Formal and non-formal debate

Author: Best.Korea


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Every debate has at least two sides.

Sometimes there are multiple possibilities of one side.
For example, opposite of always doing something is never doing something, but also another opposite of never doing something is sometimes doing something.
There is also under which circumstances, and by how much. For example, opposites of "all" are some, none, half or majority, or any number or amount which is not "all".

Opponent presents his argument, and my job is simply to:
1. Present premises which are opposite of premises used in his arguments, opposite of premises he presented (negations)
2. Present my own arguments supported by new premises (my arguments)
3. Weigh importance of goals (like, why are my goals more important than the one opponent has set).

But I have to say, the idea of both formal and non-formal debate is a bit flawed.

Formal debate lets everyone have equal limited characters, and equal limited rounds.
However, this causes that some arguments cannot be presented, some arguments must be dropped because there is no character space to respond to all.
But I enjoy negating arguments more than I enjoy making them, even tho one must do both.

Non-formal debate has no character limit, but it also doesnt have round limit. However, it is filled with people trying to get last word. It can even last for 20 to 30 rounds. Simply, the bad thing about it is all the spam it enables. Both sides basically go at each other until one side grows tired of responding. Its not really ideal, because the one who gets last word feels like winner even if he isnt really anything close to it. Thus, it becomes more about spamming than about learning anything.

I dont know why I like debating so much. Kinda like computer programming, but instead of commands like if, then, else...ect. you use same logical connections to make and negate argument.

I realized I use hours each day debating about things I dont even care about, just because it feels somewhat good. Sure, there are things I care about, but I dont really find it much interesting to only defend things I support. I feel like things I dont support deserve some attention too.

I like both formal and non-formal debating. Its like some special kind of math average person is clueless about, yet is easily lured into doing by simple opposing view being presented.

Like, no one really cares if you are good at math, and you cant really challenge people to do math. But you can always challenge people to debate because most dont even know that most suck at it.