It's been a couple years since I did one of these, and with the uncertain future of the site there is unlikely to be another from me... Might as well do one last one for old times sake.
So, ask me anything!
My previous ones may be found at:
1} do have a leaning more or less toward the concept of belief of whether occupied space Universe is infinite { volume size et } or finite?
2} do have leaning more or less twoard the concept or belief of whether our occupied space Universe is eternally existent in various phases. Ex expanding contracting, all EMRadiation then all quark soup then all plasma etc type of feasible existence?
3} what trait of humanity gives you the most hope that, the end date for humanity is not going to occur within 100 years?
4} what trait humanity gives you the least hope that, the end date for is coming sooner rather than later in the future?
5} end date for DArt?
I’ve been off for a while, what’s uncertain about the site?
The Brink? Brilliant Jack Black show about the start of WWIII,
What are some songs you like the most?
What is your most memorable experience as a moderator?
and with the uncertain future of the site...
What's the best thing you've ever done?
I dont have any extra money. What would it cost to buy Dart?
How do you balance your liberal ideology and your religious beliefs?
and with the uncertain future of the site...Did I miss something?
Saved some lives while I was a medic.
Everyone should probably copy some top debates from top debaters, because if this site goes down, you are not going to have access to them anymore. Some debates on this site are too good to be lost forever.
What's the closest you have been to near death?
I don't know. It's a cash drain rather than an asset, so Michael would probably divest for very little if not outright for free; the main thing would just be paying for hosting, domain services, and putting the time in to code and recode it (which most people would be lost at).
Tricked how btw?
Ok worst thing you've ever done?