this little segment has a good rundown of inflation and price controls. I posted it here to avoid the usual suspects.
Price fixing
What gives? Why am I tagged?
Thought you had some ideas about price controls to fight inflation.
Price controls are for communists, that has never worked in the history of its inception. Govt needs to get the fuck out of everyone's lives and let the free market do the corrections. IE: all the fake wealth needs to be exposed for what it is. There is one thing govt could do that would improve the residential housing market. It should be illegal for corporations and LLC's to own residential property. Corporations and LLC's can build them but not own them, they must be sold to individuals once built. The price of housing is no longer based on individual earnings but rather corporate and stock market manipulation. In other words corporations are buying up residential property flipping it and selling it back to themselves. The average middle class wage earner no longer has a chance in hell of owning a home because of this. Black Rock is the single largest owner of residential real-estate at the moment or close to it.
24 days later
It should be illegal for corporations and LLC's to own residential property.
Woah, that's not very free market of you. Government making laws about who is allowed to own what? Communism!
A corporation is not a who its a legal business designation to limit legal liability. The point is a corporation doesn't play by the same rules as an individual. An individual cant deduct all the money that is spent repairing the the home or maintaining it. A corporation has no vested interest in the neighborhood. The reasons corporations should be allowed to own single family residences is endless. This in no way interferes with the free market than me not being allowed to own military weaponry.
An individual cant deduct all the money that is spent repairing the the home or maintaining it.
Actually they can, it just doesn't help because the law provides that capital gains tax is almost never levied against people selling one house and buying another in a "normal" way.
Although you could argue they should be able to write it off without selling their home.
You could also argue (and I have) that they shouldn't need to write it off because taxes are theft....
And you could argue property can't be owned which removes the advantage in land grabbing (which is what they're doing), and you could argue that if it wasn't for insane government interference in the free market these lunatics would never have gotten the huge piles of money they're desperately trying to convert to stable assets (which fiat currency is definitely not).
Of course students of history rightly laugh at them and those foreign governments buying up land in the USA and Canada. The land isn't yours if you can't defend it, and when shit hits the fan that land will belong to the neighborhood you better believe it.
"Although you could argue they should be able to write it off without selling their home."
I am arguing that homes bought under a corporate name can write off all expenses of home ownership, an individual can not. neither should be able to. Single family residences should never be owned by anyone other than individuals. This forces the price of residential real-estate be based on real world individual income not the not the less taxed capitol gains earnings of giant corporations and stock market hedge funds. The corporate take over of residential real-estate is by design, "You will own nothing and be happy"
Then they'll bribe city/county councils to rezone the land and they'll build apartments and townhouses. It's the land they want. The twig houses are incidental.Single family residences should never be owned by anyone other than individuals. This forces the price of residential real-estate be based on real world individual income
Price controls are for communists, that has never worked in the history of its inception. Govt needs to get the fuck out of everyone's lives and let the free market do the corrections.
What do you think about Trump’s tariffs?
"What do you think about Trump’s tariffs? " I think all companies outside of the US should have to comply with all the rules, regulations and expenses of doing business in this country if they want to export and sell products in this country. If not tariffs are the only answer. You cant compete if the rules favor the competition.
Ignoring the fact you don’t know how tariffs work, do you know what cognitive dissonance is?
"Ignoring the fact you don’t know how tariffs work," Please do enlighten me and everyone. How do tariffs work "in the United States" and why are they used?
It's basically a "sin tax" for supporting a rival nation. The rival nation faces a difficult choice: either:
A) Pass the full cost of the tariff onto consumers, ensuring a loss of market share to domestic competitors, or
B) Reduce prices significantly and absorb part of the tariff themselves, leading to a significant hit to their profits.
Both of these outcomes weakens the rival nation's trade.
Additionally, consumers are indirectly punished for choosing rival foreign products over domestic or allied nation ones, just as they would be with a traditional sin tax on certain societally detrimental goods or behaviors.
You could call it a "patriot tax"
Parrot has me blocked
The rival nation faces a difficult choice: either:
Affected businesses have a difficult choice: either:*