I have found, via inspection, that the votes on who won a debate is way too subjective. Some votes do not reflect the contents of the debate. I saw one where the debater who used many sources was awarded NO points when the debater with NO sources was awarded points for "better sources" (?). It seems wrong.
Voting on debates is too subjective.
Voting is just people giving their opinions. If you dont want voters, then debating in forum is better. However, I never felt too much urge to chase voters regarding their votes. I want to encourage people to vote, not discourage them by attacking every slightly bad vote. However, there is an entity on the site who reports votes constantly.
Judging sources should be about the quality if the sources not number if sources to avoid free points by source spamming. A person with 1 source could theoretically have better sources than one with 20.
It could be the difference between 20 sources from buzzfeed or infowars vs 1 source of a video of the event being debated over.
*mind blown meme*
The situation was ...person A has 20 quality sources. Person B had ZERO sources. Yet the voter gave credit to person B. How could that stand?
I don't usually award source points but the best reasoning I can think of is if one person uses sources that disprove his own point or his opponent turns those sources against him.
I saw one where the debater who used many sources was awarded NO points when the debater with NO sources was awarded points for "better sources"
That's why there's a report button for votes.
So as Wylted said, awful votes may be reported and will usually be deleted. But the system will always be subjective as it depends on people donating their time to casting votes.