"Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic" is an annoying game

Author: Best.Korea


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Sure, some might say "Best Star Wars game ever!"

And by story, it probably is.

However, I wanted to try and play as a pure force user, but it seems that the game really punished me hard for it.

Well, I was playing on most difficult setting and I got the idea "Why dont I try this?"

So, a counselor build with Wisdom and Charisma focus.

It seemed like a good idea.

And for a lot of the game, it was. Weaker enemies, even on most difficult setting, were obliterated by force storm, force kill or horror/insanity force.

But then I happen to run into Malak's apprentice.

I thought that my force powers will work on him due to my high wisdom.

Damn how I was wrong.

First, force powers such as insanity or horror dont have any effect. Literally just a waste of points and round to even try to use them. I used them over 30 times with 0 success and I realized they are completely useless.

Force kill, which usually damages and stuns weaker enemies for a long time, seems to not stun this guy at all. It only does some damage, but its not a lot of damage either.

My other party member has force drain life which seems to do some good damage, but my main character doesnt have drain life, so I am kinda not sure what to make of it.

Force storm seems to damage Malak's apprentice, but its not some great damage.

So to make it simple, after some research, it seems that there are only 4 force powers which work on him:
1. Drain life (I have only first level, and only one party member has it)
2. Force storm (i have level 2, not level 3 one)
3. Force wave (which I dont have)
4. Force kill (I have fully upgraded force kill, but it does really only some damage and doesnt stun)

So now, I am wondering something, what is exactly the point of leveling up wisdom and charisma in this game?

I cannot defend against his force powers even with max wisdom and charisma, and my force powers seem to always end up being saved by him and end up having weaker effect they would have anyway if I didnt even invest in wisdom and charisma at all.

As for force points, I keep running out of force points very quickly, even with so high wisdom.

So again, I am not sure whats the point of even investing in wisdom and charisma so much. I see no benefit in it.

Sure, I should have had drain life on both party members who have force, or I should have had force storm on both, not sure.

I probably wasted too many points on useless things. Charisma is probably not good, it doesnt seem to do anything.

But because I wasnt investing in health, all my characters get killed really quickly.

Malak's apprentice not only does huge damage, but my force powers dont seem to do much damage to him.

Like, his level is obviously much higher than mine somehow.

I feel like I can beat him only if I lower difficulty setting.

He has force powers like Death field (much more improved version of Drain life) which makes him heal really quickly.

He also stuns my character for like 12 seconds, and its almost impossible to save against his stun, while no stuns work on him.

This apprentice is simply overpowered character. Even with max Wisdom and Charisma, I can never stun him while he can almost always stun me for 12 seconds, which is a long time.

I just dont get it, whats the point of making game balance such that an enemy can basically freeze your entire party as much as he wants. Really, the only thing allowing me to even play against this guy is the fact that this computer enemy chooses not to spam stuns all the time, so I get to move during time when he chooses not to use it.

I really dont get it, the game balance sucks for pure force users.

There is simply nothing in it for you because no matter how much points you put in wisdom and charisma, you keep running out of force points very quickly, and your force powers still mostly fail to do anything except some small damage.

Like, really, the moment you run into a powerful enemy, it all falls apart and you have to lower difficulty setting.

Now, maybe it was my fault for not choosing different force powers like something similar to force breach, force storm on all characters, or drain life on all.

Also, definitely should have put some points in health.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Not gonna lie. Pure force user is probably the worst class in this game. I play from start now to try to invest more in only force wave, drain, storm and kill.

I dont know why is it that when you play as a lightsaber user, game is way too easy even on most difficult level, but when you try to play as pure force user, the game becomes insane and difficult.

It seems that force powers were placed in game to only serve as some support and thats all. Most of them are literally worthless. Like, other than drain and wave, I am not sure what to even use against more powerful sith. Kill is good vs weaker enemies. Force storm is kinda only good vs groups.
But even drain is not that useful, and wave requires level 18.

So basically, you are in theory much more powerful as a pure force user, but in practice you will always be meeting opponents with force immunity, making your force powers borderline useless and making you feel weak.

I mean, not sure why the game would give counsuler class if it just needs to be played same way as guardian class.