We really need to vote for a person who will legally grab the wealth of those who have a lot and give it to the poor.
So you want Robin Hood to run for President?
There wont be 100% tax rate, but should be close enough.
Now you are talking communism, I agree we should increase taxes on the rich substantially, but within reason. In most cases, the rich got rich in the first place by working contributing more to the economy, productivity, innovation, creativity, job creation, etc...if you take away the financial incentives for people to be more productive the economy loses, what you end up with is more poor people, not less.
Living in poverty is the worst thing that can happen, so government must prevent such situations.
Our economy provides for public assistance to the poor, it should be tied to incentives to become more productive, work, etc. A system that doesn't incent the poor, and dis-incents the rich, is a recipe for economic disaster.