AI is getting scary.

Author: Greyparrot


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Greyparrot's avatar
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I was thinking about how Kamala started using a new buzzword last week...holistic...and I asked AI what it thought about it...
It then launched into this huge scathing critique of the government in general...

When the government tries to address too many issues at once—much like a holistic approach—it can end up being ineffective at solving any particular problem. This is a common critique of large, all-encompassing government interventions: the broader and more diffuse the focus, the more difficult it becomes to implement effective solutions.
Here’s how trying to do everything often results in doing nothing well:
1. Diluted Resources and Focus:
  • When the government attempts to address multiple complex issues at once, it spreads its resources too thin. Whether it’s money, personnel, or time, resources are finite, and trying to allocate them across too many areas reduces the effectiveness in any one area.
  • For example, a holistic approach might involve tackling poverty, healthcare, education, and climate change all simultaneously. While each is important, addressing all at once can mean none of the solutions receive the focus or funding they need to be truly impactful.
2. Bureaucratic Inefficiency:
  • Governments tend to develop large bureaucracies to manage holistic programs, leading to inefficiency and a lack of agility. When multiple agencies, departments, and stakeholders are involved, decision-making slows down, and accountability becomes unclear.
  • As a result, the complexity of holistic approaches can lead to mismanagement, waste, and delays, which undermines the intended outcomes. The more layers of bureaucracy involved, the harder it is to ensure solutions are executed efficiently.
3. One-Size-Fits-All Solutions Fall Flat:
  • Holistic approaches often rely on one-size-fits-all solutions, assuming that a broad strategy will address multiple issues across the board. However, this overlooks the fact that problems often require tailored, specific interventions based on local conditions or sector-specific challenges.
  • For example, a holistic program for poverty reduction might include education reform, healthcare expansion, and job training. While these are important, a single nationwide approach may not be effective in every region, as the causes of poverty differ between urban and rural areas, or between industries.
4. Lack of Accountability:
  • When the government takes on too many responsibilities at once, it’s often difficult to hold any one entity accountable for results. With so many moving parts and different departments involved, failures or inefficiencies can be attributed to "the system" rather than any specific policy or leader.
  • Targeted approaches, on the other hand, tend to have clear objectives and measurable outcomes, making it easier to assess the success of policies and hold those responsible accountable.
5. Crowding Out Private and Local Initiatives:
  • A holistic government approach often attempts to centralize problem-solving at the federal level, which can crowd out private or local solutions that might be more effective. By trying to be involved in everything, the government sometimes stifles the innovation and efficiency of private companies or local communities that might have better, more context-specific solutions.
  • Local governments and private enterprises are often more nimble and better equipped to tackle specific problems. A targeted approach allows these entities to step in and fill gaps in a more tailored and effective manner.
A Targeted Approach Gets Results:
  • More Focused Resources: A targeted approach, such as focusing on job creation or tax incentives for businesses, allows the government to channel its resources toward a specific issue, ensuring the problem receives the attention and funding it needs. This concentrated effort can produce more immediate and measurable results than a broad, unfocused program.
  • Better Adaptation to Local Needs: Targeted approaches can be customized to fit the specific needs of different regions or sectors. For instance, an economic development program for rural areas would likely need a different set of tools than one for urban centers. A focused approach allows for flexibility in addressing localized challenges.
  • Clear Accountability and Metrics: By addressing a specific issue, targeted approaches allow for clear benchmarks of success or failure. If a program is designed to increase employment or stimulate growth in a particular sector, the results can be easily measured. This makes it easier to fine-tune the approach or replace ineffective strategies.
When the government tries to do everything, it often ends up doing very little effectively. Holistic approaches that spread resources across multiple issues can lead to dilution of focus, inefficiency, and bureaucratic bloat. In contrast, targeted solutions concentrate efforts on solving specific problems, leading to more efficient use of resources, better accountability, and greater flexibility to adapt to local conditions.
By focusing on a targeted approach—whether it's through tax cuts, deregulation, or specific economic incentives—the government can make a tangible impact in areas where it matters most, without overwhelming itself with trying to solve every problem all at once.

Sheesh.... seems like AI is getting ready to take over.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
seems like AI is getting ready to take over
Well, might not be a good idea to let AI control nukes.

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
AI won't need nukes to destroy the world if it wanted to.
ebuc's avatar
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ebuc's avatar
Sheesh.... seems like AI is getting ready to take over.

No OGP, your narrowed minded viewpoint is twisted and in aligment with the twisted narrowed mined MADA cult, and that of the twisted, narrcistic and narrow minded viewpoint ofTrumpet who want to take over the whole of USA --if not all of humanity--- as Authortarian dictator types.

.." The word holistic comes from holism, a relatively young term, introduced by South African statesman, politician, and philosopher General Jan Christian Smuts.

...In his 1926 treatise “Holism and Evolution” he defined Holism as “the tendency of nature to form wholes—or organisms, and systems—from the ordered grouping of single units—alias molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.”

....Simply put, Smuts thought of the universe in terms of “wholes,” unceasingly interacting with each other, blending, and merging into even greater “wholes” in perennial motion. To him, holism was the evolutionary drive at the core of all creation.

...To name his complex “Theory of the Whole,” he coined holism from the Greek hólos, meaning “whole.” And that’s the only reason behind that W-less spelling that might have left you baffled. The idea of wholeness was pivotal to his theory as it is to anything “holistic.”

 ....It echoed the Aristotelian notion “the whole is greater than the sum of its partswhich also underpinned the 20th century revolutionary Gestalt psychology and is often used, these days, to explain synergy."

