In the above Sabine mentions superposition of phase/state of any two entangled particles, each being both left and right oriented. See 1:40
I believe this superpotions exists as no less than two, dual invaginated, spiral surface trajectories of a Quantum Space-time Horn Tori, composing a particle ---ex single, quark or short lived meson--- with each these two spiral tori sharing a common center of gravity, and, at some angle of orientation to each other. Here link to horn torus with no spiral presented.
In the case of electron, I believe is is composed of 3, or 6, Space-time tori. If three tori then we have two possibilities:
1} two left spiral, or two right spiral, and if 6 tori,
In case of 6 spiral tori, then, more entanglement options of left and right spiral occur:
2 } 1 left and 5 right, or altenative vice versa
3} 2 left and 4 right, or alternative vice versa
4} 3 left, and 3 right is balanced superpoistion/entangled
The reason says 3 or 6 Space-time Tori, is because when Fullers VE contracts to its XYZ { 1, 2, 3 } Euclidean octahedral phase --see link below figure D-- the electron is a double valenced/bonded set of XYZ great planes, ergo, when dynamically spun, 2D great circles, that, I assoicate with 3D the dual invaginated, spiral, Quantum Space-time Horn Tori.
This above is one avenue to explain how a particle be both left and right simultaneously. Next comes how the two particles are entangled of any distance.
Ive presented variations of what occurs, and below is a new way to help it make more logical, common sense to me and hopefully others.
(>A<)( )( )( )( )(>B<) A and B are the invagination { (><) } tori that included Outer Gravity ( ) and Inner Dark Energy )( geodesic trajectories.
However, take note that the connections over any distance lack the dual invaginations. The invaginations are what create or Observed-physical reality-Time{ OT }.
In transit entanglment, there is no invaginations ergo no Observed-physical reality-Time{ OT }.
So how is the invaginated OT information maintened during transit? My best answer is that it is somehow maintained in the outer Gravity ( ) and inner Dark Energy )( surface geodesic of nodal events. See below how the pattern of four lines of nodal events would shift to only the two Outer and Inner.
1} Normal, asymmetrical, 2D four line pattern view of 3D, Torus
2} two inside lines are moved to outer and inner surface respectively
18/0-1........................5p-6-7p..................11p-12-13p....................17p-18/0-1 closed loop outer surface set repeat
...........2p-3p-4............................8-9-10.........................14-15-16...........closed loop inner surface set repeat
This is interesting and new for me, to make this pattern this way. I like it! :--)) * i *((--: