supersymmetrical and our space-time Universe is not,
Except that no, it does not unify quantum mechanics andgravity by any stretch of the imagination.  It is strictly a theoretical conjuring with mathematics, it is notobservable or testable, even in theory, which is to say, it is not a scientifictheory.

....2b} is that, any small s { generalised } theories that may exist, can only be found within the ' landscape ' of 10^500 or greater possible small s theories. 
Lets recognize how big that number is, there are anestimated 10^81 subatomic particles in the visible universe, 10^500 isindistinguishable from infinity.  Atheory with and infinite number of possible outcomes, each with it’s own set ofphysical laws, is not a theory of everything, it is a theory of anything, andas such, it has no meaning, it has no contact whatsoever with reality.

3} that proton has no known decay rate is something I learned about some 40 years ago, and Susskind when asked in vid, states, that is interesting problem, that, is addressed most approximately accurately in  Theory of Everything called SU5, however, that theory is not complete with our reality so it is now a subset of or a greater theories called 010 and 016 etc, and tho they predict the when a proton will decay ---10^33 years---  there is no known way to prove it with any experiments.

Time stamp of this begins at 22:30 or so.  I love it. 

4} string theory has not failed in solving any issues with understand black holes, and that is big win for string theory, according to Susskind.  Roy Kerr of rotating black holes would be interesting person I would like to here Susskind address.  I say this, because Roy Kerr likes to point out, that, most of the black hole maths stem from a static --not dynamically rotating--- black hole and that he believes all black holes are rotating.

Duhh, there is no celestial object that is not rotating, in relation to some other celestial objects of Universe. Logical, common sense critical thinking conclusion.
I’m not sure what you mean by “not failed in solving anyissues with understand black holes”, it hasn’t “solved” anything in relation toblack holes, there has been a lot of speculation about how quantum theory canapply to a black hole, but string theory has not been applied to the realworld, or to black holes, it is nothing but abstract mathematics.

But we are just too arrogant to think we can’t knoweverything and it never occurs to us that our theories themselves could be akind of triangulation in which complementary pairs of imperfect theories –Classical Physics/Quantum Physics, electroweak theory (QED)/theory of thestrong force (QCD), Standard Model/ General Relativity – are used to home in,as best we can, on phenomena beyond the reach of human ability to observe, andit’s just the best we can do.  Maps arenot territory, and there are limits to our mental powers and our mathematics,and maybe we should consider that we have just taken the mind as far as it cango.
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OMG, are you related to Stephen Hawking?
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OBTW, my prppics are now National Heroes.
ebuc's avatar
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SW, I had long reply to all of your comments. Then it wouldnt post and I lost it all.

Most of what you state is in the vid is what Susskind states in the vid, tho, some of what you state, he states otherwise.

Sorry I didnt have time stamps for the black hole stuff Susskind commented on, but it is in first half of the vid.

Sidewalker's avatar
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SW, I had long reply to all of your comments. Then it wouldn't post and I lost it all.
I also did a long post to expand on what I was saying, I didn't lose mine, I had to take my mind off the election tomorrow, so I decided to expand on my comments.

So let me tell you how I really feel about String Theory, let’s call it what it is, a rant.

Our theory of gravity, the General Theory of Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics are fundamentally different theories that have different formulations, that represent incompatible descriptions of reality.  Relativity theory represents reality as deterministic and local; Quantum physics represents reality as probabilistic and non-local. They have fundamentally incompatible and mutually exclusive conceptions of time, space, matter, and energy, and they are expressed in two completely different types of mathematics.

One works incredibly well at very small scales but completely falls apart at cosmic scales, the other works very well at very large scales but completely falls apart at the smallest scales.  These are two of the most successful and well proven theories ever, and most importantly, they work very well in their applicable areas, which is the whole point of scientific theories. 

String theory is nothing more than an abstract mathematical attempt to reconcile these two theories, which has nothing to do with the real world, cannot be considered physics because every bit of it theoretically unobserved and unobservable, everything about it is unfalsifiable.  It is about mathematics, it isn’t about the real world. It needs anywhere from 7 to 22 more spatial dimensions to be consistent, and it predicts 10^500 different universes, all with completely different laws of physics, and all of it unobservable, undetectable, and unfalsifiable, it can’t be confirmed, even in theory.  The problem is that we confuse these mathematical musings with science, and assume there must be a corresponding reality that we just can’t observe, and better yet, we can’t falsify, even theoretically.
We call our theories “laws of nature” and then come to believe that nature isn’t allowed to break our laws, that the laws determine how reality must behave.

Never really believing that it is impossible for us to know the ultimate, we have seized on quantum theory not as a tool for interpreting experiments, but as a statement about how the world really is.   Rather than recognize that our mathematics and our theories are practical tools that help us interpret experiments, we have confused the tools of science with the substance of science, we confuse the map with the territory. So we decide that the standard model tells us what matter and energy are, the actual stuff of the universe is made up of waves of probability, a realm of pure possibility that goes unrealized until it is “collapsed” by an observer, who apparently conjures the particle into existence out of a mathematical haze.  We can’t ever see these particles directly of course, they are hypothetical particles acting according to theory, interacting with other hypothetical particles, whose existence is built on a very long chain of inferences, but at the end of this series of hypothesized reactions, matter and energy come into being.  We know the particles exist because they were verified by experiment; and we know the experiment was designed correctly because it found the particles. But we are too self-absorbed with our technology to wonder whether perhaps, just maybe, we are interpreting machines, mathematics, and theories, instead of nature.

When we see that the theory doesn’t fit the observations, we don’t think the theory must be wrong, we decide it’s the observed reality that is wrong.  The laws of gravity don’t hold up unless we find something that is holding the galaxies together, there must be something else, something unobserved and perhaps unobservable – some kind of unseen matter that emits no radiation, and we say we know it by its secondary effects, it is an “inferred” phenomena. And what is that secondary, inferred phenomena?  It is the fact that the current theoretical framework doesn’t explain the observations.  But our theoretical framework can’t be wrong, we can never accept that our theories might be wrong or at least incomplete, it must be the universe that is wrong or incomplete, so we decide that the universe that the conceptual framework was supposed to explain is only 1% of reality, there must be another 99% of it that is unobserved and unobservable, and we will call it dark matter.  The facts didn’t fit the conceptual framework, so we change the facts. 

And it goes on and on, Galaxies spin in contradiction of Newton’s laws, so there must be unobservable dark matter, the expansion of the universe appears to be accelerating, so there must be unobservable dark energy. Beta decay violates the conservation law so we invent invisible neutrinos, a single proton at a time still displays an interference pattern in the double slit experiment so we say that a single proton travels every possible path simultaneously and therefore it interferes with itself, the universe appears to be fine-tuned so we say there are an infinite number of undetectable universes and we just happen to live in one that looks fine tuned. Somewhere along the way, in the last three decades, the observed universe we were trying to understand with our theories became subordinate to the theories, rather than adjusting the theories to fit the facts, we began adjusting the facts to fit the theories.  Somewhere along the way, the observed universe we were trying to understand was no longer reality, it was just 1% of reality, and that contrivance wasn’t even the universe anymore, it was just one of an infinite number of universes, all of it unobserved and unobservable, and all so the sacred theory could remain intact.

It seems we have gone from a realm of pure possibility that goes unrealized until it is “collapsed” by an observer, who apparently conjures a particle into existence out of a mathematical haze, to an entire realm of pure abstraction, that goes unrealized until it is “collapsed” by a theory, and that apparently conjures entire universes into existence out of a mathematical haze.  And I have to wonder if we are still doing science.  We are doing some incredibly complicated things with mathematics, but they are abstraction that do not correspond to reality. We confuse the tools of science with the substance of science, we decide the theory is what is real, and rather than have the theory conform to reality, we decide that it’s the reality that must conform. to the theory.  All of it unobserved and unobservable, and completely unfalsifiable, which is to say, it is a matter of faith rather than science.

The enterprise of science has largely abandoned its reliance on observations and gone into the business of manufacturing unobserved and unobservable realities in order to support the theories.  I’m not really sure what this process is, but I know what it isn’t, it isn’t science, it’s something else, and because it is based on unobserved and unobservable realities, its completely faith based.

Einstein said “It is the theory that allows us to see the facts”, but I don’t think he ever said anything about inventing facts to fit the theory. I’m sure he never said anything about the theory being what is most real, and that reality should just be altered to fit the theory. In the end, if you really think about it rather than just accept what the High Priests bring down from the mountain of complexity on their stone tablets, it’s not hard to see that science has built a self-sustaining system, a mathematical tissue of concepts, its gone way beyond interpretation of observations to become a tower of abstraction that is detached from the reality it was meant to interpret.

ebuc's avatar
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Susskind catagories string theory as part with capital S and small s.  One is Sitter spce and the other desitter space.

Without watching the first half of the vid again, I cant recall which is the more generalized theory that would match our reality and it has not yet been found in the 10^500 plus possible string theories.

Apparrently since it has become so difficult o explore 10^500 plus string theories, their is no one willing to pay young people to take on the difficult mathematical task. This is sort of reminscent of when Einstein ran into math problem of a immense amount of calculations to do, and he stated no one would ever do them all.

Mathematician Karl Schwarzschild who on front lines of world 1, solved complex equations Einstein needed. 

.."The German physicist Karl Schwarzschild provided the first solution of Einstein's field equations, contributing to the understanding of black holes. "..

Karl found a mathematical a way to decrease the huge amount of maths required to solve Einstiens equations. That was the key, by taking a mathematical short cut, that he developed while on the front lines of war.  This is what Susskind is saying for youth today, that, if they have to put money aside and use a diffferrent mind set to approach this 10^550 plus possible theories/math scenarios that match our reality.

Susskind just makes alot of this more simple for layman like myself to understand.  This is the hope AG-Intelligence, that, it can do the massive amount of research and put all of the complex scenarios for al sciences into simple and easy explanations for lay people.

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Gravity is a myth

Greyparrot's avatar
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OBTW, my prppics are now National Heroes.

Didn't you get pfp banned for porn?

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You miss it, don't you?
ebuc's avatar
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Gravity is a myth
I trust L Susskind  more than this person as well people who gave Nobel prize to four people for inventing  LIGO and the subsequent discovery of gravitational waves.

You may have missed that global news a few years back. Here is a utube to explain it using the most beautiful graph ever at time stamp 15:00 followed by a LEGO graph for youngsters to help grasp this 0.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 of space-time dilation-contraction at two LIGO labs 1000's of miles apart via time it tokk photons to travel in each leg.
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Sorry, a worm must have eaten part of my brain.
ebuc's avatar
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Sorry, a worm must have eaten part of my brain.

I understand how a worm, virus, trojan horse, MADA { Make America Dumb Again }, or  any of those is bad for the brain Ha!

LIGO for MADA folks .." when Hulse and Taylor measured the rate of orbital decay between these two objects, it perfectly matched what was predicted by general relativity. This was a beautiful confirmation of the existance of gravitational radiation, and the work won Hulse and Taylor the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993. Nevertheless, direct sensing of the waves eluded us.and the work won Hulse and Taylor the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1993. "...
..." Nevertheless, direct sensing of the waves eluded us. That changed in 2015 when LIGO became the first scientific instrument to physically sense the passage of a gravitational wave from the depths of space"..

.." Most sensitive: At its most sensitive state, LIGO will be able to detect a change in distance between its mirrors 1/10,000th the width of a proton! This is equivalent to measuring the distance to the nearest star (some 4.2 light years away) to an accuracy smaller than the width of a human hair. "...

..." grasp this 0.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 of space-time dilation-contraction " see post #11