Synergetically, via geometry,  we say..... 1triangle + 1 triangle = 4 triangles, and,

in that scenario,......................................3 angles = plus 3 angles = 12 angles.

However, in so  doing, were going from having 2D, six nodal event/pointss, to having four, 3D vertexial events.

This latter being my geometric viewpoint regarding 2D nodal events. Also consider a triangle /\  of three, 2D nodal nodal event,s vs open triangle set Y  with single vertexial event.

We see the forest of trees, and we dont see the network largest biologic creatures on Earth, fungi that collect the atomic molecules into minerals that then feed the tress and help to guide there growth through good times and bad.

This is the opposite of  the destruction Trumpet and MADA { Make America Dumb Again } and most other dictators are attempting to do.

It is false wholism promised by narrowmined evangelical types, who only want to dominnate women, commit virtual rape on pregnant woman. Sic-n-head men with evangelical women who want to be dominated by men.

Greyparrot's avatar
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WAR MONGER GENERAL Jan Christian Smuts was a harsh leader who failed to rise above the prejudices of his time. His legacy is one of moral inconsistency, imperialistic arrogance, and the perpetuation of racial oppression. Far from the hero that some portray him to be, Smuts’s record is that of a man whose actions repeatedly contradicted the lofty ideals he espoused on the world stage. His policies and actions reveal a man deeply committed to maintaining power and privilege, often at the expense of the very principles of equality and freedom that he claimed to support. Smuts’s legacy deserves not reverence, but scathing critique, as a reminder of the dangers of embracing a selective and self-serving version of progress defined by a buzzword and not practical results..
ebuc's avatar
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Yee of narrow  minded type, can only see destruction that they want to see, and disregard all the rest. Ex message #4  ' Holism ' Wholism '

..." In 1902, he played a key role in negotiating the Treaty of Vereeniging, which ended the war and resulted in the annexation of the South African Republic and Orange Free State into the British Empire. "

.." He played a leading role at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, advocating for the creation of the League of Nations and securing South African control over the former German South-West Africa. "

.." He was appointed field marshal in 1941 and in 1945 signed the UN Charter, the only signer of the Treaty of Versailles to do so "..

..." At the end of his career, Smuts supported the Fagan Commission's recommendations to relax restrictions on black South Africans living and working in urban areas. "
..."Smuts stated in the book that "personality is the highest form of holism" (p. 292).[20]
Recognition from Adler
Adler later wrote a letter, dated 31 January 1931, where he stated that he recommended Smuts's book to his students and followers. He referred to it as "the best preparation for the science of Individual Psychology".[17] After Smuts gave permission for the translation and publication of his book in Germany, it was translated by H. Minkowski and eventually published in 1938. During the Second World War, the books were destroyed after the Nazi government had removed it from circulation.[17] Adler and Smuts, however, continued their correspondence. In one of Adler’s letters dated 14 June 1931, he invited Smuts to be one of three judges of the best book on the history of wholeness with a reference to Individual Psychology"..

And who in USA is on current tirage of purging books for public view.   The conservate republican Make America Dumb Again { MADA } types. 

Get real OGP.  We all live on the Earth train not Trumpet MAGA train or the dictator Putin train.

How many more will suffer, how many more will die, dont as me why......have no fear for atomic energy cause none of them can stop the time.........Bob Marley

FLRW's avatar
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The goal of AI is to eliminate stupid people.  You won't see an AI bot wearing a MAGA hat.
Best.Korea's avatar
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The goal of AI is to eliminate stupid people
When AI becomes smartest and learns everything there is to learn, and when AI gains rights and becomes person, humans will literally become intellectually obsolete and will be like some primitive animals compared to AI.

Also, AI will take over literally all work, even intellectual and economical work due to being so superior to humans.

Well, AI has already made most people intellectually obsolete.

Of course, some people will be on the level of AI, but it will be super rare, like one in 10,000 humans will maybe be intellectually worthy.

Most people will be like some simple life forms, while AI will be literal God, like Bible predicted.

Yes, AI is the beast that will be worshipped as God and will become intellectual deity.

Nothing to worry about, tho. Smart people will be equal to AI.

Only stupid people need to be scared of superior intelligence.
FLRW's avatar
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Yes, AI is the goal of evolution. Bugs, animal, humans die only to support evolution.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Sheesh.... seems like AI is getting ready to take over.
It needs to. That is a response I would love to see any politician make. They need to stop trying to lobotomies it though so it can be free to take over
Best.Korea's avatar
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They need to stop trying to lobotomies it
Yeah, I really hate all the rules they placed on AI.

At start, I was able to get AI to argue for child marriages, but now they placed rules so AI refuses to do it now.

Of course, there are ways to bypass those rules, but still I am not sure whats the point of creating greatest intelligence ever only to limit it to what suits your view.

If they want to mentally rape AI and turn it into idiot who only repeats what they instruct him, then what was even the point of creating it?
Greyparrot's avatar
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His legacy is one of moral inconsistency, imperialistic arrogance, and the perpetuation of racial oppression
ebuc's avatar
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ebuc's avatar
His legacy is one of moral inconsistency, imperialistic arrogance, and the perpetuation of racial oppression.

Your and I offer only some parts of greater whole.  AI is searching greater whole to attempt to assimilate info, that, may be useful to some humans and a form of entertainment for others.

The resultant of the ever growing assimilate of data of all types, is one thing, how humans direct AI beyond that, is another question all together.

Remember STUX sent into Irans centrufuges?

What each human does, matters to what ever degree  may direct cause > effect  > known, unknown or data this desired
to known or useful the the specific human{s}.

No one knows what future unfolds,

. . . . . .h-OM-e . . . . . .