Left-Fascism in Brazil and its Consequences

Author: Swagnarok


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After its 2022 presidential elections, in which Bolsonaro lost, Brazil had its own capitol storming. I don't condone this attack, in the same way that I don't condone what happened in the US on January 6, 2021. Unfortunately, the country's new President, Lula da Silva, used this as an excuse to go full-blown authoritarian. Using a high-ranking judge named Alexandre de Moraes (hereafter "Judge Moraes"), he started cracking down on right-wing speech online.

This started when the new regime ordered the suspension of several Brazilian right-wing accounts on Twitter, not for an actual crime but for "misinformation". This was done, presumably through Twitter's offices in Brazil. In April of this year those accounts were reinstated. Judge Moraes was incensed and ordered Twitter to reverse this course of action. Twitter's legal representative in the country was threatened with arrest if she didn't follow through, so she resigned, and even after her resignation Judge Moraes froze her bank accounts. After this, Judge Moraes demanded that Twitter appoint a new legal representative, and then imposed a deadline after which Twitter would be blocked in the country if the company refused.

That deadline has expired, and Judge Moraes has ordered internet service providers to block access to Twitter for Brazilian internet users. He also imposed an almost $9,000 fine (in Brazilian money) per day for instance of continuing to use Twitter via VPN. Reports suggest Brazil has also tried to curtail access to VPNs altogether.

What delicious irony. The mask has come off, and the self-described opponents of fascism have proven themselves to be among the worst fascists alive in the world today.
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To be clear, this will adversely impact 40 million Brazilian Twitter users, who have a right to freely access information online. Twitter is a huge and globally well-known platform. Without Twitter, most people will congregate to the lowest hanging fruit, such as Brazilian platforms under the government's oppressive thumb or other foreign platforms which are more than happy to collaborate with the Lula da Silva regime.
WyIted's avatar
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Once you get to the philosophical roots of liberalism, which granted many of them are not aware of, this sort of thing becomes very predictable and it's the natural consequence. 

Best.Korea's avatar
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have a right to freely access information online
Contrary to popular belief, having an internet isnt a right. You have to pay money to have internet, TV, newspapers...
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government's oppressive thumb

Public-Choice's avatar
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Thank you for finally highlighting the socialist foundations of fascism.

The fact of the matter is that progressivism and socialism and communism always result in totalitarianism. Here in America censorship ran rampant right alongside the Fascist investigations and jailings of parents and pro-lifers nonviolently protesting outside of schools and buildings in public areas.

The solution has always been the same: individual rights and a voluntaryist society. In fact, the reality is that Classical Liberals (or the REAL far-right) have always been at the forefront of fighting against colonialism, racism, fascism, slavery, totalitarianism, socialism, communism, and other oppressive ideologies that are a gross violation of peoples' rights and freedoms.

Neo-Naziism, Neo-Conservatism, and Paleoconservatism are all actually fascist and rather fond of massive, all-seeing governments that censor speech, actions, books, and ideologies they do not like. They have much more in common with progressives and communists than Classical Liberals. This is why I personally do not consider Paleoconservatism, Neo-Conservatism, and Neo-Naziism as far right. They want nothing to do with what is actually outlined in the Declaration of Independence. They want the same thing Progressives, socialists, and communists do, a massive government that beats the opposition into silence.

Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, John Locke, Adam Smith, Ben Franklin, Samuel Adams, and other famous abolitionists and fighters of antiracism and oppression were all Classical Liberals.

Brazil needs to, as Lew Rockwell explained for Americans, win the intellectual war against fascism and progressivism and advocate for Classical Liberalism, the most successful ideology for ending racism, oppression, slavery, and totalitarianism.
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The solution has always been the same: individual rights and a voluntaryist society.
Dont get me wrong. I am all for individual rights. The problem is that majority always wants the opposite thing.

All the bans, the taking away of rights were almost always carried by wings of majority, even demanded by majority.

So while I do like individual rights, the ability to sustain them demands support of majority that rejects them.
Public-Choice's avatar
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Once you get to the philosophical roots of liberalism, which granted many of them are not aware of, this sort of thing becomes very predictable and it's the natural consequence.
Impossible. Liberalism is for freedom of speech, property rights, free association, small government, and non-coercion.

