Ruler of their-self, their family {?}/household, their property { home etc }.
Each ruler has a differrent set of rules, tho some or many rules may be shared in common. The greater the numbers of people the greater possibility there is wider degree of rules ---and more cultures/tribes/klans etc-- that may not so commonly shared rules, values etc.
Self rule > Other rule > Us rule > Them rule > ?
To cooperat,e or not cooperate, and to what degree of cooperation is just some of the questions that await the above.
Then there is those who will always be bigger, or wield more power --by whatever means-- and will there be cooperation on how to deal with those sets of person{s}?
Welcome to the human condition, that, is going to have varying degrees of chaos, depending on the circumstances.
All-for-one and one-for-all is the best spiritual starting place for any set of community { 2 or more }. Outside of that higher degree of spirituality, expect greater chances for chaos to occur.
Anarchy is just a fine line in the middle that is going to get over ruled/trampled --to varying degrees over varied times-- by those seeking order/stability in their lives.