Don't confuse the Progressives with Liberals. True liberalism is against oppression of any kind and a staunch defender of peoples' natural rights.
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Dont get me wrong. I am all for individual rights. The problem is that majority always wants the opposite thing.
Such is the dangers of democracy and government in general. Democracy, as famously put, is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. No Classical Liberal supports "democracy." In fact, the classical liberals who wrote the U.S. Constitution called democracy "tyranny of the majority" and promoted Montesqieu's (another classical liberal) theory of separation of powers so that government would infight amongst itself and thus prevent democracy from taking hold.

There is a reason American government was originally not set up as a direct democracy. It would have been too dangerous to people's rights and freedoms.

Most classical liberals would today be comfortable in minarchism. They wanted as small a government as possible and a well-armed populace to prevent the government from launching a coup and violating peoples' rights.

The Framers of the Constitution and other classical liberals despised government and viewed it as a "necessary evil."
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Montesqieu's (another classical liberal) theory of separation of powers so that government would infight amongst itself and thus prevent democracy from taking hold.
I really do need to read more about that. Democracy is bad, only existing due to no alternative.

There are some alternatives, but very not popular. How to convince majority to give up their own power?

WyIted's avatar
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Impossible. Liberalism is for freedom of speech, property rights, free association, small government, and non-coercion.
You might find this hard to believe but liberals in modern parlance, because we live in modern times, share some of the same philosophical assumptions as libertarians. That's why most of us libertarians become democrats or Republicans by the time we turn 30
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Yeah. Agreed. Modern liberals simply disagree over health care and welfare state in general with classical liberals.
ebuc's avatar
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The Framers of the Constitution and other classical liberals despised government and viewed it as a "necessary evil."

This is the kind illogical, lack of common sense critical thinking Make America Dumb Again and there component of violent tendencies ..." evil "...  like to espouse.

Of course whatever and whoever is labeled as "evil", then the false narrative, evangelical nutters { MADA } are always ready for another crusade against the infidelic intellectuals and truth.
End-date for humanity 2065 give or take 50 years from year 2015...i.e. 1965 >1990 <> 2015 >2040 <> 2065.?..?..?

66.4 { absolute time {T } * 3 { triangulate- to get a fix on this or that } = 199.2 { cosmic absolute volume { XYZ }  of time }

199.2^2 { nodal or vertexial surface growth of volumetric time 4 * Pi * radius squared{2^ }  = 39,680.64

39,680 * speed-of-radiation^2 = miles per second { 186000 }  ^2 { 2nd power }   is  7,380,599,040

 7,380,599,040 } is coincidentally, veryclose to the numerical value of humans on Earth in 2015 {7,379,797,139 }.

801,901 is the differrence between those two values. Round to 100,000.

1} why use mpsecond value { 18600 }, and not mphour, or miles per day, or month or year etc?

2} why use 3 { triangulation }?

3} why use 66.4 as Cosmic Absolute Time?

These questions are answered in another thread I posted couple years back.

Swagnarok's avatar
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Ah yes. This wouldn't truly be a DART thread without ebuc and one of his Time Cube posts. Keep deboonking those Evangelical nutters, man.
badger's avatar
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So deluded man. Ban a cesspit website where human decency and common sense are regularly subverted (and by right-wing lunatics every single time btw) and you're among the worst fascists alive in the world today. Ya, good one. Meanwhile you're locking kids in cages and carrying out an endless tirade against a group of people who dare to express themselves harmlessly in some way you deem unfit, looking real ready to roll out the concentration camps again when the next Hitler comes along. A politics predicated on hating other people entirely.

Ya know, this is what comes of letting the truly sexually aberrant into politics. And by that I mean the sexless and the repressed. It's just all these weirdo control issues and warped ideas. The rest of us are just out here living our lives man. Do you really think you've got any place telling us how when you're so clearly abnormal? Hating the thought of another coloured person entering the country. Hating the thought of any freedom in sex. I don't know how you don't see that this is all the same autistic shit that made Nazi eugenics. Just play some video games or something and shut up man. All conservatism is retarded weirdo bullshit. Humanity will be everything it will be. Was always a rainbow. 
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There really isn't a drop of self awareness on the right. This new "weird" campaign is such a winner for the democrats, finally getting to the heart of the whole thing. You've always been such a bunch of socially inept fuckfaces. Just eyesores, man. Just play some video games and leave us all alone. 
Public-Choice's avatar
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What in the world does any of that have to do with fascism and censorship?

I hope one day you realize that Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Un, Nero, and all the others were not corporations, or scientists, or classical liberals, but government officials.

Government has been responsible for the greatest, most horrific evils this world has ever known. Government caused the Holocaust. Government caused the death of Christians. Government rounded up Japanese Americans and locked them away in concentration camps. Government genocided the Unghyrs. Government killed tens of millions in the soviet purges. Government enslaved black people in America. Government keeps North Koreans starving to death. Government facilitates human trafficking. Government is responsible for dictatorships that starve citizens and enslave millions. Government enslaved the Jews and forced them to build monuments. Government sponsors Islamic terrorism around the globe.

The only dumb person is someone who looks at 6,000 years of human history and goes "government is a force for good." 
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Meanwhile you're locking kids in cages and carrying out an endless tirade against a group of people who dare to express themselves harmlessly in some way you deem unfit, looking real ready to roll out the concentration camps again when the next Hitler comes along. A politics predicated on hating other people entirely.
Don't rope me into that nonsense. I want to make immigration easier and am against censorship, concentration camps, and Hitlerian dictatorships.

The people you are talking about are either Progressives or Paleoconservatives, or SOME Neoconservatives.

We classical liberals stand unapologetically against the things you have mentioned. In fact, we are against locking people in cages without trials and censorship entirely. Unlike progressives, who censored COVID dissidents and locked Trump supporters in political prisons. But, hey. Politics is predicated by hate after all.

Many classical liberals are for open borders. I personally think a simple criminal and terrorist background check will suffice to become a citizen. Nothing more.
Swagnarok's avatar
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Ban a cesspit website where human decency and common sense are regularly subverted
Don't like Twitter? Think it's a cesspit? Then don't use it. There you go, problem solved. Just don't use it. Or better yet, use it and tweak your recommended content so that you're unlikely to get far-right tweets cluttering your feed.
But the thing is, you do not get to ban Twitter for 40 million people who do choose to use it, and whose lives are enriched by it in some form or another, because you're salty that a few people who you hate are also allowed to speak their minds on there.

and you're among the worst fascists alive in the world today
I'll admit that was somewhat hyperbolic (because I was posting while mad), but what's clear is that Brazil has taken a sharp authoritarian turn virtually overnight. You do not get to claim you're opposing fascism or protecting democracy and then turn around and do what fascists and other undemocratic regimes do, like using the state and its monopoly on violence to strip away free speech on the internet.

Meanwhile you're locking kids in cages
More of this Trump-era hysteria about kids in cages? We aren't past that?

Illegal immigrants trying to cross the border had to be intercepted and detained. That was the law of the land. Trump obeyed and enforced the law instead of breaking it like every recent President before him had, but Congress refused to authorize more funding for detention centers, so overcrowding was a problem for a while. During this time, children were separated from adults for obvious safety reasons, since the alternative was keeping them in close quarters with potential murderers and rapists, and because the "parents" they accompanied were often smugglers or even human traffickers.

and carrying out an endless tirade against a group of people who dare to express themselves harmlessly in some way you deem unfit
Compared to the culture warriors of 20-30 years ago, our aims are incredibly modest.

We want kids to wait until they're 18 before permanently sterilizing themselves and joining a fringe subculture with a sky-high suicide rate. We want the government and the oligarchic media to treat the subject neutrally instead of broadcasting psy-op propaganda to minors and easily influenced adults, without infringing on individual freedom of speech. Since bathroom stalls in America aren't very private, we don't want to create a situation where sexually predatory men would game a "transgender loophole" to gain access to female victims. On my part I support transmedicalism, in which men who are on hormones and have underwent surgery are eligible to change their legal sex and use women's bathrooms, and I think that moderates on both sides would find this a sensible compromise.

But supposing for the sake of argument that I'm wrong and all of the above is bad, it still doesn't rise to the level of killing free speech on the internet.

looking real ready to roll out the concentration camps again when the next Hitler comes along
I won't dignify this with a response.

Ya know, this is what comes of letting the truly sexually aberrant into politics. And by that I mean the sexless and the repressed.
If you mean conservatives in general, you're talking the demographic of married men with children who have plenty of regular non-deviant sex with their wives. If you mean DARTers left and right, then maybe you have a point.

The rest of us are just out here living our lives man. 
Given that you support what Brazil's doing, this is patently false.

Do you really think you've got any place telling us how when you're so clearly abnormal?
You're clearly out of your mind at this point and raving complete nonsense.

Hating the thought of another coloured person entering the country.
We are the party of legal immigration. Doesn't matter their skin color so long as they respect the law and would contribute positively to America instead of going straight onto the dole, committing crimes, or siding with a revisionist ideology that would tear down the founding ideas of our country.

You've always been such a bunch of socially inept fuckfaces.
It's clear you are full of hate and prejudice, and you have zero business accusing us of bearing this attribute.
badger's avatar
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It's clear you are full of hate and prejudice, and you have zero business accusing us of bearing this attribute.
I don't hate you. I guess I find myself frustrated by you.

We are the party of legal immigration. 
Until you're the party of concentration camps. You were ready for Israel to destroy all of Palestine to get Hamas about 10 posts ago.

Twitter is a shithole where right wing lunatics foment hate. The site has been weaponised. Baffles me that you would sneer about it being banned tbh. It must be because you're on the wrong side of dangerous rhetoric. 

Those 40 million Brazilians can do something else. Read a book. They're in no danger from their government. They'll get their vote next election.
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Religion really did such a number on humanity tbh. We got a bunch of weirdos walking around like the Borg just wanting to stamp out anything remotely different to themselves. Pink hair, men in skirts and differences in skin tone are crises to these people. And it's the same of Islam. All those terrorists you want to keep out are your emotional equivalents, the same stunted, repressed headcases. It's religion your border checks should screen for. Just none of this shit matters. I got weirdo hang-ups too. Gotta part my hair a certain way. My girlfriend buys me these Italian style jackets sometimes hoping I'll wear them and I feel totally out of my own skin in them. It's pure autism really. I guess nobody wants to look out of place. We're a bunch of clones at our place of worship, sit, stand, kneel, prostrate. I mean, thank God for the men in skirts in all honesty. Let me see a Muslim break out of that wacky prostration into a break dance or something. The world is changing for the better. Sure, there will be growing pains, but it beats religion's tyranny of the soul. Swag, your party is the Nazi party. Rationalise all you like, the mass of conservatives are dumb hick racists and you're the same lizard brain. Your horse is tied to the same cart. Just chill the fuck out.
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Ya know I got a brother with this awesome red hair. I mean I used to tease him about it relentlessly as a kid, but he's a man now and he owns it. But as kids we'd all be about town in our black and grey tracksuits, not a drop of colour in the place. And then he starts finding a bit of self expression and he's colourful by default so he's choosing all these bright t-shirts and trainers and by degrees the rest of us follow suit and soon the youth of that small town are full of colour. He was like a red headed paint brush to the town. That's what diversity is. It's beautiful. I mean that's a cheesy little anecdote but I believe that.
ebuc's avatar
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The only dumb person is someone who looks at 6,000 years of human history and goes "government is a force for good." 

You Make America Dumb Again { MADA }, type of people, lack logical, common sense critical thinking, avenues of thought  that, is more omni-considerate  of all possible pathways of social, culture endeavors exorcised in moderation/balance.

...PChoice...." The Framers of the Constitution and other classical liberals despised government and viewed it as a "necessary evil."..

The above comment I addressed and it only sees any and only societal government as "evil".   This causes the MADA types to envoke there violent tendencies to come forward and commit jan 6th type crimes and death, as weve seen at other MADA events ---cars driving into crowds of people killing them--- etc.

I think it goes back to Biblical ---three violent religions...  thinking, that, saw "evil" at every turn, and left a trail of violent acts behind them.

Violence begats more violence and that is understood how it occurs in a domino-like effect, where the domino's come around in a loop to bite the ass of those who begat the initial violent acts.

Then we get into an biblical eye for and eye and tooth for a tooth religous beliefs the get way out of control, and run the potential of leaving the whole world blind, or now days annihilated, exorcised from the planet Earth.

Compassion, comprimise, balance, moderations, cooperation of which, all take clear communication based on truth, and not the false narrative that Trumpet and his MADA cult espouse in a religous manner, to attack all aspects of governance.

Humanity  has not and never will exist without governance. 

Corporations exist only as profit mongering, and not as tools of compassionate, balanced, ecologically sustaining pathways for humanity.

Profit > ( * i  * ) < governance

Seek a balanced medium that insures humanities existence the most days forward, with least amount of suffering and a reasonable standard of living, that, encourages happiness of living with clean air, clean water, food and shelter and in omni-considerate balance of population and ecological systems needed to sustain that population.

The perma-frost is melting. The forests are vanishing. The glaciers are vanishing.  Need I go on to reach some intellectual place of a smart future that is aware of these truths?

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Swagk..Don't like Twitter? Think it's a cesspit? Then don't use it.

Dont speak any truth about it either less you run into the wrath of those Make America Dumb Again types, who ---via their cult leader Trumpe---t, tend toward uneccesary encourgement of violence.   Sic-n-head types are on roll with Trumpet tooting the horn that its ok to attack any all starting with the politicians, and his own vice-president.

Sic-n-head MADA types are not "evil".  There just some percentage sic-n-head and the others of the cult follow along because of some relgious fervor, further encouraged by the nutter evangelical types.

Let the crusaders march on USA capital and any who favor democracy over Trumpet as dictator to the mobs of crusader types.
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This causes the MADA types to envoke there violent tendencies to come forward and commit jan 6th type crimes and death, as weve seen at other MADA events ---cars driving into crowds of people killing them--- etc.
There were so many FBI agents and informants at J6 that the FBI lost count. 😂😂😂 How in the world is that possibly caused by MAGA people when the FBI was literally in on it??? They were told, in advance, that Antifa and the Proud Boys and other extremist groups completely divorced from Trump's core base would cause violence and, rather than accept the increase in the national guard and place more police officers there, they let it all happen.

Then we get into an biblical eye for and eye and tooth for a tooth religous beliefs the get way out of control, and run the potential of leaving the whole world blind, or now days annihilated, exorcised from the planet Earth.
Jesus said: You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.

Where is Christianity promoting  violence onto people? It is one thing to defend yourself. It is another to cause violence onto someone else. I do not support going around attacking people back for their attacking me, but I do support standing my ground if they attack me first in that moment.

Humanity  has not and never will exist without governance. 
I'd like to introduce you to Slab City, California and other communities that exist without a government system. There is no reason to have a Congress. There is no actual reason to make new laws endlessly and constantly burden people, steal their money, and beat them into submission to enrich those at the top. The history of government has been the same for 6,000 years, a few people at the top steal from everyone else, enslave them, and then kill them when they resist by people who are falsely told that people who no longer decide to be broke slaves and want freedom are threats to their security. Why would anyone sign up for that willingly without first being gaslit and lied to?

Can a perfect government exist? Yeah. Has any country ever gotten one? Not even close. I mean just look at what happened in 1789 right after the Constitution was signed. The first thing the U.S. Government did was ban newspapers that were critical of politicians and say it was illegal to protest against the government. But because all the newspapers and a massive amount of the population, which was too big for the military to handle, was in the process of preparing for another revolutionary war, the government repealed the newspaper laws but still kept in place the anti-protest ones. That was apparently enough to curb the revolution.

The first thing any governments do is make it illegal to refuse to be a slave of their government. Violence or threats of violence aren't even required for this. Simply saying "no" is often enough to be thrown in jail or killed, even if you never even planned on fighting anyone physically. And you think that is good? 

To be clear. I am not advocating for violence or threats of violence. As a voluntaryist I only support completely voluntary interactions between individuals. Beating people up and killing them or forcing them to do what you want against their will hardly constitutes as voluntary. I would want a police system to go after those refusing to live by voluntaryism and an arbitration or court system to settle disputes peacefully. The police would simply enforce the results of those disputes. Shoot, I am even fine with going back to the original 1789 Constitution as long as there is provision against slavery and a provision upholding the right to associate with whomever you want and live and be wherever you want as long as it does not violate someone else's right to do the same, and a provision upholding property rights.
ebuc's avatar
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Jesus said: You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.

Thx PC, sorry no time to read it. Best Wishes  to your above and those all who respond to their specific set of  circumstance,s as they arise in humankinds ufolding future...........Amen!............